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Blue throat trigger


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I just got a blue throat trigger from OIAB today! I was looking for a blue or powder blue tang, but I've always wanted a trigger and from what I've read these are pretty reef safe. After I picked it out, Cosmo was actually petting him and rubbing his belly. Didn't even need a net to pull him out of the tank; he actually slid right into his hand and was ready to come home with me!

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I have had a male, female pair for a couple years now. They are my favorite fish. Mine wont leave my hand alone. Watch out though, they nip on occasion. Mostly when im feeding. LOL. Also cover up your over flows if they are not already. Mine have both jumped in there a time or two.


My male now sleeps with my cleaner shrimp. Have no idea how that works, but he 'trigs" himself into the rock with the shrimp and sits there all night while the shrimp climbs all over him.

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