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Everything posted by Miniwhinny

  1. Oh this is going to be so cool. I've just started my 40B build (sorry it's on nano-reef) they're awesome tanks. I'm for sure tagging along with your builds. It's going to be cool watching as they progress. I'm also interested in seeing what equipment you each decide on and how that goes together with the livestock you pick. P.S. LOVE the "tanks in the jeep" pic (clap)
  2. Well I have a sad follow up that I wish I didn't have. "Fishoutofwater" did come to my house 3 weeks ago to purchase some corals I was selling. He PM'd me (kept them all) for days to make sure he could get his stuff. He picked out everything he wanted and we bagged it up but he shorted me when he paid. It could have been an innocent mistake if things were made right BUT... I PM'd him within 5 mins of him leaving to tell him he hadn't paid the right amount for what he took. He responded the next day and said he felt bad and would send me the money right away - in other words - he knew he made a mistake and didn't pay me for everything he took. "Danna, It was a pleasure meeting you too today. I am sorry for the mess up. I forgot to count the zoas. I will get the cash to you asap. All is ok. Robert." That was almost a month ago and I've PM'd him three times since and OH would you ever guess....all of a sudden he doesn't respond, not one time! When he was making plans to get the stuff he responded right away numerous times - now he knows he owes me money he hasn't responded one time. I've never done a dishonest thing in my life and won't so although what he owes me is only $10...it's dishonest - to me he stole my livestock because he admitted on a PM that he shorted me and owed me the money. He's aware he owes me money and he's not paying. I even threw in a free $90 St. Thomas because it wasn't dong well. I don't know if it made it but if it did he got a really sweet "extra" just as a kindness from one reefer to another. I'm posting because he's had more than enough time to do the right thing and I think I should give feedback to people so they don't get hurt by Robert. I've given him plenty of time to respond and am saddened to have to post this.
  3. Thanks...will drop you a PM a little later today.
  4. I need to contact one of the BOD...but have no idea who they are or how to lol (whistle)
  5. Here's a link to my nano reef thread (hope it's okay to link it) http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=241568&st=0&gopid=2918754entry2918754 We started building the stand yesterday. I'll be adding pics today as it gets completed. It's the thought of building this stand that's put me off getting a 40B for years but it's a lot easier than you think. Hardest thing is cutting the first piece.
  6. On my way to Bend to get mine tomorrow morning...how can you not buy at that price !? (clap)
  7. If you want some cheep stuff I have a frogspawn, orange hammer, mated pair of harlequins, maroon clown, 3 huge turbos and some neon green candy cane that I need to find homes for...PM me. I live in Redmond near Eagle Crest.
  8. There's only one in the whole of Central Oregon "Oasis"...its in Redmond across Hwy 97 from the movie theater.
  9. OMG hahahahaha (rock2)(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)
  10. NICE !!!!! Everything looks so healthy ';-)
  11. Thanks everyone. I've heard they are quite hardy and take well to dividing - not something I'm planning on doing today (lol) but I will slice and dice and share when I have the nerve They are fish eaters. They won't host but they will dine if they have the chance. I have a bonded pair of jigsaw picasso's that don't like to be hosted so I'm thinking of putting one of them in this tank. I just purchased a 20L last week and I'm setting it up just for mini's and yumas. The sunpod doesn't give good coverage at the ends so I'm getting a reefbrite 50/50. I've read that they are the ultimate in off the shelf LED strips. http://premiumaquatics.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PA&Product_Code=RB-PM30-5050&Category_Code=reefbrite Not sure where it came from (online somewhere) hubby get it for me and he's not here...will find out and post.
  12. It's a maxi mini carpet and it's even sweeter in real life...I just can't seem to capture its colors with my poor camera skills and cheep camera. It's about 2-3 inches across (hard to tell it hasn't spread out)
  13. Just got this yesterday and want to share
  14. Foals are ALL babies. Colts are BOY babies, and fillies are GIRL babies ';-) Very cute (clap) Have any pics of the proud parents? I have a pregnant mare but I'm off on the date she was bred so I'm having to do daily progress checks lol.
  15. I spoke to my bro. He says it's AWESOME. He's loaded about 600 photos into it, tried watching a movie etc. Says it's like a smart phone but the screen is big so you don't squint lol. He got a great app. that you can use to make word documents with. Still experimenting but so far he loves it. Downside...his wifey and kids all want their own now lol.
  16. Anyone get an Ipad yesterday? My brother in PDX got one but I haven't been able to get hold of him lol. How'd you like it? I can't wait to get one. Is it like a cross between a laptop and an ipod touch? Please share if you got one (clap)
  17. Oh my gosh he's ADORABLE (clap) I love your pictures, looks like he really enjoyed the blue icing (laugh)
  18. Wish I could wear gloves...but I don't usually remember until my hands are already in the tank lol I was re-scaping a year or two ago. Checked out where my fuzzy dwarf was first and stayed a long way away from him...until I got too single minded about placing the rock and moved my hand back...yup, got stung. Ran it under really hot water and had a bad sting for a few days. Worse thing was (and no one's ever heard of this before) but my lion went into a stage of depression, stopped eating and starved to death. Right up to him stinging me he ate like a horse! Guess I gave him a toxin lol. Last week I had this small - like 2-3 mm small - white nudi looking thing on my glass. I reached in and pinched it between my thumb and finger to remove it. By the time I'd flushed it my finger was on fire. Ran it under hot water ( didn't know what else to do lol) felt like a bee sting for most of the day. Gotta put a sign on my tank "ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?" DOH!(laugh)(whistle)
  19. Oh my goodness. My heart goes out to the family. I'm so very sorry for their loss.
  20. Oh my gosh, I'm so very, very sorry.
  21. Oh my gosh. You must be so worried (((HUGS))) I sure hope that everything turns out to be okay.
  22. oh WOW !!! You are SO talented !!!!!!!!!!!! I love your site. It loaded really quickly for me, didn't have to wait for anything to load. I love how you used the persons back with the links for the pages...very unique. Now I'm wanting a tattoo (clap)
  23. oh there's some awesome looking pets that everyone has I have two cattle dogs, two cats, a parrot, a mare (female horse) but this little guy is my animal soul mate ... that nose is soooo soft to smooch (whistle) Ozymandias
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