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Everything posted by Burningbaal

  1. the trick with things like this is making sure we get enough of the same thing for all comp members...can we find a place that we could actually order 30 of the same thing and still get a cheap price? maybe we should get more official count. perhaps we could say that the rule set is fixed, container will be less than $15 (above the $100 cap). members must commit by June 21st so the vessels can be purchased and distributed. you must pay cash for your vessel upon delivery (one of us kind souls can front the cash for the initial purchase, like a group buy of sorts?) so commitments by June 21st, vessels delivered by July 4th and setups between the 7th and 15th. My vessel-decision-thoughts: I'm inspired by the crazy betta systems (like glasscages has) to try something using multiple containers...actually my diea isn't really like that, but I'll keep it secret...what if we allow a second vessel that is no larger than the official one?
  2. Keith's official proposed rule set (to be edited as we go): >any container can be used assuming the entire system volume (including HOB/external filters/etc) is UNDER 1 US Gallon and the vessel (not counting filters/etc) setup can only cost up to $20, this is in addition to the 'general budget of $100. >sand and up to one pound of rock can be added 'for free' to start the cycle. the rock cannot have any significant 'hitchhikers' on it. >it must be set up between July 7th and July 15th and left untouched except for top off, water changes and filter/media change until September 1st >equipment can include anything such that it fits within the budget. you can buy used, but not from someone you know unless you can show two other used sales of equivalent items within the past year for within 10% of the price you paid. >you can use your own equipment, but must find equivalent sales (as above, used is OK) to prove what the item's value is. >During the month of September, livestock can be added. all motile invertebrates and fish must fit within the budget, used or already-owned is ok, same rules as equipment >this DOES mean that you can put an $800 chalice frag in there if you're so daring, but having the most expensive coral or tunicate won't win you the prizes, so that's on you. >as of October 1st, you can only replace equipment that breaks or livestock that dies with equivalently priced items of similar nature (no replacing a light with a pump or a fish with a coral). >you can also remove anything you want to remove, but if removal is by your choice, it must be of half the value of the item removed (to encourage consistency) >one post in the comp thread between the 7th and 16th of July with picture(s) of setup >one post in the comp thread between the 21st of August and before livestock addition, with picture(s) >at least one and up to three pictures must be posted in the comp thread between the 1st and 15th of every month starting in October to show status. >short descriptions during updates are encouraged (not just pictures, but pictures meet the requirement) >failure to meet the update requirements will disqualify you. >final update is between the 1st and 15th of September 2013, at least one and up to FIVE pictures must be part of this update, summary of how the year went and current status must also be part of the final update I think waterflow and lighting are gonna be interesting here... I'm not dead-set on the container, it could change...anyone know if these are safe? Prizes: >best use of and success with sessile inverts >most creative setup >most economical (not necessarily cheapest, but best 'use of budget') >best use of and success with fish >best use of and success with motile inverts >Most successful overall (probably have one or two runner up prizes here) We'd work with people between now and August 15th to set the prizes. more prizes could be added down the road, but that would give us enough to plan our livestock for. I think I'd also allow mid-term prizes, if a vendor (or non-comp member) wants to offer a prize, it has to apply to at least half of the competition members (no 'best mummy eye chalice') and give at least 30 days notice before granting the award (or longer if the task warrants it)
  3. FTS, skimmer is just hanging out right now, still have a little plumbing leak to attend to before I can get the return pump on. These were volunteers in a 10g hair algae nano someone offloaded on me last year, I thought the skeletons were completely dead when I saw the rock...apparently not: acan from kimberlee is getting cool rust-colored areas: new stag's color suffered in the old tank's lighting...once I get the new tank's lighting on full cycle, I'm hoping this bounces back: other things on the frag rack: the homies: nifty sarcophyton:
  4. I think also: sessile invertebrates can come 'for free' from your own tank, but any crabs, shrimp, fish, etc have to be 'budgetted'. you can pull them from your own tank, but you have to account for their typical cost in your budget (less than $100). I also think instead of 'best coral success', it should be 'best sessile invert success', so if someone get a clam spawning in there or something awesome with tunicates or something, they have a shot at that prize. equipment can be re-used, but must be accounted for in the budget as well. I think this would be really fun, and the simply orange bottle gives some cool contours (and challenges...water flow?) I say the bottle can be modified in any way you want as long as it is the only water 'vessel' in use (no sump, no...whatever). Zach: how does that sound?
  5. Masonry jar or...a simply orange container! Here's my plan: Everyone starts with a simply orange container, sand and some rubble to get a cycle going. Lighting can be anything withing the budget. Max spending beyond the container, sand and rubble is within budget, livestock must either come from existing tank or come from the same budget. Tank mist be set up to cycle by July 15th (not before the 7th), and left untouched for six weeks except water changes and...filter changes?. Cycle can be kick-started by a raw shrimp. As of September 1st, anything can be added or subtracted that is live (rock and substrate can change if you dare), equipment can only be removed or equivalent replacement in case of breakage. Pictures at setup, 3-4 weeks and 6 weeks, then monthly for...a year? We'll either say that at the end, it will be left to a vote, or the winner(s?) Will be for whose crashed last...:/ As the new VRO, I'll talk with vendors about prizes, I'd like a few categories (most innovative equipment, most creative livestock, best coral success, most economical...?) and a three-place ranking for best overall. How's that sound. Max budget of $100?
