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Everything posted by Krux

  1. all the connection does is allow data logging and graphing, if you want to do real time monitoring and programming from outside your home pc, you need the module
  2. The cheapest profilux package that has net support is 700.00 the sale basic package does not offer any of that. additionally it has an a 8 plug controller vs 6 on the profi net basic. Also you pay another 400 for the sms unit, if your cell phone accepts emails, that is a free function of the apex, bringing the grand total to exactly half of an equally equipped profi unit. the basic profi is down to 310 though on cherrycorals, so that is indeed a good deal if you dont need the above functionality
  3. that seems WAY too cheap for what i can do based on the competition and what their older controllers cost... complete web integration, with over the web programming... could be too good to be true, or maybe they finally realized that people dont want to spend an arm and a leg for 20 bucks worth of silicon. Either way, if first reviews are good, this may be the way I go. Wanted a profilux, but this has basically the same functionality for a lot less.
  4. the seals ad tank safe lubricants are the main difference i think, most modern high flow pumps started out as pool and spa pumps. Maybe marine grade bilge pumps would work as they are designed to not corrode, but that may not necessarily be a cheaper route to go.
  5. wow nice, the foot made me first think chiton, but i had never seen one that did not have chitinous plates on the back.. course there appaer to only be 2 species in that family, so I'm not surprised I've not run into it before
  6. If blazers is the main thing you need to see, you can get 2 season tickets and then watch all your programs on hulu for a lower annual cost than comcast cable service that said, qwest screwed me a few years back, we only had a mac, their software only worked on pc's, and when i tried to cancel they hit me with a 250 dollar early term fee for a product i was physically unable to use. now i notice that their adverts say macs are a problem... shysters imho comcast here till fios arrives in Lake O.
  7. Krux

    My New Fish

    keep in mind they jump, love to get sucked into pumps, and can starve if your tank gets too clean. with that in mind, they are awesome and have always been one of my favorite fish
  8. could be a polyclad flatworm, but from my memory, they dont have that sort of foot. spend a few hours here and see if you cant find it http://www.nudipixel.net/
  9. some sort of nudi looks like. likely came in on something recently. They are cool to watch, but most end up being a bad thing in the tank, so if you keep it, do so with caution.
  10. high 50s and low 60s is their prime temp iirc
  11. notice the lack of living things that we would normally see in a reef aquarium. not that i support the idea but it seems they are promoting a fowlr not a reef. there are some sponges and gorgonians, but those are likely to simply be seen as disposable by their customers. reminds me of the coral skeleton saltwater setups of the 80's this is my favorite quote from their page on aquarium care "Most of this information was derived from Wikipedia"
  12. http://reviews.cnet.com/headsets/ear-force-x4/4505-13831_7-33142697.html
  13. x4 if you can afford it would rock... go for it
  14. dont waste your time on anything but these http://www.turtlebeach.com/products/efx3/home.aspx only down side is they need to plug into a controller, so if you are a xbox remote kind of guy you would need to readjust
  15. you may want to look at indo pacific sea farms, maybe split an order with someone if you are not having any luck.
  16. +1 potters -1 flame
  17. i have much love for this guy
  18. hard to rank, here are my top 5 1 floyd, division bell at oakland '94 2 lollapalooza 1 at the shoreline '91 3 metallica and GnR, had snake pit tickets in rose bowl stadium '92 4 bowie and the cure at hollywood bowl '96 5 santana and rusted root at the shoreline '97
  19. it can also link up with their led modules and has programmable lighting schemes, you can do this with most controllers if you have a DC module, but just another nice feature of the RKL
  20. you may want to look at the reefkeeper lite series. they are scalable to allow you to control more or less equipment. if you are looking used look for the reefkeeper 2 as a lot of folks are dumping those for the elite. you can add the network functionaliy for about 120 to any of the lite packages, or the elite net comes with that included (but at 600 bucks it is an investment). Linky link http://www.digitalaquatics.com/
  21. get them to sleep outside cinetopia and buy 3 more tickets, we will go with you REALLY looking forward to that movie.
  22. a craigslist add with some pics of your tank to start, then add some pics of other tanks you work on will help... maybe a simple web site if you get some accounts to help people with referrals. you may want to get a few cards printed up and leave them with your accounts, so when visitors come over they can refer you... offer a free visit or something for each referral?
  23. Seems a little too late for you now, but for anyone else with a large pump, you can always tee off of it and have some of it dump right back in the sump... later you can use the tee to feed chillers and larger skimmers/reactors etc.
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