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Everything posted by snowpunk

  1. picking it up from you would be easy:) In Salem it becomes a lot more work...lol Micheal if you do come up and could bring it that would be great. If not no biggy, I'm sure another way will pop up somewhere along the line...
  2. I know this guy that has a sweet 180 custom peninsula 4x3x2:p
  3. I bought Jadams7 kalk reactor and was hoping maybe someone was coming up for the meeting or something. I probably wont make the meeting but just getting it to Portland for later pickup would be awesome... Let me know if anyone can help, thanks guys
  4. Just to ease your minds a little over the cam thing. Everyone says there isn't a QB like him anywhere(true) and he is bigger than anyone out there. Looking at stats, I found Nick Foals is 1" shorter and 10 lbs less. That seems like a pretty good fit for size if you ask me. I realize he isn't close to cam in style but he is good and this helped ease my mind a little about them facing such a big QB. I already thought they would win but this just helps it even more knowing that they have in fact seen this size QB before... Cam Nick 6'6 6'5 250 240
  5. although sea hares come in different colors and a little different shapes, they don't look like that. I would pull it and flush it or pull it and put it in a mesh box or something to keep it in and maybe test what it eats... Sea hare
  6. oh sorry, I didn't actually. good luck finding one
  7. I know Eric has one he is wanting to get rid of. May want to give him a call...
  8. I kept watching a bunch and found this one. LMAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY0B8qtUF8o&NR=1
  9. If you don't find a home for the torch I told coner you could put it over here. Send it with him this weekend if he comes out...
  10. get a melunarus wrasse. They will eat every last one in no time at all. Best investment you can make for a security guard for your reef tank IMO...
  11. yellow banded maroons have a different personality then any other clown for the most part. They are very hit or miss. I have had 4 total and all were fine with all other fish. It's when they encounter another clown that they go ape$h!t. One was overly protective of his 16" anemone and would literally attack anything new in the water(my arm) in the whole tank. My other three have been totally cool with everything. My first was a single that I could pretty much pick up in my hand if I wanted(RIP). The second is a pair that are both lovers. The female is especially lovey. The male chills under a ledge with the nem but the female comes right to my hand every time and just stays with me in the tank. Oops, didn't see the other clowns in that list the first time. I wouldn't put him in. He will most likely be fighting with the other clowns unless you have a large tank...
  12. zoanthids do that. I've seen some pink ones that looked like a 4" square matte once. I dont know if they are a different type but I know they do grow like that. Those look like a type that does that...
  13. okay, will do. I was just thinking maybe a good way to get everyone informed on it. Thanks Micheal
  14. I'll 2nd the mp thing, more isn't always more... I had another good link too but I can't find it. Basically the same info though...
  15. one thing to remember with dSLR is that the glass is more important then the camera. Get the main features you need in the body then spend the cash on good glass. It may benefit you to go down to Pro photo downtown and have them show you a few cameras in the used and new sections and see what fits you best. They are super helpful and can really get a feel for what your looking for exactly when you tell them your shooting habits. They tend to have some good deals on used stuff too so you may score pretty big while your there...
  16. Probably a space saving measure performed by Chief. We're still limited on our bandwidth here so that could be why...
  17. Hey just wanted to know the logistics of renewing now that it is the beginning of the year and all. Can you re-post the new structure for it and maybe what to do to get it renewed for everyone. I'm ready to give up some green!!!(naughty)
  18. hey call Eric, I left mine there for a 2" bh. I let him know you may call
  19. Just bought some for the shark tank. It was $3.50ish or so a foot at Lowes for 1.5". I don't think their is that much left though(of what was used, the store has plenty(laugh)). It is easier to work with if you heat it up first. Try to use the bends in your favor also. It's also useful to buy some extra SxS couplers to help with making the bends work in your favor...
  20. It's really easy to do baffles where you want them and there are lots of people that drill tanks on here if you use and external pump. Glass is a great inexpensive choice. I just set a 29g up for Eric's shark tank yesterday and drilled it for a 2" bh too. I say go glass unless you have some real customizing to do...
  21. Kim, I'm not going to disagree with the fact that he has clearly done enough to get banned in his time here. I've told him that more times then I can count. I don't want it to look like I am up in arms over the ban. I'm just a little upset with the boards inability to follow the very rules set by them. I was wondering if your ban was warranted also, but then found out you had been warned multiple times also which made that one valid. If we go by the logic that Eric was banned by then you could have been banned permanently also. Which would also be completely not right. Regardless of how many warnings Eric got for one thing or another. If you go by the rules that are posted and supposed to be followed, then he should have had the same punishment as you. A little reform usually goes a long way. If it doesn't then he would be gone the next time, and it would be by the rules that are laid out. Not by making choices on the fly that clearly go against those very rules. If Eric had 85 warnings, he still deserves a 72 hour ban as the next course of action. This is the boards fault for not enforcing the rules 84 other times when they had the chance(he wasn't warned 85 times though I hope(laugh)). I think he has done enough to warrant the ban, and I also think the board did too little at the appropriate times to jump to this conclusion now. You know me well enough I think to know that friend or not I'm gonna call it how I see it. That's why I worded it as I did. I wasn't trying to stand up for Eric getting away freely for what he did. I'm hoping to see the rules followed by the board as they are laid out. If the rules are in fact different and a permanent ban is possible at any moment without a 72 hour ban then the rules need to be changed to reflect that. This isn't the first time I've ran into this lately either. Does anyone else feel like this or am I crazy? Would you want your government changing the rules when it benefited there position to do so? I know this isn't government, but we have a group of people that have been voted in to uphold the constitution and by-laws of the club and so in a way it it very much the same thing. Is it too much to ask that things be done democratically? DOH!Well, I've probably pissed them off now...lol Do we prefer I be lynched or crucified?(hitme)(gavel) (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)
  22. I called today but just had to leave a message. I usually hear back within a day so don't sweat it.
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