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Anyone using Windows Vista?


Anyone using Windows Vista?  

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    • I recommend Vista, it is awesome
    • I do not recomment Vista, it might be satan
    • Tell Microsoft to stick it and get a Mac

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Like the headline says, is anyone using Windows Vista?


I'm looking to build a new computer and cant decide if I want to give up my favorite games and wait for something good to play to come out for Vista, or just stick with XP, not knowing when software will stop being compatible with my OS.

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Like the headline says, is anyone using Windows Vista?


I'm looking to build a new computer and cant decide if I want to give up my favorite games and wait for something good to play to come out for Vista, or just stick with XP, not knowing when software will stop being compatible with my OS.


I am not using it...but what I have heard is that if you create any sort of document in Office Vista (word, excel, etc.) will not work on other people's computers that have XP or older. Again, just what I have heard.

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by default office 2007 saves as xml. (.docx) There is a setting in 2007 to default save your files as the older standard.

- Vista is SLOW and not worth it - I've installed it on 5 different machines and used it on preloaded machines and none of them worked as well as XP.

- I didn't think peoeple even built computers anymore :) j/k - oh wait they do I work on "home built" ones all the time.

- Get a Mac and run XP and OSX, have a drink and not worry about your computer

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I think Izzy has the best idea... get an intel Mac, set it up with Parallels and then run OSX, XP, Vista, Unix, whatever you want without even rebooting! We have several machines running this way and people are pretty darn happy with it. Of course.... that means buying a new machine.

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My son has Vista on his new laptop. slowest most worthless crap Bill has put out yet MS has even told me that it's worthless in networking, and need Vista Pro. I call BS. He is taking it back. I will stick with XP Pro.

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I would be goin with at least Vista Pro so networking isn't so horrible, and you can dual boot XP and Vista on one computer, so I guess I could do that


But okay here is the BIG question with Vista...

Since they "re-wrote ALL the code for vista" and got rid of all the junk that has been floating around windows since its creation (the reason why most software has compatability issues). so with that being the case it would seem as though any new software coming out will be able to run on vista, and not XP, though ME never made it far and software never came out made for me, just 2000 and XP, but still it might happen, or maybe Vista is the new ME.


Maybe I'll just wait a year for Vienna to come out. I hear they expect it in something like 16 months.

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I've been an apple user off and on since 1982

I've been a windows user since 1992.

I still use both for work reasons(web design), but prefer MAC OSX hands-down if I had a choice.


I've been using both for a looong time and have an intimate knowledge of both OS's. I recommend a MAC. If you HAVE TO, you can run windows on your mac as well as has been suggested.


Applications are like programs at a mall. The Mall is the operating system. Every mall may have the same Brookstone, the same Nordstroms, etc. The stores are the same, applications are the same across platforms...what changes is the aesthetics and functionality of the OS/mall itself... one mall has Herman Miller furniture, soothing nature sounds and a waterfall with skylights in an atrium....the other mall tries to be like that, but cannot 'get it'. even though they have the same stores and is much bigger...that's my OS metaphore. ;)

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here's a couple shots I took with my cell phone a couple years ago that i found and I can say that I still work on just as many computers but the boxes just get smaller. I speak from experience.

I am pretty much at the point with computer advice where I've learned that you can tell people what you think they should do but they ultimately just do what they want, and if your advice is what they wanted to do in the first place it's all good, but if it isn't then it's just dismissed.

So far the advice is advising you to get a Mac.... and put what ever OS on it you want... unless you run a biz that depends on windows try making the switch, it's hard I know, what do you got to loose? you can still run windows. This coming from technically a PC guy. The MAC tv ads make me laugh because well they're right. There will be a learning curve like anything but in the end if all you do is play games and surf the net you will love your new computer. good luck and keep us posted.


.... I just noticed side by side just looking at the boxes you can tell what is better



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here's a couple shots I took with my cell phone a couple years ago that i found and I can say that I still work on just as many computers but the boxes just get smaller. I speak from experience.

I am pretty much at the point with computer advice where I've learned that you can tell people what you think they should do but they ultimately just do what they want, and if your advice is what they wanted to do in the first place it's all good, but if it isn't then it's just dismissed.

So far the advice is advising you to get a Mac.... and put what ever OS on it you want... unless you run a biz that depends on windows try making the switch, it's hard I know, what do you got to loose? you can still run windows. This coming from technically a PC guy. The MAC tv ads make me laugh because well they're right. There will be a learning curve like anything but in the end if all you do is play games and surf the net you will love your new computer. good luck and keep us posted.


.... I just noticed side by side just looking at the boxes you can tell what is better


I am going to make the switch to Mac...just need the funds to do so...Wanting a 17" macbook pro, so I need a little more money, lol. It is good to see a PC guy recommend a Mac computer.

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I just built a new system and i am running XP pro, i have no intention of moving on at all in the next 2 years. i have too many programs i would lose...


as far as mac...


windows may have compatibility issues sometimes but at least they made it affordable. I wish Mac would have shrivled up and died a long time ago for their poor business strategy (closed architecture for years). plus you have to bend over and take it in the *** from steve just to be able to afford one of his overpriced pieces of junk. they just need to stick to music players and call it good.


XP works, Vista needs a lot more time before i will bother.

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I've been an apple user since 1982. I've been a windows user since 1992. I have fluctuated back and forth over the years. I'm a web designer/developer so I use both now.


Frankly operating systems are like the part of the mall that is between stores...all the stores(programs/applications) are the same...same old Brookstones, same old Gap, but the operating system is the experience in between...and frankly the apple mall has Herman Miller furniture, natural light, waterfalls, and an atrium....


I still have both, but my preferred OS is Mac OS X. Frankly now that you can run WIN on Macs there's no choice really. Try two weeks with the ability to choose either OS and you'll probably gravitate to OS X. Don;t hesitate to hit my inbox if you have any additional Q's

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I know i dont post much, just read and as questions here and there, but thought i would *** my .02.


For background: I have my Microsoft A+, am a Dell certified Technician, as well as as Apple Tech certified 2006.


Vista has its ups and downs. Most people have formed the opinion that Microsoft=Bad guy, thus giving Vista a bad name to start with. When looking at computers it should really just be matter of budget and need. I have 2 computers and 2 Mac's at my house. One machine i build to take advantage of Vista with the new Quad core Intel CPU. My old XP machine. A mac mini to use as a radio (bout all its good for imo but was free) and a Dual G5 that eats electricity and does little more.


I like Vista. Granted i have a PC i built to utalize the OS, but i feel it offers more for the average user without too much of a change. For it to work well and simply you just have to spend some time with it setting it up how you want it. Also in the coming year when DirectX10 comes out stringer and becomes a requirment, it will really show the giant gap between the two OS's.


I own mac's and dislike them. They don't offer enough for the added price. When they used their own hardware in the late 90's i think they were superior, however now that they are just Dell's with a pretty case i dont think its worth it. If you like your mac great, mine sits on my desk and plays music through itunes, and my G5 sits under my desk and works as a NAS drive.


Just some thoughts, Vista is pretty fresh and new, like XP it will take some time for people to realize that it is better, it will go through some bugs, but all in all it will be the norm soon enough.



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Thank you T-$$$, it's nice to see someone has given vista a chance.


I've looked it over and I think that I'm just going to set up a dual boot system run XP and Vista on it and use XP when ever i have to (which sounds silly because vista can run programs in XP SP2 mode, but oh well) and the system will be pretty much made FOR vista so its not like i'm going to put it on my old dell junk box

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