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Everything posted by Emerald525

  1. Cool thanks Alex! I'm going to bed now! It seems the later I stay up the more money I spend! Kim
  2. I saw this on craigslist tonight. It looks like a really good deal. I already have 2 aquariums lol but I thought I would pass this along. Tank, sump, live rock, fish all for 600 bucks obo. http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/for/1659520569.html
  3. Alex, I will take number 20 and the acan. I tried to resist but couldn't help myself.(plotting) I can't pick it up until the following weekend because will be out of town until Monday. I can send you the money through paypal!
  4. Welcome Tony! My name is Kim and i'm a reefaholic!
  5. LOL! Well at least you know it's not photoshopped! The amount of money I have spent on corals, I could have bought a really really nice camera!
  6. I finally bought my first Scolly! (clap)This was the one I dreamed I bid 300 dollars on it on Ebay . I didn't spend that much( about 1/3 of that) and I love it!(drooler). Seriously love it! Would take it out for dinner and a movie but it only likes raw food! Forgive the picture quality. I only have a point and shoot little canon.
  7. Bumping it up again for the late night crowd! Sending out the form in the morning. PM tanktop74 or me to get you on the list for the group buy!
  8. Congratulations! I'm jealous! 2 MP40's are going to be my next big purchase when tax money comes and hopefully get the group buy going. I don't know much but there was an earlier thread about them that I found very helpful. This was from Reefnjunkie. He would be a helpful person to talk to. I hope that helps. "I don't use the long or short pulse feature, I think that is the one if you want to wave motion. I use the reef crest mode that basically switches the pump from full power to low power. Here is a link, (scroll down just below the "making a wave" YouTube vid) you will see a graph that shows "reef crest" vs " lagoon" http://glassbox-design.com/2008/ecot...vortech-mp40w/ I have my pumps at about 70% full power and they follow that pattern you will see. I tried Lagoon and it was way to much movement for my tank I think the advantage over the Tunze and I may be wrong is that they are smaller and pack more of a punch, plus all the cool different modes. I think the 40's can all be programmed from a single unit and that can be wireless-not certain on that one."
  9. Still waiting on my coupon. I'm leaving tomorrow for Whistler and was going to stop by on the way up tomorrow.
  10. LOL I wish I could help you. Not my line of work. I just checked your thread because I thought you were having people over for popcorn.(laugh)
  11. Emerald525

    couldnt resist.

    Nice fish! Woody usually has nice healthy fish at really good prices! I hear those can be difficult to take care of.
  12. Emerald525

    Id please?

    Hydonophora? really? I have been warned about those.
  13. Welcome Doug and Ken! Welcome to the family. The reef bug is a very dangerous thing to have. I feel funny saying welcome since I joined the same time as you did LOL. Soon you will get all twitchy and have dreams that you are bidding ridiculous amounts of money on EBAY for beautiful corals! Very gracious and helpful group here I have found!
  14. I thought Direct TV's picture quality was a little better but did I mention their customer service sucks! sucks! sucks! and they are rip off artists! My comcast picture quality is fine but it could be the sony tv I have.
  15. When it's time our little fish geek Shanoah will keep this hobby going for him. Teresa Well when the time is right let us know and I would be willing to help her out and get that 60 gallon cube going! I guarantee others in this forum would be more than happy to help as well. I really do feel for you all and have definitely been thinking about you and your family all day and have felt the loss. I can keep this thread going in his honor.
  16. impressive. It's nice to see before and after shots. So in a years time I should notice a difference. That's good to know!
  17. Cool and exciting with a little bit of controversy!(clap) I feel like we should have code names. Mine is going to be green carpet anemone On a more serious note was thinking with the bonus points we get, will donate to tanks for teacher. I'm not sure how the point system works yet and what 2000 points gets you.(scratch)
  18. Funny, I didn't picture a superhero when I saw your name. I imagined more of the humble sidekick like Robin or Fall Out Boy in the Simpsons. It's a good "stage name" though.
  19. Emerald525


    I loved the cork analogy too! I try no to look at the theories on the internet but now that you mention it, I do remember now that Purgatory was thrown around. I like it and to me it is the only thing that really makes sense and ties things up in a somewhat "nice package". It would explain why and how everyone is connected. It would be funny though if it turned out the man in black was actually the "good guy" and the one telling the truth and Jacob in white is actually the evil, "bad guy". Would be kinda like the Simpson episode where Ned Flanders ended up being Satan!(laugh)
  20. Thanks for sharing! I love seeing mature colonies because I never know what anything looks like in the wild because everything I have is still in cut up small little pieces. Very impressive.(drooler). I strive to someday have such fully matured pieces.
  21. Yes, very good deal. I was going to jump on it too but 30 minutes later was too late!
  22. Emerald525


    Last nights episode of LOST was one of the best! I finally feel like I am getting some answers! It really does make sense that they are all dead and in hell. I don't know why I didn't think of that before DOH! I mean they did show the plane crashed with all the people still on board at the bottom of the ocean but I was more willing accept that some dude named Charles Whitmore staged the whole thing.(scratch) It also makes sense why Jack was able to speak to his dead father.
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