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Another Coral ID?


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They do better in lower light, right?


I had him about midway in my 120G with 8 T5s, and he did great until a bunch of zoas surrounded him and started encroaching. I finally got him off the rock yesterday and am trying to figure out a good spot for him.

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They do better in lower light, right?


I had him about midway in my 120G with 8 T5s, and he did great until a bunch of zoas surrounded him and started encroaching. I finally got him off the rock yesterday and am trying to figure out a good spot for him.


they are a lower light coral but with t5's I would think you could go halfway up or even higher with him.

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here is a couple of them. The purple one has been fragged a few times and seems to grow pretty fast. It likes light more then most chalices too. It sits about 18" from the 400w mh bulbs and 4 vho's.




Although this picture isn't mine I have a 3"x3" piece of the starry night chalice also. It has some amazing colors to it. purple and blue base with almost yellowy-green spots and yellow mouths.




Sadly I don't have a better picture of this one but it is my favorite one I think. The color in it is very nice. This is a few days after I bought it so it hadn't colored up yet. THis one doesn't like much light at all. Ask me how I know...




This is another one that isn't my pic but I do have a piece of it in my name. it's called a bubble gum chalice. I stole this photo from isaac(thanks buddy). My piece is actually much smaller though.




As you can see the photos that are mine are crap so I have to "borrow" photos when possible.

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Yikes! Thanks for the warning! 6-8 inches?!

I think I need a bigger tank!


I wonder why the chalice didn't bother fighting off the zoanthids starting to grow on it.


Perhaps its not a true chalice but an oxypora or echinophylia or mycedium.

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