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Everything posted by reefcam

  1. I was in Atlanta about 10 years ago and didn't even visit the place. :( But might have to make another trip back there.
  2. Check out the video.. I was floored when I saw what was kept in this aquarium
  3. Maybe it was direct that didn't have it. Maybe they both have it now. Have to look into both again. But do want to get off comcast some how.
  4. Hmm... not sure if Netflix counts.. when was the last time you watch a BCS or NFL or now MBA Playoff on Netflix. Randy, I feel your pain. I'm in the same box, except for the same price, I'm getting all the channels, but do want to get off Comcast. I have 5 HD TVs and 2 SD TVs and 2 HD box because I'm not about to pay for 4 more boxes at $15/month each. I looked into it, and was hoping that I don't need a box for every TV. I looked into Dish and DirecTV to see if I can share cable boxes between TV. Although you can, the only signal that you will get on the other TVs is SD signal and only HD signal at the TV that is hooked to the box. If you are looking for 1:1 comparison, Dish will be cheaper, but also have to look at the channel line ups. Dish does not provide FSN as far as I saw on their channel listing. But DirecTV does, but I believe it cost about the same at Comcast or a little less at the end. I'm waiting for Dish or DirecTV to change their box so they can modulate the HD signal through the coax cable to other TVs in 1080i or 720p. let me know what you decide. Might just have to do what you do.
  5. I have a CBB that is more interested in the pods and pellets. And the berghias are not readily available or want a steep price for them. The upside to my method is a new aquascape. I'll just dry the other rocks out and use it for next time.
  6. The two fishes with yellow strip at Double Whiptail Bream. Travis had one and I bought these two from Tim. They called it Banana Wrasse at the time. And has been called that by some online vendors. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/speciessummary.php?id=5868 The tank is 280g. It's infested with aiptasia which I'm having some issues trying to get rid of. I'm going to replace rocks again this coming week to rid of the aiptasia. I like the xenia on the back of the tank. Which they could just stay on the back and not the rocks. I'll get the other half of the tank that has the green star polyps. There's a section where they meet up. Thanks for viewing the video. Jim
  7. I added another link, just incase the first one is not working. LC Scott, that's my goal.. now send me all your corals and fishes.
  8. so I thought I take a video of my tank as many have seen it and many have not. But since the move 2 years ago, I feel like I'm starting over. :( Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=TtRZbYqi-tU&vq=480#t=20 try this one Jim
  9. I disagree on the heat issue. I used to use T5's 4' and 6' and both put out more heat than VHO bulbs do. They are better than VHO, but had 6' T5 melt some end caps due to heat.
  10. Can't believe this... the corals! http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/3aw-generic-blog/earthquake-strikes-near-vanuatu/20110317-1bye2.html
  11. Glab Beth got it workign. recieved mine today too, but will play with it this weekend. So you guys, yes guys - cause the gal got it working , also getting fairly accurate reading?
  12. They are going to be at SeaMax in July. I'm hoping they will have a good show discount.
  13. Good luck Kev. Get the nets out. You might catch a few rare fish for your site. Check in tomorrow morning! Oh, the Black Tang is out and swimming around and my other Black tang is not picking on him.
  14. Been in a 5.5 quake when I was in Japan. The earthquake hit just as I stepped out the elevator on the 25th floor. Was weird feeling the building sway side to side. I thought I was jet lagged.
  15. Hey Alex, I'll see what I can do. Most of my aiptasia are on rocks that I can't get out. But there are a few that I may be able to get for you.
  16. +1 for James. He built my tank 6 years ago and it's still going strong. Hmmm... time for an upgrade.
  17. I would get a bigger pump and put a valve on it to reduce the flow. This way if your overflow can handle more current then you increase your flow. But if it can't, then you can reduce it. This way you won't find yourself needing more flow and have to buy another pump.
  18. I haven't contacted them about it. But will do. Last time I e-mailed them about something (can't remember), they didn't seem like they wanted to help. So didn't get a good feeling about their service. But will contact them and see what they say.
  19. I have an Apex and love it. The only issue I have is the backlight on my controller unit go out. So I have it unplug now and just use my iPhone.
  20. Yikes... sorry to hear.. I've had too many leaks myself and finally bought a water detector unit that will shut off my pump in the event of water overflows or what ever the issue is. I used to have a water alarm, but having it go off when I'm not home doesn't do my any good. Had it went off once and only had about 1/2 cup of water on the hardwood floor.
  21. I'm in again. I think yo should stil have my info. If not I'll PM it to you.
  22. When I moved a mile from my last house, I basically filled a 5 gal bucket 50% of water from the tank and put the fish in there. I wouldn't put any rocks, pipes or anything. The rocks or anything you put in the bucket can crush or injure the fish during transportation. Then acclimate the fish into the new tank since your old tank in it's new location will have new water. I had to transport 4 Tangs and a few smaller fishes, and snails and hermits. And for the corals, I would bag them up or make sure they are not touching each other during transportation.
  23. Know what you mean. BTW, Thanks for the shrooms and zoas. They are looking great in the tank. Meaning to say thanks.
  24. Mike, if he's cool with his friends in the tank, I'll keep him.. If he is indeed the one I caught, then he's been perfect.. so far. But do agree I should take him out soon. dee77, for now, he's a permanent fixture. But someday I'll have to setup another tank for the white mouth eel and will put them both together. I was a Rose City a couple of weekends ago and he was watching a snowflake and white mouth for another reefer.
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