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Bryopsis help.


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I've had two doses so far and bryopsis still keeps popping up in little clumps inside the rest of my macro. This product might take some time and I'll keep you all updated but it's not looking like it's doing much.


Funny you post this because I can't tell yet if I'm a believer or not.

I'm doing a WC today because it looks like Dino's are coming back.

But I can't tell as I just took a quick look at the tank.

Today I'll have plenty of time as My car is in the shop.

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Like I said it's still way too early to tell but I'm going to say I have been very skeptical. I just don't believe in cure all magic bullets.


More than anything, vinegar, manual removal and a toothbrush have been slowly winning the war on bryopsis. Tech m certainly didn't help.

Edited by youcallmenny
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I am going to try this product since i have a number of tanks to try it on including one that had some cyano and another with debersia on the Caluerpa Racemosa. I was wondering if any one wanted to tag onto this order as well. I am sure I could bring the order to the upcoming December meeting if some one wanted to try something.


In my experiment I do not plan on changing existing maintenance tactics, this will help in isolating any positive effects.

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I am going to try this product since i have a number of tanks to try it on including one that had some cyano and another with debersia on the Caluerpa Racemosa. I was wondering if any one wanted to tag onto this order as well. I am sure I could bring the order to the upcoming December meeting if some one wanted to try something.


In my experiment I do not plan on changing existing maintenance tactics, this will help in isolating any positive effects.

They have a product for cyano that works really well!!!

I'm still not sure what to think about this product. Hard to tell and will see in the next couple weeks.

I'm only dosing a 10 gallon so should be pretty easy to see or not to see change and just not sure. The back of the tank is 90% clear but seems to be coming up same spot in front of tank.

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The only thing I've found that killed my bryopsis every time so far was to pull the rock out, dump straight kent tech m onto the algae, and let it sit for 10 minutes before putting it back in the tank. It's gone two days later and hasn't come back for a few weeks now. My zoas, mushroooms, and lps haven't seemed to mind too much if I get the kent on them. They are grumpy for a few days, but everything has come around eventually.

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did my first dose of vibrant lastnight... It looks like it might actually work... My bryopsis seem to be lighting up and not spreading... still to soon to tell though..but the cyano omg it actually a lot less today... Im shocked just how much better it already is...by now I would have thick mats all over my sand bed.. but it has not shown up today only small patches here and there nothing like I was getting...

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I have many methods for ridding myself of my current algae problems but I wanted to use them as an excuse or ginea pig to try the new product Vibrant. There are a number of good reviews already and it is really the same cost as some of the alternatives so not alot to lose here in my opinion.


So as mentioned it any one else want to go in on some I have yet to pay for my shopping cart. Lex,Kireek, and myself are already going to snag some to see what it can do for us and our reef tanks.

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I'm still not seeing any results with Vibrant. I find little clumps daily in my sump, clustered in the rest of the macro. Manual removal is still proving to be my best bet.


Edit: To be clear, I'm not writing it off. I'm on dose 4 of the 6-30 dose recommendation. Just not seeing results yet.

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I'm still not seeing any results with Vibrant. I find little clumps daily in my sump, clustered in the rest of the macro. Manual removal is still proving to be my best bet.


Edit: To be clear, I'm not writing it off. I'm on dose 4 of the 6-30 dose recommendation. Just not seeing results yet.


I'm in the same spot you are treatment wise, still looking for results. It seems like people have the best results around the four week mark, so I'm holding on to hope for now. Since it's bacteria based it needs time to build up and grow.

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I'm in the same spot you are treatment wise, still looking for results. It seems like people have the best results around the four week mark, so I'm holding on to hope for now. Since it's bacteria based it needs time to build up and grow.


That's comforting to hear.  Weren't you shutting your tank down?  Did it have anything to do with this?

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I am waiting for my shipment to come in, I have a few things I want to put to the test including dinos.

$20.00 seemed reasonable and there are a number of good reviews. I know that means little when you yourself are facing the Bryopsis or dinos but I figure its worth a shot when the alternatives are so much more costly or labor intensive and time consuming. When I get mt Vibrant I will make a report on several tanks.

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as for bryopsis it did not kill it but it did seem to slow it down and keep it from growing like it was.. I finally just took the rock out and did the Kent mag soaking for 10mins then scrubbed it clean.. No more bryposis.. but vibrant did work on my cyano/dino outbreak pretty fast..

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as for bryopsis it did not kill it but it did seem to slow it down and keep it from growing like it was.. I finally just took the rock out and did the Kent mag soaking for 10mins then scrubbed it clean.. No more bryposis.. but vibrant did work on my cyano/dino outbreak pretty fast..

This is good info to have - thanks for sharing!

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as for bryopsis it did not kill it but it did seem to slow it down and keep it from growing like it was.. I finally just took the rock out and did the Kent mag soaking for 10mins then scrubbed it clean.. No more bryposis.. but vibrant did work on my cyano/dino outbreak pretty fast..

Did you take any before and after pics for us?



Little update on mine. I have kept up on it twice a week with weekly WCs and I think it's almost taken care of. Usually I see a small sigh on the sand bed and nothing the last week.

I did hook up a straw to a piece of 1/2" tubing and siphon up gravel which works great to clean off LR to!


So I can say something is working. What I'm not sure. Maybe the bottle of crap or maybe just cleaning.


All corals Sps Softies Zoas Sea apple inverts fish everything is just fine. No harm to the tank what's so ever.

Edited by Flash21
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no I was going to but never got around to it :(  I wish I had...but I will tell you my sand looked horrible before dosing.. I did everything vaccum, reduce feedings, black outs  which did work for a few days then it was back to be horrible again.. I tried ignoring it hopping it would go away (just got thick mats everywhere) blew everything off daily with a turkey baster, increased flow, decreased flow changed out all media added chemipure, phoseguard, changed to rowa polyfilters, added more biological filtration with marinepure,decreased light times increased light times... what else??? oh increase water changes decreased water changes... yeah I cant remember..tested and tested and tested water quaility over and over.... increase mag. ph and alk.. made my own 2 part thinking maybe... mm oh peroxide.. yeah Im sure I tried other things but I cant remember... but it was just horrible vibrant was the final straw if it had not worked I would have tore down my 20 and rebuilt it... so for me it worked.... just did not completely get rid of the byropsis but now that I did kill it doing what Jack said my tank is making me happy again.. clean happy tank.. clean happy owner :P  already window shoping for tax return stuff... I will def. be ordering a MP 10 this time but the toss up will be between a apex jr or  (build my own programing a arduino or raspberry pi ) or a protien skimmer.. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well it's been around two months.  I've used up one 8 oz bottle of Vibrant and have just opened a second 16 oz bottle.  If it's not gone by the end of this bigger bottle I'm going to declare this product a flop.  I dose 15mL 2x/week.  As far as I can tell it hasn't really done anything at all!  I continue to find bryopsis clawing it's nasty way back in my sump.  It occasionally tries to get footing in my over flow boxes but that's easy to scrub out.  The main issue I'm having is that it hides in my other macro and then explodes out and gets all over everything around it.  I hate this stuff.  If it ever got a foothold in either my display or frag tank I'm not sure the tanks would survive it.  I think a big asset I have going for me is that I run my sump lights for 18 hours a day which is much longer than my display/frag lights run.  I believe the longer light cycle encourages it to grow more in the sump.  


Ah well.  I'm still fighting the good fight with it.  I'll keep you all posted. 

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