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Everything posted by rworegon

  1. I've got some rose splits in the cube. I think you saw them last time you were over. I might trade you one for some colorful zoa's.
  2. I would add a piece of 2" pvc, either a straight piece, or better yet an elbow or tee for him to hide in. PVC will not absord any medication and still gives the fish somewhere to "escape" when feeling threatened.
  3. Wish I could help Nan but I don't have any experience with Epsom salts ant trading fish with it. I would be hesitant to put a fish in with ask that stuff though. Maybe just clean water and antibiotics.
  4. The October meeting was a resounding success. A total of 44 people showed up with 26 members. We had 4 new members sign up and one very happy raffle winner. Here are some pics of the festivities: Stu prepping for his presentation: [/url] People were greeted by Robyn and a request to please sign in: T-shirts were available as well: Many people brought their better halves: Lots of lively conversation: Plenty to eat: Doesn't he look Presidential: More chatting over beverages: Blackice enthralled by one of Stu's coldwater books: Looks like Karen might have stumped Stu with a question: I'll take two please: Cuttlefish and Corals with another future reefer: Finally, the winner of the raffle, took home an Ocean Revive LED: Let the after party begin: It was a good time for those who made it and we all missed those who didn't. Hope to see you all next month.
  5. Not too creepy but: yellow cucumber at night by rworegon, on Flickr
  6. Creepy it is: _IGP4999 by rworegon, on Flickr
  7. Yea, I was just poking fun at ya. Who would keep a full colony of hydno anywhere?
  8. Gee, where do you put all those frags in a 6gal Fluval Edge??? Your tag line is misleading.
  9. Frag tank? Whats a frag Tank?????(scratch) Who's got a frag tank? You should have come this summer. Another winter in Chicago could be brutal. I used to live right across the lake in Michigan. Brrrrrrrrrrrr
  10. How long do you think I could keep one alive with floating ice cubes in the frag tank????? And Yes, No more lights for Higher Thinking.
  11. Share the love. Sorry for the dilemma Matt. I've got a 40 cube with 7 RBTA's they could choose from. The only other fish in the tank is a Mandarin.
  12. The pics will be in the drop box tomorrow. No time tonight.
  13. This experiment officially failed. They got along fine for the first two days, then the established leopard started chasing the newly introduced leopard. She hid for about a week and came out to get something to eat s couple of times. Two days ago I came home from work to find the new one nearly dead and the established one beating on it. I was able to fetch the injured fish and place it in the quarantine tank but it ess too late. She didn't make it through the night. I won't be doing that again. RIP little waste.
  14. Pellet good is high in phosphates. Check your phosphates. Is they are high run some gfo. Carbon dosing is s good option but takes a while to realize the benefits. Trochus snails will help in the short term. Less bulldozer like than turbo snails and they can right themselves if they fall over.
  15. I know you said you don't want to drill into your stand but if it has 3/4" plywood on the top of the stand some short sheet metal screws would hold that light to the under side of the stand real nice. I've got a uv mounted there as well as a fuge light and the ballast for the uv, all screwed into the top of the stand. The way it is now you are risking the light falling into the water and pzzzzt!!!
  16. I like it. The OCD guy in my head wants to point out that the two T-247's are set to different times though.
  17. Did you quarantine the new fish? Is the new fish one of the casualties? Have you diagnosed the illness? Do you have a hospital tank you can set up? Make up lots of fresh saltwater, you will need it.
  18. At 24" on center you can place your stand so it is being supported by three joists. That load will be evenly distributed between the 2x10 beams. I'm sure you will be fine.
  19. Yep, pretty normal. I have one in my frag tank. Was kind of sketchy at first but now when I come into the room he's all over the tank till I put my hands in, then he's all about checking out what I'm doing. I can even touch him, pet him if you will.
  20. You stated that you are using BRS 2-part. This tells me that you are using it in a solution. Redo your calculation using "2-Part Alkalinity (Soda Ash) Solution." It will give you how many ml you need to add. Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for the death of any livestock as a result of the above statement. Too many assumptions are being made on my part based on your statements.
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