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Everything posted by nwcoralfarm

  1. Oh yeah, I love totm........what is it?
  2. Careful Clay, I seen a friend of mine do this once and his whole house exploded! Just kidding:D
  3. Seeding may not be the problem then. You might look into other things as well, but if you want, I can mail you a bag or you can come and get it for free.
  4. Great job man, I have been doing photography for about 10 years, kind of embarrassing but I actually just broke down the dark room, ha ha(whistle). I would love to see more sometime!
  5. There is also a place right off of airport way, hmmm, I can't remember the name thoughDOH!,,,,but they are cheaper if you look for them they are right behind that car wash when you get off the freeway northbound and take a left.
  6. My whole system runs off one, and it is even a little under rated for my setup. I would still prefer an aquac or ETSS but you lose the economical benefit of an Octopus.
  7. 2 actinic VHO's and 2 250w metal halides for sure and yes proper reflectors, without them you will be wasting a ton of light on the wall behind your tank.
  8. Do they all run the same OS?
  9. Probably some kind of a weird hardware conflict. I know it sounds like a long shot but in my experience with working with hardware, I have found software to be the biggest pain of all. Interesting though either way, let me know if you find out the issue.
  10. I don't know anyone who carries it myself but if you want to try a super good super natural root beer try the stuff they carry at whole foods, Santa Cruz Organic. Super good stuff for us in the snobby crowd, ha ha.
  11. As far as I am concerned, no Windows operating system is worth installing until it has been out for at least 1 year. That's when they find all the major flaws not found in testing and correct them. To be honest with you though, I have been threatening to go mac or Linux for years and just might. When ole Gates figures he has enough money and doesn't need to kill me for 200 $ every couple years for an operating system with major security flaws and blue screens every so often, then I might change my mind.
  12. I would say the same thing, 5 gallon buckets with lids work great. Also helps you to save as much of the original water to ease the transition.
  13. Davey Jones locker builds some really nice stands, FYI.
  14. They will always say that, our being critical is from our pride in our work. Their lack of criticism is from their want for us to not spend more money on it.
  15. Interested in any trades, I really need one of these but money is a little tight about now.
  16. Tell it like it is Anthony. I love that guy!
  17. Nope that test should work just fine. You're concern is if the tank is running on a gfci without being directly plugged into one right?
  18. First off the cost is next to nothing and I have the time. If I were looking to make 10 or 50 plugs then I would just buy them as I always have. I am looking to make hundreds of them. It would not be just cement it would be a mix of mostly aragonite which is all of the things you mentioned. Not to mention that almost every single frag plug made and sold is of the exact same mix. Why are people so negative on doing something yourself, lets face it, I am not trying to invent the wheel here and this isn't exactly rocket science(nutty)
  19. Well that depends, if you are just having a problem with little drops splashing out here and there and building up to a larger problem then I would suggest running it into a filter sock. If you're salt creep issues are from pipes then make sure every joint is sealed. I have even seen people use filter socks and cut them open at the bottom so they get the effect of the sock without having to change it out every week. You could also fabricate a piece of plexi to cover that side where the splashing is happening.
  20. Sounds like they have their work cut out for them. Hmmm, I wouldn't mind relocating for a while.
  21. Did you have him wire this up just for the tank? If it is down line from a gfci then it will shut them all on that line past the gfci down. Should have had him run a new line just for the tank though.
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