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Everything posted by milesmiles902

  1. Reef: https://poly.google.com/view/5HCxHtn6U_n https://poly.google.com/search/reef
  2. Fish Tank: https://poly.google.com/view/2Rb9zxgkDEM Planted Aquarium: https://poly.google.com/view/9h1OIT9qmBQ Dad's Aquarium: https://poly.google.com/view/bPIFCLIn5ux Saw that and realized I needed to continue messing with the dependencies.
  3. I'm unsure about changing the salt when damage is occurring, although believe a water change is healthy. It's also odd seeing the variety of coral having necrosis. A quick dip or isolation wouldn't hurt, but I have to ask you. What are you dosing? Also, being gone almost always can leads to being aquarium sick.
  4. Change the lighting. It's hard, even for a colorblind person.
  5. Slowly collecting backgrounds. If you have any, add to the list. Fantasy: https://ibb.co/mw9tZz https://ibb.co/f7tLEz https://ibb.co/cLObnK https://ibb.co/k7jXSK https://ibb.co/dmKcuz https://ibb.co/mLjAEz https://ibb.co/ehdWMe https://ibb.co/jKvd1e https://ibb.co/dxGU7K https://ibb.co/efxfEz https://ibb.co/c88O1e https://ibb.co/hpY5Ge https://ibb.co/k0HXwe https://ibb.co/edjHUz https://ibb.co/cvMmNK https://ibb.co/fLyY2K https://ibb.co/eStNwe https://ibb.co/dcZebe https://ibb.co/jv6QGe https://ibb.co/jCECwe https://ibb.co/kEHt2K https://ibb.co/ggfD2K https://ibb.co/exVP9z https://ibb.co/ehcAhK https://ibb.co/cghXwe https://ibb.co/bviGNK https://ibb.co/h7Z6NK https://ibb.co/fAWxUz https://ibb.co/kxw9be https://ibb.co/iStNwe https://ibb.co/ikm32K https://ibb.co/bTJ5Ge https://ibb.co/bz85Ge https://ibb.co/gpUO2K https://ibb.co/kU30hK https://ibb.co/cXVP9z https://ibb.co/fQoNwe https://ibb.co/hETahK https://ibb.co/bD2Pbe https://ibb.co/iLfcwe https://ibb.co/m8Qcwe https://ibb.co/j2PRpz https://ibb.co/fekSwe https://ibb.co/fwR6pz https://ibb.co/kirHwe https://ibb.co/dOOmpz Nature: Abiqua Falls, Oregon: https://ibb.co/mZwkxK Alaskan Sunrise: https://ibb.co/irFdHK Angkor Wat: https://ibb.co/g3b7Be Antarctica: https://ibb.co/dVwePz Appalachian Trail, Virginia: https://ibb.co/fwxEre Banff, Alberta: https://ibb.co/fvsQxK California: https://ibb.co/gooqxK Calm Sea: https://ibb.co/cfZVxK Central Scotland: https://ibb.co/hShYHK Colorado: https://ibb.co/eAdUre Dolomite Alps, Italy: https://ibb.co/dVfsBe Earth Night: https://ibb.co/duKVxK Ebslee Lake, Germany: https://ibb.co/mczkWe Evil Lightning: https://ibb.co/nHDere Fjadrargljufur, Iceland: https://ibb.co/kcUr4z Grand Canyon: https://ibb.co/jcfEPz Grand Teton #1: https://ibb.co/hybojz Grand Teton #2: https://ibb.co/mj8vWe Great Wall of China: https://ibb.co/e9g4Pz Greenland: https://ibb.co/cfOvWe Grizzly Lake, Yukon California: https://ibb.co/iy98jz Hvitserkur in North Iceland: https://ibb.co/dd5Ojz Island Oasis: https://ibb.co/cmEr4z Jiuzhaigoue Nature Reserve, China: https://ibb.co/hMsYHK Lake Sorvagsvatn, Fahroe Islands: https://ibb.co/cdy14z Mendenhal Ice Caves in Juneau, Alaska: https://ibb.co/nLYZPz Meteora, Greece: https://ibb.co/jqS5We Milford Sound, New Zealand: https://ibb.co/eRwFWe Mont Vervin (The Matterhorn): https://ibb.co/cxFyjz Morain Lake, Banff National Park, Canada: https://ibb.co/nyrUPz Mormon Row Meadow, Grand Teton National Park: https://ibb.co/n7ynBe Mount Assinboine, Canada: https://ibb.co/dVkvxK Mount Kilimanjaro: https://ibb.co/eLWDjz Mount Rainier, Washington: https://ibb.co/bC12cK Mt. Fuji: https://ibb.co/fmN8HK Navagio Beach, Zakynthos, Ionian Islands, Greece: https://ibb.co/cWAZre Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, Norway: https://ibb.co/m2NscK North Coyote Butes, Arizona: https://ibb.co/kqHKPz North Iceland: https://ibb.co/dd5Ojz Lake Tahoe, Nevada: https://ibb.co/dHHEre Norway: https://ibb.co/gJgJHK Lofoten Islands, Norway: https://ibb.co/gLrw4z Old Harry Rocks, England: https://ibb.co/eH9NcK Patagonia: https://ibb.co/nkzG4z Priekestolen, Norway: https://ibb.co/nao9Pz Reynisfjara Black Pebble beach, Soren: https://ibb.co/nyUSBe River Tauglbach, Zalzburg, Austria: https://ibb.co/iiYhcK Salzburg, Austria: https://ibb.co/m8ZcBe San Juana Mountains, Colorado: https://ibb.co/n67KPz Seceda Dolomites, Italy: https://ibb.co/m9n0xK Snoqualmie Falls, Washington: https://ibb.co/nfBFWe Solden, Austria: https://ibb.co/fhkncK Southern Oregon: https://ibb.co/i5HHcK Squamish B.C. Canada: https://ibb.co/cWZ8jz Storm, Grand Canyon: https://ibb.co/iNVg4z Breams Bay, Northland, New Zealand: https://ibb.co/bS8vWe Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: