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Everything posted by theJenchild

  1. all PMs replied to. CA2OR, I don't think I'll be heading to Portland anytime soon. Sorry! cgrant, you have PM
  2. Perfect. Much better from earlier. Thanks Rob!
  3. Hey guys, I chunked up the large rock of superman mushrooms that I got from Garrett. I have 7 frags that I'm looking to part with. Each rock has either 1 or 2 mushrooms on it. Looking to get between $2-$5 for each, or trade for other softies. Let me know what you have! Pardon the terrible pic, the mushrooms are actually a really dark red/purple type color with blue/green spots. Really pretty.
  4. So if I only feed enough pellets for my fish to suck up immediately, will this be a problem? My orange spot goby is a cow and comes right out and catches the pellets on their way down to the bottom. Do they release enough phosphate into the water that I may have an issue in the short time they're in there before being hoovered?
  5. Rob, I'm having a similar issue with the font. Its not that its not clear, its just that the light grey background with the dark grey font is a little hard to read. Maybe black font would be easier?
  6. Thanks for picking up my slack mrgreenthumb! I'm not usually flakey, so this really bothered me that I left Miles high and dry. After seeing my doctor however, there's no way that I would have been able to get down there and back safely. The good news is that I didn't rupture anything, the bad news is that I have sprained several muscles and will be un-able to work or move much for almost a week. Either way, I'm glad that everything worked out with the acans, and it sounds like it was a great meeting!
  7. Hey guys, I have some bad news. It looks like I'm actually not going to be able to come to the meeting! I injured my lower back on Thursday and am still in a lot of pain. I spent yesterday laying flat on my couch, and this morning am not doing much better. I'm planning to head to urgent care soon and I expect that I'll be on some pretty heavy pain killers very shortly. I'm so so sorry to the folks going in on the acan colonies. I waited until this morning to say anything in hopes that I'd be at a manageable pain level, but I'm not. I'm sorry if I messed things up for anyone. They are beautiful and I really really wanted to be there and get some!
  8. theJenchild

    DIY LED?

    Hey guys, A good friend of mine offered to help me wire up some lighting for a new tank that I'm considering setting up. It will be a 3-5 gallon pico, so obviously evaporation is of HUGE concern. To combat this I'd love to go with LED lighting. What can you tell me about it? Are there specific LED bulbs that I need? What do I need to know to successfully build this thing? Thanks!
  9. Here's a link to the superman shrooms. The ones I have aren't quite this bright, I think partially because they're much smaller. http://www.ewaldsreef.com/shop/images/supermush.jpg The red is significantly darker, but the blue is just as blue.
  10. I'd love to have some of those tubbs!! Will you be at the meet and greet? Interested in some superman mushrooms in trade (or partial trade)?
  11. LOL dsoz, I got flamed on nano reef for putting an orange spot goby in my 7 month old tank because I didn't know his exact species name when I put him in. I agree that that tank may be a bit overstocked, but people will often flame for very little reason on nano reef. That's why I mostly stay over on PNWMAS. Even when you've made a dumb rookie mistake, people are still nice about it.
  12. Is anyone interested in a frag of superman mushrooms? 2 polyps on a small piece of LR, or I can break down the bigger colony for a bigger piece. Please forgive my horrible photo, its a point and shoot and I can't figure out how to get accurate colors. The mushrooms are a dark red with bright blue spots. I'm open to any trades that would be suitable for a 16g nano that is mostly inhabited with softies (not really looking for frogspawn or hammer due to sweepers). Thanks!
  13. Check will be on its way as soon as I get dressed. Thanks Miles!
  14. Will you be at the meet and greet? I'm planning to come, and would love to have a couple of polyps. PM me if you're into that! Thanks a bunch!
  15. Just from the reading that I've done, I believe that this is a pokerstar monti because all of the polyps are green. The general consensus seems to be that the rainbow montis will have varying colors in the polyps ranging from oranges to greens to reds. It is beautiful! If you decide to frag, please give me a holler! I just started with sps, but maybe someday I'll be able to support something this beautiful!
  16. That's a fantastic website mark! Thanks for that. I'll definitely use it to see what the needs of my tank are looking like.
  17. Thanks for the info guys. Someone told me once that you should never dose anything that you're not testing for.....which is part of why I haven't supplemented anything! I'm not in any hurry to add anything else, I'm just curious. Thanks again!
  18. So now that I'm starting to expand my horizons as far as coral species go, I'm starting to wonder if my critters will get everything that they need from just water changes. This was the original plan as I only thought I wanted softies. Now I'm starting to think about looking towards more sps, and maybe someday a clam. So here's my question, should I be supplementing my tank with anything? If so, what? How often? What are the benefits and risks of supplementing? I've heard everything from supplementing will destroy my tank to nothing will survive without it. What are your thoughts?
  19. LOL. That sounded a little dirty I really feel that the refractometer was worth the money. That and the ATO are the two pieces of equipment that I'm not sure I could do without in this hobby.
  20. Better in the way that professional baseball players are better at the game than T-ballers. Yeah. I never got the same reading twice in a row on my hydrometer, even when taken one right after the other. I had to guess, and when it comes to something as important as salinity....that just wasn't a risk that I was willing to take.
  21. My refractometer cost me $100 from CRPC in Salem. There are cheaper ones, but when it comes to testing equipment, my logic was that I'd rather spend more to get the better one that is known to be accurate than get stuck with one that sucks and end up killing stuff in my tank because of it. Refractometers test salinity extremely accurately and quickly. Because I run a nano my biggest challenge is keeping salinity stable, and the refractometer has been invaluable in accomplishing that. I highly recommend it.
  22. Awesome info to have! Thanks Garrett. I'm really excited that it seems happy. We'll see how things go.... But I have faith. Everything that I got from you is really healthy. LOL about the water change mrgreenthumb. Way to look at the silver lining! I'm just happy that I was here to fix it before anything suffered. My yumas were pissed off for a while, but seem to have gotten over it.
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