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TheClark Jr 60 Gallon Cube Build


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Having some fun with my son, he is really taking a liking to the reef tanks.

Picked up a 60 gallon cube from Jose a while back. Finally got started a few weeks ago putting things together.

The tank has a cool little skimmer and even a GFO reactor, a return pump and a powerhead.

It is a 24x24x24 cube, a perfect cube, pretty cool.

So far we have done the following together:

1) Cooked the live rock (bleach and muriatic acid)
2) Built the stand from scratch
3) Painted stand
4) Moved the tank up to his room, level / shim / placed the tank.

5) Polished the tank with acyrlic polish to remove scratches

Today we looked together at build threads for cubes to find a rock layout he liked. We prototyped it out of the tank, and then glued and used fiberglass rod to put together his dream scape.

Very, very fun times to have a reef buddy in the house.

Here is the rockscape he settled on and a pic of his cube.


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Yes, I think we are going to try the tropic marin balling light.  Something different and the OIAB display tank just thrived when Jason was using it.

Just looked this up to figure out what it is, It appears to almost be a replacement for 2 part with more benefits. You have my curiosity now :)

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That's awesome man! Nothing like.some father, son bonding! Scape looks similar to the scape in my old 30x30 cube.


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You mean my cube? ;) hahaha

It looks good. I like the look of rimless


Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

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Just looked this up to figure out what it is, It appears to almost be a replacement for 2 part with more benefits. You have my curiosity now :)


I will try to keep his thread updated here.  It showed some promise!  Hoping we see the same.  It will be a while as we have a cycle to get through here but it should be fun to give it a shot..

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I have been dumping krill in his tank for days.  Ammonia badge still showing zero, must not be working!  Time to bust out the kits.


It has been fun teaching him about cycling.  he was surprised that we are purposely trying to fill his tank with bacteria!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Test kit confirmed our ammonia badge is shot.  The ammonia is up there in the .75 range.


Been adding bacteria for 4 days now but 0 nitrite and nitrate so far.  A good lesson in patience!


He did a nice job on the rock work, proud of him and had fun together.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still waiting for Nitrite to go down.  Some nitrate is being produced so there is some good bacteria action, but man this is slow!


He is insistent on having a pest free tank, and I applaud it.  So no rock transfer or sand to speed it up.  His rock must have been very well sterilized with bleach and muriatic acid.  


Adding bacteria has had no affect to this ultra slow cycle.  Added some of the brightwell bacteria last night just to mix it up.


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Tank is doing very good.

We lost one clown, presumably the duncan stung it, or the pseudochromis whooped up on it, not sure. Carcass was in the duncan.

Tropic Marin Balling Light is legit, it works for a small tank and the coral seems to dig it.

No skimmer seems to work fine for this low demand tank.


There are random birdsnest and stylos scattered around as an SPS test.  So far, so good.  But it doesn't look great in the aquascape, that will get resolved soon here.



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