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Flashy Fins

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Everything posted by Flashy Fins

  1. I still haven't cashed in, but would like to this month. Where are you and when are you open?
  2. I sometimes lose zoa frags to the urchin, and once in a great while, a frag falls for some other reason. If I see it and realize I'll have to move rocks to get to it, I start looking for other solutions. I'll employ a mag-float, tongs, and turkey baster to get it into a new spot, but if all that fails, I give up. Learned along time ago that moving rock = disaster more often than not. Clumsy hands and an overfilled tanks means I'll knock over other corals or collapse the rocks. Not worth it.
  3. Hi! OP lives! Got busy with life and fell off the face of the earth PNWMAS forum. Happens to me from time to time. Hanging fungia blob eventually dropped. I didn't keep an exact timetable, but I don't think it took more than a few days from my last post to be hanging by a string so thin, it would not have shown in a photo. It fell onto the sand, where it's happily growing at a decent rate. You can see it's still very small, but it was about half this size when it first dropped. So far, so good! Lights are not on for the day yet, so I flashed the blues for just a minute to snap a picture. Woke up the firefish, who would like to know why a camera is in his face at 6:30 in the morning. He sleeps on the sandbed behind the green brain coral you can see just the edge of, bottom right. Go back to bed, fishy! Better yet, pick a new bed in the rockwork, so you don't wake up with coral burns every few days from snuggling with the brain!
  4. Mine just has the one baby; thankfully, no indication of the mother being ill. I notice it's hanging lower today. I took a few pictures as the current blew it around, so you can see it from different angles. Interesting to see the white that I presume is/will become the skeleton.
  5. Kidding aside, very nice to have all those babies! I hear that's the parting gift with dying fungia - babies everywhere just days before they croak. So, anyone with a struggling fungia in your tank, hang on to it till you're REALLY sure there's no life left!
  6. I bet if you feed and water those plants every day, they'll bloom like this in a week or so...
  7. Wow, very impressive! I would not have thought a mouthless piece would do so well. Maybe I'll wait till I have a decent size baby and give this a try... Thanks for sharing!
  8. A few, but I don't find it difficult. I QT in a 10g tank and follow this schedule: Day 1: large water change (40 to 50%), initial dose of Prazi Day 7: moderate water change (20 to 30%), run carbon to remove any leftover medication and avoid overdosing Day 8: remove carbon from tank, add second dose of Prazi Day 14: moderate water change (20 to 30%), run carbon to remove any leftover medication That's not my entire QT process, but for fish showing no symptoms of disease, that's the only part that involves medication. Btw, when I say Day 1, I mean the first day of treatment, not the first day I have the fish. I give them a couple of weeks to rest up and eat up while I watch for diseases like velvet, which would be far more urgent and require different treatment.
  9. If you're committed to QT'ing future fish additions and want to be sure the display is free of worms and flukes, then yes. (Prazi is only anecdotally reported to be helpful against other types of internal parasites.) Follow instructions on the bottle and do not overdose, especially if you have wrasses. Do two rounds 5-7 days apart to kill any eggs.
  10. Really doubt it's the pellets and agree with the previous comment on internal parasite. I would go two rounds of Prazi on the whole tank, 5-7 days apart. If you only did one round of Prazi before, some eggs may not have been killed. White poop would be an indicator, of course, so watch for that. To get him eating, you could try flying fish roe, aka sushi eggs. It's a rare fish who doesn't gobble them up, sick or not. You should be able to get them in an Asian grocery store. No additives would be best, but you're unlikely to find that, so just go for the crazy colored ones you find and feed them till he's interested in nori and other normal foods again.
  11. Actually, fungia is probably much easier than yuma or ricordia, since it has a skeleton. Just glue to the disc in its normal upright position, then once it's dry, glue that disc in any direction on the main rock, since you'll be able to hold the rim of the disc while the glue dries.
  12. It was already on a frag disc when I bought it, so I was able to attach it like any other coral. I got it from Matty, so maybe he can tell us more? I glued both my ricordia and yuma directly to rocks, and they took without a problem, but they were both no choice situations (purchased with no rock attached). I've read if you are trying to remove yuma babies from rocks, it's best to chip off the rock around it and keep it attached, and I would guess that's the best plan for fungia, too. My orange yuma has a couple of babies, so I'm planning to chip them away when I move everything over to the new tank, and if this plate baby drops, I'll chip that away, as well. I'd strategically place a clean frag disc there if I had one, but I don't, so I'll just let it land wherever it wants to land. I have a thing for the not-so-fraggable types of corals, so it's nice seeing some reproduction in the tank!