https://ibb.co/g2aW4z Swiss Alps: https://ibb.co/eH70xK Tahiti: https://ibb.co/cc5g4z Tom Coc-Bich Dong, Vietnam: https://ibb.co/cyS5We Tampa Bay, Florida: https://ibb.co/hno14z Tenaya Lake, Yosemite: https://ibb.co/k9iJjz Texas: https://ibb.co/f4hNBe The Cliffs of Moher, Ireland: https://ibb.co/hR9fxK The Falls of Voringsfossen, Norway: https://ibb.co/b1Z8jz The Flatirons, Boulder, Colorado: https://ibb.co/eH1zre The Forests of Aspen: https://ibb.co/e4VW4z The Grand Canyon, Colorado: https://ibb.co/k2bScK The Marble Cathedral in General Carrera Lake, Chile: https://ibb.co/i5YUre Tibet: https://ibb.co/mLX5We Tofine, BC: https://ibb.co/gkjxcK Torres del Paine, Chile: https://ibb.co/fQHHcK Truk, Micronesia: https://ibb.co/kvCiHK Tulips, Netherlands: https://ibb.co/dcmAxK Two Jake Lake Alberta, Canada: https://ibb.co/cmmzre Ulsanbawai, Seoraksan National Park, Korea: https://ibb.co/hAb4Pz Utah: https://ibb.co/nifLxK Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala: https://ibb.co/f7mhBe Volcanoe, Ecuador: https://ibb.co/cnX0xK Washington State: https://ibb.co/cxQaWe Western Rim, Grand Canyon: https://ibb.co/bL814z Wollomombi Gorge, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, Australia: https://ibb.co/bSvQWe Yosemite #1: https://ibb.co/ctgDjz Yosemite #2: https://ibb.co/dztR4z Yosemite #3: https://ibb.co/jz4Yjz Zhangjiajie, China: https://ibb.co/i2f64z Animals: Acropora: https://ibb.co/k68Yme Banded Butterfly: https://ibb.co/i7sXez Camel: https://ibb.co/iPT5zz Camel #2: https://ibb.co/hB1fXK Cuddlefish: https://ibb.co/gqXyKz Manta Ray: https://ibb.co/ei4pRe Millipora Acropora: https://ibb.co/kypTKz Dolphin (Related to Orca): https://ibb.co/hUWKRe Camel #3: https://ibb.co/fFnXez Reef: https://ibb.co/gULkzz Snow Leopard: https://ibb.co/kfmfXK Snow Owl: https://ibb.co/fu29Re Xooanthids: https://ibb.co/mBBKRe Acropora: https://ibb.co/k68Yme Banded Butterfly: https://ibb.co/i7sXez Camel: https://ibb.co/iPT5zz Camel #2: https://ibb.co/hB1fXK Cuddlefish: https://ibb.co/gqXyKz Manta Ray: https://ibb.co/ei4pRe Millipora Acropora: https://ibb.co/kypTKz Dolphin (Related to Orca): https://ibb.co/hUWKRe Camel #3: https://ibb.co/fFnXez Reef: https://ibb.co/gULkzz Siberian Tiger: https://ibb.co/kfmfXK Snow Owl: https://ibb.co/fu29Re Xooanthids: https://ibb.co/mBBKRe Space Race: Saturn: https://ibb.co/iMgOPz Microwave Satellite: https://ibb.co/kSnf4z Early 1900's Physics (I know almost all. can't know everything in this world. Books helped): https://ibb.co/fkGwcK Star Trek esque: https://ibb.co/joY9xK Rocket: https://ibb.co/j2uXHK Bomb #1: https://ibb.co/cVAuWe Bomb #2: https://ibb.co/m84zxK Bomb #3: https://ibb.co/cPDRcK Expedition 53: https://ibb.co/nvpXHK
  6. Our neighbor is famous and a strong contributor to: Dragon City: https://github.com/decentraland/districts/issues/30 Aetherian: https://github.com/decentraland/districts/issues/33 Vegas City: https://github.com/decentraland/districts/issues/22 Fashion Street: https://github.com/decentraland/districts/issues/31 Decentraland University: https://github.com/decentraland/districts/issues/54
  7. I almost feel like it would be cooler to flip it upside down, then make a seal for the base with a few outlets. It looks like it would be hard to drill.
  8. I will re-build my aquarium within this VR world. Make steps for people to see it, maybe even a streaming camera. Then make threads for gif of the month and we'll vote on it for the purpose of a PNWMAS aquarium.
  9. A Virtual-Reality just for us: https://decentraland.org/ https://market.decentraland.org/parcels/-105/-79/detail It's an ad, generates ad revenue, has value AND we can build on it. My plan is to build a bunch of cubes with GIF aquariums on the surface. We'll see what happens.
  10. I have some people from the forum looking to buy and have difficulty with large clouds. We will see. I hope all is well. May the clouds be with you.
  11. It's a criminal offence to bend that. Be careful.
  12. Refugium and water changes. Used to use Iron oxide/Aluminum oxide, but stopped.
  13. "Some people put pain upon others in a vain attempt to salve their own pain"

  14. Domestic Abuse and Violence ruins lives. If you see either, call the police and document it.

  15. It looks like babies, but corals are weird. Who knows, except when you see new babies.
  16. Beautiful tank and nicest person ever.
  17. According to these measures, I usually am 20% innocent and 80% guilty.
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