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Are all of the members who have paid for membership showing banners?  I see a lot of posters who have not paid and even some board members.  With only 25 paid members this year, I am interested in who is and isn't a paying member.

Edited by Pontus
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What is your recent fascination with paid membership? A paid membership is not required to post and use the forum. What's it to you anyway?

I have two reasons:


1. The dramatic reduction in paid membership illustrates the poor organizational skill of the current Leadership.  When I joined in 2013 I asked what the membership perks were?

I was told that there was not really any, but why be a cheap sob? If you can't afford $24 a year you should not be in this hobby. 


2.  I have always felt this is wrong.  I get to pay $24 to listen to somebody who doesn't care enough to help out.  This membership issue is really about money.  Advertisers and Sponsors don't want their message held to only the 25 members who have paid.  So its given away. Why should anybody pay dues?

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Through the software I currently show we have about 34 paid members, which is down from last year at this time by 3. The reason it looked like we had so many more before is because the old software did not automatically remove people when their membership had expired. Some people who had not paid or even participated in years were still showing as paid members. This has been taken care of with add ons to our new software. 


It does not look like all of the BoD/Officers have paid for this year, some of them have not even logged on this year. The ones that are left are doing our best to keep things movin. 

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If I was going to count my dollars that went to the forum I would know that I got my moneys worth, Easy.


Asides from the fact that I am on reading this site every day, and do my best to attend some great events that were organized by other members, I have been able to use it to network with some awesome people. In fact the first time I got to cross paths with you I thought,"Wow" I scored so big meeting this Pontus that I could very well just have gotten my year memberships money back in full swing. Not only did I get an end all skimmer body from you, you went the extra mile and delivered it to Tualitan all the way from your neck of the woods just to bridge the distance, good man in my book. At one of the meeting I got to chat with you for a brief amount of time but it was enjoyable and I could tell you have some seasoned knowledge in that head of yours, I look forward to our next chat. I thought that was great, meeting yet another reefer on the PNWMAS, I still have some coral frags for you if you still have room. You can always get ahold of me "Here" at PNWMAS  :D


As far as the technical perks to being a full fledged member, off of the top of my head they would be...

Being able to run for BOD,

Members discounts in sponsor stores,

Free tickets to various raffles,

Participation on Group Buys and Grow Outs


Immediate benefits on the computer include

Larger Avatar Picture,

Nifty PNWMAS Banner,

Much larger mail box,

Access to a members only part of the forum,

and a voice to be heard...I am RoBert"Badxgillen" of the PNWMAS.

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What does it mean to be placed on a moderator queue and what is the reason for it?

Moderator queue means that a moderator now has to approve your posts before they go live to the forum. 


The reason it is used is for people who are continually causing problems, have been spoken to by a BoD member, and have not changed there actions. Certain posts on this forum are not allowed e.g. personal attacks, name calling, threats of violence etc, etc, etc. Those who continue to make that kind of post are put on moderator que after a majority vote by the BOD. 


Moderator que is also used on all new members until they have reached 5 posts. It is why you have not seen any spam come on the forum since we have made the software switch. 

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Moderator queue means that a moderator now has to approve your posts before they go live to the forum. 


The reason it is used is for people who are continually causing problems, have been spoken to by a BoD member, and have not changed there actions. Certain posts on this forum are not allowed e.g. personal attacks, name calling, threats of violence etc, etc, etc.





Will said potential "user" be notified prior to the time out box aka Moderator Que


That's some funny :censored: IMO but better than my past idea of straight banishment and no vote-I'm all for a totalitarian dictatorship-a little worse than we presently have :stupid:


I'm just kidding for those who don't know or get me, not that it matters really but at least for the record 

Edited by reefnjunkie
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As a self proclaimed promotions expert, I like to reward people for being members. I own a promotions company. I have dozens of clients who have membership programs for their members. Wineries, Breweries, Music, etc...we ALWAYS want to send something to say THANKS for sending us your money...and it gives people a sense of belonging...


One suggestion to increase membership...give people a REASON to become a member. Even a silly membership card, t-shirt, keychain, bumper sticker, discount card, coupon, etc...while the Aquarium promotion was a GREAT idea, it was a one time deal, and ended. Each and every member should get something...I do realize this is extra work for the BOD, but it will work.


I always hear the BOD talking about what they can TAKE AWAY from people if they don't become members. That just flat doesn't work. Case in point, 75% reduction in membership. Also, guilting people into joining because it's "the right thing to do"...yeah, that doesn't work either. You have to give people a reason, not take stuff away. my $.08

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Are all of the members who have paid for membership showing banners?  I see a lot of posters who have not paid and even some board members.  With only 25 paid members this year, I am interested in who is and isn't a paying member.


There are lots of super excellent people and reefers who are no longer members for one reason or another. lots. It used to seem that the "members" had more weight in the posts they made...now I don't think people care if someone is a member or not when they get advice. I'm still on the fence...obviously:) I believe in this site, and I love what this club collectively has done in the past. Not sure about sending dollars...but I probably will give in at some point. But that's all it is...giving in. It used to be to support something awesome...and it should/could get back to that!

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