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Everything posted by Krux

  1. Krux

    New additions

    Funny trick if you want to try it. Take a picture of them, print it out about twice their size and stick it to the outside of the glass (looks like you may need to scrape a bit). They will see it and move to a host within hours. I have NEVER had this not work. You are simply letting them know that the glass territory has already been taken and they will move along. This is not recommended with GSM's however, they can attack the glass till they damage themselves
  2. Bull Run put out the cleanest tap water in the nation 3 or 4 years ago when last I checked the statistics, if it isn't still the best, it is way up there. I had 6tds from my circa 1960's pipes at my old apartment. A friend who is a hydrologist for the state of California almost had a heart attack when he took a sample of water back and ran it through their mass spectrophotometer. He had never seen municipal water from any of his test sites down there (ten years of testing) that came up with as many zeroes across the board on all their tests. That said, I still ran ro/di for the added assurance since the water system is open and prone to accidental contamination at any time.
  3. It reminds me of along came polly
  4. 75 for the whole rig. Complete 250 watt with actinic pendant setup, all you need is a ballast.
  5. Nutrients that are in your sand bed will be sucked up but will be too small to be caught by the filter sock, and thus will go right back into the water. You will get particulate matter, but in the long run will likely only feed the cyano cycle as these become unlocked and available as a food source again. Combine your sand vacuum day with water change day and you will have no problems. Water is cheap.
  6. On the plus side, game two tickets should be cheaper than game one tickets for anyone that wants to go...
  7. I am more excited than I can express right now, so I will address this issue later.
  8. you have spirorbrid worms, google em, harmless
  9. Just curious, what course materials are the students using in their studies? Have you and Dr. Miller-Morgan had a chance to look at any of the hobby related "best sellers" yet? Ther are a few books which I would consider essential that are easy reads, and would be beneficial to have some people look at maybe... they are not scientifically written, but are in plain English and can give a great background and lots of general knowledge. Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner, Natural Reef Aquariums by Tulloch and Moe, and Corals by Borneman are three such books. The basis for a lot of the current hobby either came from these books, or is reinforced by them. A good understanding of all of these would accelerate the assistance that some of our club members would be able to provide, getting more into detail on problem solving and getting out of the theory. My belief is that once the basics are down, then a lot more experimentation and learning can take place by the students as the tank environment will be much more stable.
  10. As long as we win, we can do no worse than 4th place, if houston also loses tomorrow, we can have third. if SA wins and houston loses, sa gets 4th and houston gets 5th, if the both lose, houston gets 4th and sa gets 5th. I love the prospect of a 4 way tie for 2nd.. it makes mathletes work overtime. In third, we will likely play the hornets, in 4th we get san antonio which i would prefer, however 3rd means we dont play lakers till the wcf if we got that far, which would be a bonus!
  11. I never gave the science community permission to change the taxonomy, I will have to look into it and find the responsible party and punish them.
  12. One remains, a win Wednesday guarantees home court advantage!
  13. Pseudos in general are dead evil, I had luck with a couple, but nice friendly ones are a rare find.. your luck with one does not surprise me :(
  14. To further clarify, pseudos are their own family Pseudochromidae, basslets are from the Serranidae family... you have to go back to Perciformes at the order level to find a relationship between them.
  15. yeah, iirc they are ocis actually
  16. Hey, if they have a green mouth, put em up on ebay, you never know. may help to do some submissions on zoaid first :P
  17. They are only undesirable until someone names them and adds the term PE to them... They can be named BPGPE (Baby Poo Green People Eaters). I better stop now before I start on a rant of the rediculousness of people calling every paly they fine a people eater though
  18. I would put 0 of those in a 39 gallon tank... let alone all 4. Nice selection for a 120 though.
  19. They can be had from ORA, just gotta find a store to get them in for you... but I don't think they are on the availability list for long when they come up. Snowflake percs are a bit easier to find... you may look into those
  20. Um, I have 0 collection now, I fed them to my regal angel One of the colonies was toxic and was making me physically sick every time I made contact with them. Not wanting to be responsible for spreading a dangerous morph around, and not wanting to test them scientifically on myself to rule the culprit out I decided to have some fun watching 2 years worth of collecting get added back into the food chain.... maybe I am morbid, but it made me feel good... I call it responsible reef keeping
  21. That is how I killed my zoa collection when i got sick of them. they naturally prey on zoas.
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