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Everything posted by pnkrcklives

  1. POK POK 3226 SE Division St · Portland LE BISTRO MONTAGE 301 SE Morrison St Both very Eclectic and great prices/portions. The food at both places is great. If you go to montage make sure you have some left overs so they make you an art sculpture out of aluminium foil. If you go to POK POK go with the specials and waiter recomendations. Especially if its your first time.
  2. After seeing all the junk mine collect. I can not see a reason to run without.
  3. Free bump nice favia. Mine is about that big but yours looks nicer...
  4. My snowflake had a blockage from a snail. When I did an autopsy on him I found it. He had an obvious lump in his midsection and would not eat for 4 days before he passed. Sorry for your loss.
  5. Good to know! I was looking at them for my 75 gallon build but will just stick with titanium.
  6. My girlfriend loves planted fresh water tanks we will be plumbing my 55 corner and her standard 55 together once I get rid of all my cichlids. Love to see that people have amazing reef and fresh tanks. I just never did planted fresh water cause I did not want to mess with co2 but now that I am doing it with my reactors in my reef should be no prob to figure out
  7. I wish I could get a pair I could see. I just put a pair in my 55 they went under the rocks. Have not seen them since. I see alot of signs of digging but neither of the creatures. This is my third and final attempt.
  8. WOW 25 years on the same tank? That is amazing! You could try to glue in patch pieces. But I would hang it from the garage rafters like a retired basket ball jersey.
  9. As far as what Tim told me he is fine with most anything except small shrimp. Mine leaves all my shrimp alone. I have cleaners, fire shrimp, and peppermint shrimp.
  10. My 20l sump is set up almost identical to yours. I loved the way it was so clean day one. And one month later how much algea is in there. Guess its good its growing in there and not in the display...
  11. Try contacting thatguy559 He sent me a message a while ago he was running tunze 6055 off of a homemade controller he said he got all the parts at radio shack for like 12 bucks
  12. If so head over to Westside. He has a Pencil Wrasse from Hawaii. I got one last week. That fish is awesome. He is eating all pests. Flatworms, small bristle worms, and zoa eating nudis. And on top of that he is the tamest fish in my tank. Follows my hand around the tank. Waiting for me to pick up a rock so he can eat all the pests under it.
  13. I will look at Westside too. I will be out there in an hour or so.
  14. Thought I saw them listed on the freezer at Saltwater Fantaseas. You might give them a call.
  15. Try some crc electronics cleaner in there and blow it out with air.
  16. Good luck to you. Pest can be a real pain in this hobby...
  17. If there is one then there is more... I have been fighting them for a while. I just rinse as many colonies as I can once a week in warm freshwater. And move them around to try and catch the nudis moving. I also got a wrasse that is supposed to eat them. But he likes the flat worms better. I have noticed some growth since I started this. It is kinda a pain but working.
  18. They grow really fast. I bought one once at about 6". Within a year it was pushing 18". They can be sneaky little buggers getting through the tinest holes. And swimming through plumbing. Lucky so far my dwarf moray doesnt like to try and sneak out.
  19. There was a thread just the other day about OIAB having gel frag glue for a great price.
  20. Just ordered the parts for mine... Thanks for the info.
  21. Thats funny you posted that. I was just going to post the same thing. I was doing some cleaning this morning. I run my hand if front of the powerhead. No flow so I started checking to see if it gave out and noticed it was sucking in. So I unplugged it and looked it over cleaned it a little and plugged it in. All has been well for a couple hours.
  22. I could have been crabs too. But I have never seen them around the clam. It was a Gigas clam. So even being that large it was still just a baby. Wild one have been known to be 500+ pounds
  23. After extensive water testing jury is still out on what did my clam in... My best theory is when I dropped in some pellet food for the shrimps one landed on his mantle. Then one of the fish picked at him. I had seen this happen with him before but no damage to him. He looked happy(since week before christmas). Untill last Thursday I notice him slightly closed, and a tiny hole in his mantle. Called around to a couple LFS Friday. Was gonna take a water sample(to double check my test kits) and the clam to Westside. Untill I could figure out what to do. Got home Friday from work and his mantle was torn open wide. He was still alive but died within the hour. His empty shell weighed over 1 pound and was 8+ inches long. He wasnt the prettiest clam but he was a fun creature and a gift from my girlfriend. RIP sorry for the sad story. Needless to say It will be a while before I try my hand at clams again.
  24. How much flow/light would a maxi/mini tank need. I was gonna try and use the filter/light thats on it and throw a power head in there. I like the planted SW idea. I think this could eventually be my display fudge for my new 75 build once I finally get it rolling. But thats gonna be a few months or more.
  25. Just broke down a freshwater tank. 12 gallon eclipse.http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3865 So the question is now what to do with it. I thought of just filling it up with water from my water change I am going to do and let it run with saltwater in it and do some tests over the next few days and see what could live in it. Thinking macro could live in there for sure. But macro is no fun to watch. Looking for some creative ideas I could do with old stuff laying around.
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