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Everything posted by Derbird

  1. Must have at least 2" depth for a 5" tang (enforcer) (laugh) The aptasia is a nice touch
  2. I never had very many pods either. So I bought some on line and got a bottle of tigger pods from the LFS. I never see the online ones unless I clean the sock so I know they are in there. The tigger pods are everywhere. I have little red pods over every rock and all over the glass I think incresing the biodiversity really helped out.
  3. That actually would be pretty cool (daz)
  4. The rules only state one gallon or under. I would think if you can imagine it do it!
  5. That would be great, is it alright to have direct contact with saltwater? (I see some splashing as a possibility)
  6. Hello DYI people. Yesterday I had a scary moment. I decided to change my filtersock. It wasn't my normal day to do this but I just though it needed it. I do my normal rutine and go to dump the sock out in the bucked to save any pods or other things that fall in. Well out pops my Melanurus Wrasse (scary). The little guy was still alive so I grabbed him and dropped him back in the the main tank (scary). He seemed to come through the ordeal unharmed but I don't need a repeat where he stays there for a few days. Some how my 5" Melanurus Wrasse made it through a gap as thick as my thumb. to get between the brace and the overflow. I have to cover the overflow. What is the best way to go about this. Egg crate, Gutter gard ? I have alomst no DYI skills so I'm not sure what to do here. Any input is most welcome. (help)
  7. Free bump for a great guy I can vouch for his frogspawns. I have one and love it!
  8. Woohoo road trip time I requested the day off so knock on wood (nutty)
  9. Couldn't you build a nice cabnet around the fidge? It would look like a table so it wouldn't be an eye sore. I don't think you would have to take that out of your budget (my vote atleast)
  10. Cool critter I like the white nose Looking forward to seeing the build.
  11. The budget is actually making this more interesting. I find I'm playing a balancing game. Although I did have to sacrafice the LED lights I wanted :( Just couldn't do it and a good heater so heater won out. Burningbaal, I'm also leaning towards a vase as well. I am really liking the cylinders. It will make getting a good photo a challenge but I really like the shape and also think it will help with flow
  12. Too true, I find I'm already cutting my list down dramaticly. I don't think 10 corals and 7 inverts would be very happy in a micro pico (nono)
  13. Weekend bump I know my price it too low so get this before I raise it (whistle)
  14. Woohoo I love all the new tank build threads going up (dancing). Nice nano tank. I wish I could put up a tank at work but I think Safeway would take issue with that (nono)
  15. I think having the stocking month more open is a good idea. That way if some ones cycle takes a bit longer there is not penalized for it. Also if you cycle goes quickly then you don't have to wait a month looking at a tank ready to go. I have never checked nano reefs out. I'm going to have to do that, even if its just for reserch
  16. Woohoo I think I have a plan (drinking) I found a nice vessel to use (two of them actually, we will see which works better). They are not your standard squares so I did the take a gallon just to it test and have enough volume left for a filter (dancing) Much more to do but I'm on a good road. I think (scary)
  17. You have had 2cm of growth....... Sounds like a fish story to me (fish) (whistle) You must have fragged it down already. (laugh) Pretty sure you mean 2 mm (nono) Seriously though looking good, I love the camo fish in the second picture. I didn't even see him the first time I looked. What kind is he?
  18. I have seen that Echinata and its sweet. I think he is selling it because it is stinging everything around it. I would love a piece for my main tank but I would be cautious putting it in such close quarters. Good to know about the temperte cycle. I had never heard that before
  19. Sorry I missed that one DOH! I agree, running a heater without a thermostat is just asking for trouble. Part of the reason I was suprized, I can't imagine people doing that. Islandoftiki's looks perfect, pricy but worth it
  20. I'm suprized by the lack of decent heaters in this catagory. I know betta bowls have been kept for thousands of years. Yet the heaters for them are absolutly terrible. I can't find one the seems reliable yet small. Has anyone else had luck? The only one I have found that I was considering had said it was good for fresh or marine. But one of the reviers said the unit had a "not recomended for marine use" tag on it (nutty)
  21. Double fun, Double post DOH!
  22. That would be sweet. I had no idea they even made them that small (rock2)
  23. A grow out sounds fun but could have problems with such a small system. If it chrashes you lose it (it would probably be something nice if growing out). If you succeed and it grows most things may overtake a pico well before the year is over. Just some thoughts. Good heater, nicer then the one I found last night
  24. A quick question. Are we counting shipping in to the cost? I ask because I liked the 1 gallon tanks suggested earlier. 20.99 + 14.99 shipping. It starts adding up pretty quick. I'm not totaly sure I want to go that route but maybe. For lighting I can get free shipping on Amazon so I think I'm good there.
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