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Everything posted by pnkrcklives

  1. That place looks pretty cool... The floor looks like it would be hard to play on with all the shadows on it from the art work.
  2. Interesting I was gonna move my trio of blue greens from my other tank. Had them for a year and they came with the tank. Then try and add some more(vander builts or orange stripes). Couple people have mentioned the anthias I will keep that open as an option as well. Bartlets are amazing looking fish...
  3. I will just have to collect some rain water and do some tests on it.
  4. I will hit you up for some softies once it is ready. I was thinking of getting a maroon clown and moving my other maroon over. And going with a school of chromis. And some type of wrasse as well. A shrimp goby pair would look cool with the black sand...
  5. There is a guy I met yesterday doing that out in hillsboro runs his whole house off rain water and all his chiclid tanks and gardens. He is even growing the fish to eat. Maybe I will give this a try...
  6. I use ro/di mainly for the consistancy of it. My tap water is good enough to keep the tank in good order. I just noticed some minor changes in it. IE after heavy rain storm, or in summer months. I will start another thread on this but has anyone collected rain water and then filtered it through a ro/di filter system.
  7. I am just throwing this out there for ideas that I may not have thought of. I have some ideas but need to do a little more research. I dont plan on stocking any time soon(month or more). Especially till I fully know what I want to do. Patience is the key in this hobby. I learned that with my first tank.
  8. Finally got the 55 full of water/cycling. Any stocking suggestions. Gonna go softies and fish only.
  9. Whats the mileage. You look a little hopeful on price. Those rigs are hard to get good money out of these days. But I do have a buddy looking for one to pull his ski's.
  10. What are the dimensions on the overflow box(width mostly)...
  11. Holy crap someone stop my spinning head... NICE CORALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I have a purple rim fungia plate I would trade you. I have no where in the tank with enough shade. So it looks like he maybe declining a little due to this. If you do not want him he will go up for a share the love Friday.
  13. I cried when I had a simular failure on one of my drag engines. [language filter] near cried watching this. I only had half as nice of equipment.
  14. I have 3 perculas and a maroon in my 90 gallon. The only problems I had was that the mated pair started to fight after the maroon was introduced. Now they all try and host the same anemone(the maroon is only as big as the perculas). Each fish has a personality of their own so without trying it there is no surefire way to tell. If you do end up listing him give me a yell as I am interested in another clown. But I will not be adding fish to the new 55 for a week or so.
  15. Whats the price and your zip code so I can see how much to ship it.
  16. I am running 2 750 evos... I did not even know till I read this thread. Now I know they are controller friendly. Looks like I will be getting the 1050s and a controller to run them doing my research now.
  17. Yes it is what I used on the skin I just built. I think I have some pics on here. I could meet some one in portland during the week I work in NE portland
  18. He eats almost anything. Frozen krill, silversides, and scallops. I also get him some raw shrimp and scallops, at the seafood mart sometimes. I have even seen him pick at the sinking pellets right next to the fire shrimp too. I would love to have a pair of them sometime. Just no room in this tank.
  19. Thats a pretty good price for online. But if you look most places are out of stock.
  20. Yes he is the golden dwarf moray, from hawaii. He spends more time out then the snowflake I had years ago. But he is an eel so he spends a lot of time hiding.
  21. how much paint you need? and what color I have 3/4 gallon left over from my stand it is a nice brownish red some one can come confirm the color and have the paint free and if you need a little more later I will get you some more
  22. Too much but well worth the investment...
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