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New Look!


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I hate it....honestly. Why did it have to change so much?!? Was there something wrong with the old one??? I can't find anything. Main nice thing on the old one was the main page that showed all the new posts' date=' now I have to dig around for that? This sucks[/quote']


Maybe read the announcement that Micah posted? He addressed the answers to your concerns.

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Maybe read the announcement that Micah posted? He addressed the answers to your concerns.


Yeah I did...problem number one:


Q: Why wasn't the community or members involved in this decision?

A: Unfortunately, it wasn't really a choice. Due to increased security awareness, the more time we stay on the old versions of this software, the more likely we are to have another attack/crash/time-travel to 2012. The design decisions were made by myself and my web developer with suggestions and approvals from the BOD and Officers of PNWMAS. In fact, there was a vote to deploy this on Saturday. Everything went through the proper channels and was done so with the communities best interests in mind.



So again, the leadership being dictators and just changing stuff. That sounds club like!?! Honestly, I am a member on several other forums and have been for many years and guess what? They have never done this!!! They look the same! No one complains about it, some updates roll out but the overall experience stays (and looks) the same.


I hate it. Think I'll be going elsewhere for my reefing fix, which is sad because everyone I've met on here is great.

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Wow, sorry you feel that way. But calling the leadership dictators seems a bit harsh. I would call it proactive. A lot of thought and even more work has gone into this. Many features have been enhanced and some are new. Like anything new, it will take some getting used to and you will have to retrain your muscle memory to get where you want to go, with a click here, and a click there, it will all become second nature with a little time and practice.

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Yeah I did...problem number one:


Q: Why wasn't the community or members involved in this decision?

A: Unfortunately, it wasn't really a choice. Due to increased security awareness, the more time we stay on the old versions of this software, the more likely we are to have another attack/crash/time-travel to 2012. The design decisions were made by myself and my web developer with suggestions and approvals from the BOD and Officers of PNWMAS. In fact, there was a vote to deploy this on Saturday. Everything went through the proper channels and was done so with the communities best interests in mind.



So again, the leadership being dictators and just changing stuff. That sounds club like!?! Honestly, I am a member on several other forums and have been for many years and guess what? They have never done this!!! They look the same! No one complains about it, some updates roll out but the overall experience stays (and looks) the same.


I hate it. Think I'll be going elsewhere for my reefing fix, which is sad because everyone I've met on here is great.




Dictators? Security dictated change in this case - not us. Why couldn't we keep the same look? You know, honestly, we could have matched it pretty well to the same. Why didn't we? Because you can't have progress without change. Every time facebook changes something, the same thing happens... people complain about a free service changing. Yet, facebook didn't include you in this change, did they? Nor does google consult you everytime they change the look and feel of Gmail. They do it, you get used to it, and the world keep spinning.


You don't want that extra click to get to the forums? Man.. That seems pretty silly to me. If you had to gripe, you had to reach pretty deep to pull that one out. Hurt your fingernails on the bottom of the bucket?


In the overly justified world you've created in your mind, all changes from the color of the teeth on a smiley face to the core forum engine and security patches that happen would all go through the members and ultimately everybody would have the yay/nay on new features.


Here's how it works in the real world. In the real world, too many cooks in the kitchen causes chaos and decisions never get made. Making everybody happy is impossible. Board of directors and officers are assigned to make the decisions that would otherwise never get made. That's why they exist. See facebook/gmail example above.


Frankly, I'm insulted that I spent so much time working on this...I poured many MANY hours of my life into helping this site... stayed up until 5 in the morning, bleary eyed - only to wake up to complaints and insults. Luckily, I'm pretty thick skinned and I'm not going to let a handful of grumpy people stop me from helping the major majority of this site.


Honestly, I kept it pretty open in my original thread saying that suggestions were welcomed and that change was not impossible going forward. I'm still open to change. How about giving some of that constructive criticism my mother used to tell me about? There's a reason those other sites stay stagnant.. and that's because they fear change because of responses like this.


I, however, am not afraid.

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Dictators? Security dictated change in this case - not us. Why couldn't we keep the same look? You know, honestly, we could have matched it pretty well to the same. Why didn't we? Because you can't have progress without change. Every time facebook changes something, the same thing happens... people complain about a free service changing. Yet, facebook didn't include you in this change, did they? Nor does google consult you everytime they change the look and feel of Gmail. They do it, you get used to it, and the world keep spinning.


You don't want that extra click to get to the forums? Man.. That seems pretty silly to me. If you had to gripe, you had to reach pretty deep to pull that one out. Hurt your fingernails on the bottom of the bucket?


In the overly justified world you've created in your mind, all changes from the color of the teeth on a smiley face to the core forum engine and security patches that happen would all go through the members and ultimately everybody would have the yay/nay on new features.


Here's how it works in the real world. In the real world, too many cooks in the kitchen causes chaos and decisions never get made. Making everybody happy is impossible. Board of directors and officers are assigned to make the decisions that would otherwise never get made. That's why they exist. See facebook/gmail example above.


Frankly, I'm insulted that I spent so much time working on this...I poured many MANY hours of my life into helping this site... stayed up until 5 in the morning, bleary eyed - only to wake up to complaints and insults. Luckily, I'm pretty thick skinned and I'm not going to let a handful of grumpy people stop me from helping the major majority of this site.


Honestly, I kept it pretty open in my original thread saying that suggestions were welcomed and that change was not impossible going forward. I'm still open to change. How about giving some of that constructive criticism my mother used to tell me about? There's a reason those other sites stay stagnant.. and that's because they fear change because of responses like this.


I, however, am not afraid.


The best thing to do is not respond to these comments. I can understand your frustration after long hours and hard work trying to please people with good intentions but people don't like change and there probably nothing you can say to change there hearts. you have the keys to this forum, so do what you think is best and Ignore the negative. as a leader you want to separate your self. just listen to the people and make needed adjustments.

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I use tapatalk for most of my forum perusing, and this is 100% the same as before. No complaints from me. I'll have to check it out on my laptop later to see what all the hubbub is all about. Thank you Micah for spending your Saturday night/Sunday morning getting this up and running for the club!

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I gotta say, it will take some time to get used to but I think I like the overall look. I will say that I think the text was a bit easier to read on the old version. Maybe it was the color combo of the theme used or something but it just seemed easier on the eyes to read through entire threads.


Great work on the new version thus far. I will be exploring the new format and features over the next week or so and I will toss up some feedback or things I think may be issues.


Keep up the good work!

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On tapatalk' date=' under many peoples posts are the letters "GIF" in a green rectangle. I click on it and it shows an emoticon like a happy or sad face...not sure how to fix that. Cheers, site looks great.[/quote']


I think this is a limitation of tapatalk converting the data from vbulletin and there isn't much that can be done about it. The emoticons used to show in parenthesis with the name of the emoticon on tapatalk. I guess at least now we can actually see the emoticon if we click on it (clap)


I'm sure the hubby will correct me if I'm wrong (enforcer)

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I'm looking up a way to disable smilies within tapatalk. There's also a curse word filter in tapatalk that I can add the smileys to that will strip them out. This will have to wait a little while. The main problem is that these same emoticons don't exist within tapatalk. Before, the old forum would just omit them if they weren't tapatalk supported ones. The tapatalk support on this version of forum software is not quite as mature. I'm sure it will get better with time.

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