  6. My clump is pretty small, but I could tear off a chunk if you're in corvallis any time soon...
  7. why not? I've seen pics of people slicing a neme in half and they seem to do fine :/ admittedly, it'd be terrifying on an $800 purchase. anyway about it, it's evidently a reproducing species because it's advertised as aquacultured...
  8. I don't think I'm actually up for it, but doing it with a dictated vessel would be pretty cool. maybe it could be a one-quart Kerr jar, or a specific 2quart vase or something...John's idea is pretty inspiring. I think I'll submit a new term...if nano's are under 40g and pico's are under 10, I think anything under one gallon should be a femto tank (for those non-nerds, femto is the next order of magnitude down after pico)
  9. I've got a piece about 3 1/2 feet long and 11" wide, you could cut it however. not 100% sure on thickness, but I'd guess 3/8"
  10. !!!!It's happening!!!! so here's four shots of it all cloudy. it took about 4 hours to get all the sand, rock and critters moved. I stirred up the sand a lot and mixed it into about 20 gallons of water, then poured 15g of water out (it was a bit nasty). most of what's left is just some sand-cloudiness. I kicked on the new lights for a few, but won't leave them on long (too much new wattage for the poor guys:D) so here's the FTS...half full so far (making more water currently): two of the female clown: the second with some raspberry reds from mohaynow (about 9 months ago): and the frag rack...mostly excited about the new stag (killer deal from Garret), there's also a new purple-tip frogspawn back there that's new, hopefully we'll see it later :/ we also got 15 yards of new bark dust blown in during all of this...kinda crazy!
  11. BWAHAHAHA rofl (gavel)(nono) I'm at work and actually had to chuckle out loud...nice
  12. If I was single with too much money, I might be first in line
  13. they have a 500mL version too, costs 40% as much...for 25% as much product. so it's about 160% the cost per mL. they're dosing recommendation (which is probably really high and obviously completely arbitrary) means the 2L bottle would last about 6 years
  14. 25 views and no thoughts? TTT to see if anyone this afternoon has anything to say about it
  15. anyone know anything about this? it seems a bit too good to be true, which probably means it is. Brightwell seems like they kinda know what they're doing though. sounds like an all-in-one additive for your reef-esp hard corals, two liters for $35! http://www.amazon.com/Brightwell-Aquatics-Liquid-Reef-67-6/dp/B001ODZFE8/ref=sr_1_24?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1338570836&sr=1-24
  16. so I'm really trying to get a handle on the airflow...have you actually built any? how much air did your air pump move? I understand it's not an exact thing, but I'd like to make sure I'm in the right ball park.
  17. give some rep this way then
  18. I'd like to think that the 'good guys' would help the owners keep an eye out, too...
  19. the move is scheduled for this saturday and looking forward to it. I'll have to be careful about light acclimation for the poor guys...going from 64 watts of T8 to 432 watts of T5HO...definitely be keeping half the lights off for the first few weeks and keep everything low in the tank, maybe even under some rocks for shade...short light cycles, etc. super excited, though!!!!!! (clap)(rock2)(fingers)(clap)(rock2)(fingers)(clap)(rock2)(fingers)(clap)(rock2)(fingers)
  20. big sales like this usually take time, unless it's an insanely low price. it'll either take patience or psycho-low pricing to move it. parting can help, but no guarrantees. that's all just based on what I've seen through my time here.
  21. I've seen people just break off a couple heads at the place a branch splits. of course it'd be nicer to use a dremel or other type of saw to make a clean cut. a little reef dip or iodine dip to help them start the healing process helps (or so I hear). Not sure on price, but I would guess $5-10 per head depending on size of heads, $30 for a mini-colony? I'm totally guessing on the price. I just bought a 3-head from TPA, but not sure how retail compares to hobbyist prices for these
  22. share that love!! (rock2)(clap) ...does that count? just to be sure: Share the love
  23. any recommendation of how much air to pump across it? maybe XX gph air pump or a air pump made for a 20g tank or something? of course it would be per 10 square inches (or something) of growth material...
  24. not a whole lot to update, but here: hoping to finalize the plumbing this week, out of town for the next two weekends, so hopefully the move can happen the week of the 21st. I'll know for sure tonight, but i think I lost my sea hare...might have starved the poor guy. I've got him floating in a bag with a yummy rock (that was in a different tank) in case he perks up, but I'm 90% sure he's already gone. should be able to make the move pretty smoothly if I can wrap up the plumbing problem. I'm very excited about my 8-bulb Tek light for the display and my two CFL's are growing chaeto and prolifera well in the sump (return pump is off right now), hoping to get some birdsnest, monticaps, hammers and other LPS frags in the next month or three...but it'll have to go slow as budget allows :(
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