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Anyone else here keep mollies in their salt tank? I have had these guys a few weeks and they seem to be doing very well. 





I got 2 orange and 2 dalmation sail fins originally but lost one to the water change hose. They seem to nibble on anything new that goes in the tank so I have to hold my hand over the siphon hose during water changes or they get sucked. 


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How long did it take to transition them? I've been thinking about this to feed the frogfish I'm planning to get.


I just dripped them for about 30 minutes and tossed them in. I did a lot of reading and most people surprisingly had better success with just tossing them in.


Wow. I didn't know that they could handle full salt.


Yeah they do well in full salt from what I understand, they also have been reported to grow larger in salt, not sure about that but time will tell.

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Years ago my brother and I acclimated mollies to salt over a period of time and then put them in a softy\LPS coral tank, it looked rather off to me but still cool. They do pick at algae most of the day and didn't seem to bother any other fishes or inverts that were in there.

I prefer the sail fin dalmatians look or black and silver speckled, lotsa varieties out there.

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Not that I know of but I am very new to having them in a reef. They pick algae and kind of hang out in the low flow areas of the tank. No coral picking or aggression that I have seen but they are very curious, they clean my hand like a cleaner shrimp when I put it in the tank. 

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I have kept them....the longest I was able to keep them alive was about 9 months...I think others will tell you the same, they just don't last long in full salt. I tried them to eat some algae, but they were so afraid of my tangs and angels that they wouldn't leave their little area.

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