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Worst water change ever


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Ugh what a terrible day for me. It started great, coffee while browsing cube tank threads and gathering ideas. I did some fragging and mounted a couple SPS in my display that were doing well in my QT.


Then i found some aiptasia in my overflow. No wonder i keep getting a few here and there in the display and sump. So i broke out the aiptasia x and went to work. With the pumps off i get em all. Then i waited about 30 min and as they were expelling their guts i hit em all with kalk.


Then i bumped my light and it fell in the tank. The actinics will come on for 4 seconds then go off. The other 4 bulbs just flash on and off every few seconds. Its outside in the sun drying while i search for new ballasts i am guessing that i fried.


So since i'm half way thru my routine i decided to finish things off and worry about the light later. As i was emptying my sump, i bumped my NSW tub and created the sunami the world never saw coming. It splashed into my stand, my topoff container, doused my test kits and everthing i keep under there. On top of that, I guess it got my DC8 for my Aquacontroller Jr. None of the plugs work on it now. I took it apart and there is not a drop of water. But it won't work. The sunami got 2 surge suppressors and my topoff relay. Lucky my handy dandy project box protected the relay and wiring.


No shocks or fires or anything so i guess i'm lucky there. But jeez i never expected one water change to go so horribly horribly wrong.

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Sorry to here about your bad day. Hopefully you got it out of the way and it will be smooth sailing from here on out.


Is there a way to protect my tank from electrical shocks? I was wondering about that and your bad day reminded me to ask.

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Dang Miles... that was a bad one :eek: Sorry to hear about all the damage. Funny, I was thinking about going after the pest anemonies today myself but ended up working on the wife's car instead - found a split CV boot and a couple of tires with the tread ready to come off so I guess it's a good thing I didn't work on the tank afterall!


Hope you get it all working again soon. I'm sure a couple of cold ones will help the process along :D

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Hope you get all your equips to work again.


Have you guys ever get things to work again by putting those silicate packets around the electrical parts to suck in the moisture? I heard people do that with cell phones and stuff (just stick it in a jar filled with that stuff)...worth a shot if you have some lying around.

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck today Miles. I hope your day only gets better.


If you have any diapers around (or from a neighbor), tear them open and there is a powder in there that absorbs moisture. You can use that to soak up any traces of water. Then use a shop vac to suck up the powder.



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Well I lucked out. After sitting in the sun both the DC8 and light work again. Phew i was fretting getting the light going. The DC8 i could work around but no light is tough. I'll be taking more precautionary measures like crossmembers over the tank when i move the light again.


Thanks for all the comments. You guys are my good luck charm!!

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a good thing to have on hand is the chemical dryer that they have at home depot. i have a half gallon jug of it, i think its called DampRid. If you have any issues with equipment like that you can put it in a 5 gallon bucket with the part. of course the sun works too, but it tends to get some of the areas, and some stay wet, with DampRid it super dries everything!

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It seems i'm good for now Joel, thanks for the offer.


Eric you bet! Just need to get back up that way.


Curtis good to know, i'll check that stuff out next time i'm at HD.



Everything was running normally this morning. DC8 seems to have worked throughout the night, temp steady etc. I'll know for sure tonight, but it seems i dodged a bullet.

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It seems i'm good for now Joel, thanks for the offer.


Eric you bet! Just need to get back up that way.


Curtis good to know, i'll check that stuff out next time i'm at HD.



Everything was running normally this morning. DC8 seems to have worked throughout the night, temp steady etc. I'll know for sure tonight, but it seems i dodged a bullet.


Good to hear Miles... that had the potential to be a really bad day! Nothing like a tank disaster (or potential one) to get the blood pressure ramped up :eek:


Hope things are still working right. I will have to try and remember all the excellent drying suggestions on this thread for the next time some of my equipment takes a dive.

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Everything was running normal last night. I even installed a small fan since my temp was up to 81.2 and its running as programmed. Lights were plugged into the wrong plugs on the DC8 so around 9pm last night I noticed the tank looked like all the bulbs were still on. I was like great what now. Just had to swap plugins (laugh)


Thanks for all the comments everyone.


It amazing what we can learn from some of these issues we run into. Damp rid can save you 2 ways!!!

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