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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. You guys will be the hit of the next drum circle for sure LOL
  2. It's a rare African red tail species.....J/K mabey red dye #7 in the flake food just being processed?
  3. +1 on the stuff Clay has...A couple huge show pieces
  4. Share the love...nappy dred syle. I'm not perfect either, just like pump
  5. Is there a better xmas eve dinner?
  6. Merry X-mas..we are headed to Sac, stopping at IN and Out on the way and on the way back! It's the best Xmas ever!
  7. Ha! Ive seen your physique....it's like mine, cheeeesburger friendly. Just go, enjoy and report back!
  8. CHECK THIS: http://www.badmouth.net/in-n-outs-secret-menu/ LEARN IT, LOVE IT, LIVE IT !
  9. WHOO HOOOO! I would replace rear tires and run the fronts, get them warm and have them balanced to check. Belts in the rear are no problem, several places will sell them new as universal and you might still be able to find a used pair. There used to be a Wrecking yard south of you near Obrien that had alot of used cars/trucks. Sounds fun, if i can talk the wife into taking the coastal route to Sacremento I will cal you.
  10. I have a softy frag for you if you get down this way?
  11. Think of it like buying your first SW tank at the LFS....they never tell you everything on the first purchase LOL! If you become hooked, you will discover more each time you shop (naughty)
  12. Ya, just order what you are going to eat there, then place the to-go order and tell them you would like it separated and on ice. It's AMAZING. I'm headed there tomorrow, leaving Eugene at noon. We plan on Dinner at the redding location, xmas on saturday, lunch at In and Out on Sunday in Sac and then dinner at the redding location on the way home. You can also call the 1-800 number up to 1:00am 7 days a week and tell them your location and the will direct you to the nearest one...it's like Onstar for In and Out
  13. Not that I'm smarter than the rest, but I appluade the people on the forum for posting mistakes along the way that I read before I made some of them. Having a buddy like Clay is a double edged sword. You love his enthusiasm to try, but watch and pitty those mistakes made in an upstairs home! I learned fast on the RO/DI thing. I did however try to RUSH things several times and made the damsel mistake, RBTA mistakes, aquascaping/frag crushing mistakes, over feeding by myself and house sitter mistakes, metal hose clamps externally and flooding floor mistakes, ATO not backed up-water level dropped below glass heater-blowing circuit breaker while gone and shutting all tanks off mistakes. i have learned to always have a fellow reefer available in case of Emergency while you are away.
  14. I will be headed South to Sac and back. If anyone wants In and Out at rediing, let me know LOL!
  15. ++++1 (animal style) hitting the perverbial nail on the head. I didn't grow up next to one, but drive from Eugene to Redding just for lunch a few saturdays a year and bring back "care packages" for my friends who can't drive 9 hours for the best burger on the planet. They will package the burger, cheese, sauce , trimmings etc. seperately on ice so when you get home you can assemble them, pop them in the microwave and fill your house with the smell on IN and OUT. Only Turkey dinners during the Holidays can rival this smell. Like mentioned by Grassi, it's the fact that they will make anything you want. Their hidden menu is like finding Micky Mouse heads hidden around inside Disneyland. You can watch them cut the potato and then double fry it for you. My mouth is watering and I have to stop type/rambling
  16. Gently press the rock down until you feel it rest on the bottom. Not all aquascaping has flat bottoms and rest perfectly. I have had no problem doing it this way.
  17. Thanks for sharing..look like you had a good time!
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