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Everything posted by LadySaber

  1. still have the 29 gallon sitting in on the livingroom floor waiting for a stand and for me to do something with it... LOLOLOL
  2. I would like to add a amendment to my letter in light of further credited research. Yes there is also the odd emergency stock of tanks or a single tank somewhere in the reefers home or within easy (most of the time) reach ready at a moments notice for any possible emergencies or incredibly awesome ideas. Because you just never know and you cant help yourself.
  3. Dear Holly's husband, Sir this is to officially inform you that it is completely normal for any reefer, that in fact it is a known and medically document research that anyone that has the love of any form of aquatic keeping be it fresh or salt ( but mostly saltwater keeping) has the uncontrollable desire .. no correction.. NEED to keep at the minimum of 2 set ups, with the need to increase said tanks to the next larger size. Until said need is stopped only by the lack of space to house the next step up or the lack of funds to continue increasing said collection. I will be more than happy to allow you to read this document research just as soon as I find it again. So that being said yup its totally normal to have as many tanks you can squeeze into your home. Just ask anyone of our partners/spouses ! Thank you for your time and understanding of your need Christi
  4. my fish love it.. speaking of which need to get more for my babies
  5. wow thats a awesome stand..
  6. LOL wow you werent kidding when you said a mountain load..LOLOL they are everywhere along with mushrooms :P Ahhh my 20 is still cycling and Im not sure how happy a baby would be in my 10 gallon at this time...
  7. Oh come on Kim I know you have room for another tank
  8. If you end up breaking the package up I'm interested in the Innovative Marine desktop reactor.
  9. lol true but it was just to hold him for a short time to make sure he was ok for the larger tank I believe he jumped and became kitty play snack in the end.
  10. mmm well then since I love softies and LPS (no not a fan yet of sticks sorry folks) I think I will mount them both back on the 20 for now just to see how it goes. Plus it will give me more time to save up for something better (just as soon as my car quits eating my savings for the new light and a protein skimmer). Thanks I actually like the shimmer of the lights
  11. LOL ok reading lamp and freshwater tank then
  12. Had it happen with a lawnmorrow blenny. Never did find him.. and I only had him in a 3 gallon nano at the time.
  13. I was wondering I got the 2 of them when I bought the Nuvo 20. Are they any good for anything other than fish?
  14. The single light is around 10 lbs. I used screws for sheet rock that hold around 20lbs because I could not find a second stud. I used a pencil and level for the wall and since I hung mine from the shelf I pre measured the lights and screwed in the eye screws.. but if you do that lol dont forget you have to take into account the stupid wall.. I forgot..LOLOL so move it forward
  15. yeah they ask a lot for those filters. I wanted the larger 110 and almost fell over when I saw the price.
  16. Hey Catfish2, what size are your hangers and where did you get them? I did the same with 10 gallon tank but I added a shelf on top to put things on and screwed in some eye hooks to hang the light from. I am looking for some hangers a little larger than what I have now to do the same over my 20 gallon.
  17. sadly no.. it would seem I had several issues going on at the same time that caused the chalice and some mushrooms to start bailing from their happy rock. Not sure if they are dead or floated off to a new location. I will have to get more shrooms later.
  18. dang I hate those bra dosers..
  19. Good to hear, Im in my frustrated state myself.. LOL fighting a grumpy Duncan for some reason
  20. ohh to be so broke right now :( of course
  21. where are you located? Thinking about it for my nuvo 20 or my 10 gallon nano
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