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Yellow Watchman MIA


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My Yellow Watchman went missing a few days after I put him in the tank. I don't know if he's hiding out with his buddy the pistol shrimp or not. How long until I should start worrying? I read they can disappear for a while but is 2 weeks normal?




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Pardon the thread hijack, but my Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby has gone missing as well. I just came back after 10 days in Singapore and my wife tells me she hasn't been seen for a few days. Definitely NOT normal behavior for this fish. It is nowhere to be found. Any ideas?

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Pardon the thread hijack' date=' but my Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby has gone missing as well. I just came back after 10 days in Singapore and my wife tells me she hasn't been seen for a few days. Definitely NOT normal behavior for this fish. It is nowhere to be found. Any ideas?[/quote']




Glad to hear your back Scott! Your wife didnt have to call me either :)

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Hey Ryan,

Thanks for the back-up! It was a great trip. (See my Aquarama thread)

My first thought was that maybe it jumped too and the cat got a tasty snack, but I don't think it was a jumper. She pretty much stayed right on the bottom, sifting sand all day long, never venturing more than a 1/3 of the way up. It's really got me stumped.

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I've had nothing but bad luck with gobies - every one I put in my 110 ends up jumping. Even though I have a hood with only limited places to pop out, they always find a way. One of the yellow watchmen apparently couldn't find his way out the back, so he went down the overflow - multiple times - even after I put a barrier up (still trying to figure out how he got through that one (scratch)). I had one that got along fine for months, then went MIA one day. Some time later, I came across the cat playing with his dried up carcass - apparently he jumped out the back and it took a few days for the cat to find him. After 4 dead gobies, I've given up on having them in that tank, even though I really like them. I do have a small one now in my 29, which has a glass top and no way to escape! (jail).

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I had a diamond goby that use to disappear weeks at a time and then reappear. I found it had a little cave in the back of the tank where I could not reach at all. So the front of the tank must be a vacation spot for her. Whenever s/he wanted to entertain, she would come out to look at me (kind of like we go to the zoo).


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