  13. I know most people keep these on the sandbed, so this might look quite different than you're used to, but I think I have a baby on the way. The plate has never done this before, and I can't imagine what else could be going on. I realize right now it looks like a man's... underjunk, if that pleases the censors. Hard to get pictures, due to the angle of the rock, but you get the idea. Btw, that's chaeto behind it, not the greenest glass you've ever seen. A stray couple of pieces turned into a big ball once I added a Jebao wavewaker, and I'm letting it chill there till the new tank is up. Also, I keep plate corals on the rocks for two reasons: 1) that's how they are in the wild, and 2) I'm out of sandbed space. (Upgrade slowly coming together; almost there!)
  14. So nice of you! I'm bummed the meeting is on a day I'll be out of town.
  15. George Mavrakis must have been asked a thousand times where to buy that shirt. I'm not even a t-shirt wearer, but I could make an exception for that one.
  16. Ahhhh, I'll be out of town for this one! I'll have to check out "Merry Maids" another time. Need to cash in that $20 credit from becoming a paid member here. Have fun, everyone!
  17. Looks like you're having a blast. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us!
  18. I'd go with the first - more room for sandbed corals. They both look nice, though.
  19. Yeah, I'm a little nuts. There's a folder on my computer with my stocking plan for a giant fowlr I may never have... but I've researched the hell out of all the fish on the list! Reading up on fish is fun, at least.
  20. I spoke too soon. Car is not full. If anyone still needs a ride, there's room for 1 more, but you have to be in Kelso by 8 am. Ride is with Roy (stylaster), his girlfriend, and me. Have fun, everyone!
  21. I'm going! I think the carpool I'm in is already full, but maybe I'll see some of you there.
  22. That's so neat! Mine does not do that; when a polyp closes, the arm completely retracts. I love mine and would like to try some other colors eventually. No room in my tank right now for another (upgrade coming, but I'm sloooooowly setting up). Mine has grown quite a bit. This was taken March 2015. Looks only slightly larger right now, but I'm sure in another 6 months or so, I'll be able to notice a difference in pictures. The goal is softball size! Then, the goal will become basketball size! (I'll need a bigger tank...) Tiny frag purchased from OIAB. I don't remember exactly what I paid, but I know it was a sweet deal.
  23. Ahhhhhh, this is my dream fish! Stylaster & gumby are probably sick of hearing me blab about it, because it takes up half the conversation every time we're together; it's one of the biggest reasons I absolutely must have a large tank someday! Jeremy, if you get one of these, you'd better be prepared for me to come visit him! Like, a lot! They pop up on Diver's Den from time to time, but you have to be hella quick to get one. Some of the other scarus parrots show up there, as well, but none are as spectacular as the quoyi. A couple of people on RC have been lucky enough to get them mislabeled as princess parrots or just sold as generic parrotfish, for much less than the DD price (about $250-300 is what I've seen); I think one person got theirs for $35. I recognize the faded one shown as belonging to a guy named Peter (SDGuy). This was the fish's original colors (a photo saved on my computer for drooling sessions): He has it in a fowlr with a lot of butterflies and a few other fish. I don't think he has any wrasses in that tank, but I wonder if the parrot's colors would be more likely to stay vivid if he did. This is a great thread to read through if you're considering one: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2293760 But seriously, GET ONE. Get one and invite me to its birthday parties. I'll buy it a Christmas gift. Please get one!!
  24. I like to flash people, and I like fish, so... Just kidding! I'm flashy as in loud, in terms of color preference (anyone who has been to my place can attest it looks like a rainbow threw up inside), shine (sequins! never enough sequins!), and volume (I'm nearly incapable of NOT shouting when I talk). This shows up in my tanks, as well. Would rather have a pet mosquito than a brown coral or fish; only the brightest, flashiest colors for me! I'm still upset live rock doesn't come in hot pink.
  25. Looks nice! Can't wait to see how it progresses.
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