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Everything posted by JeffP

  1. I'm debating what to do with all of mine... It would more than cover my planned trip to Asia this year, and maybe a little 12G nano for the bedroom or desk at work
  2. I did epoxy as well :( That was the first move. :(
  3. yeah I'm thinking mine might go towards a CA reactor. I bought one from someone on the site and he said it had some extremely minor leakage which should've been no problem. However - the leak was quite substantial, and I've sealed EVERY possible joint with silicon and it still leaks even when not under any pressure. Needless to say - I'm quite a bit ticked about that - but with the refund I might pick up a new one. :(
  4. How's everyone doing with their taxes this year? I filed my own for the first time ever, and it was enjoyable only for the fact I'm getting a VERY nice refund Reasons for not doing my own previously - 1. Grew up in Canada, so when i moved here everything was crazy (had to pay 1st year taxes in both countries which sucked. 2. was married and the ex-wife is a writer, so the house write off was a beyotch to do, so we used an accountant. And since we're separated/going through a divorce I finally got to do my own taxes which not only saved me a couple hundred buck is accounting fees, but this time I get to see the ENTIRE refund! (laugh)
  5. I got some of those green with white from AE a while back - mine are lower in my tank so not as much white. But they are looking quite nice - I even like when they are closed thanks to the striping
  6. JeffP

    Check This Out

    Not sure what we're supposed to be seeing there It's an empty site.
  7. Yeah it's tough to know who's right and who's wrong. But I'd err on the side of caution. I mean - we're plucking (in some cases) these animals from the wild and are trying to put them into a home which mimics their own. But imagine if you were the one being placed in an aquarium - I'd like to know the alien who set it up has waited for things to settle to give me a better chance at life And you are still confusing micro and macro. Micro means small, macro means large - generally speaking. The micro algae you won't be able to see definite structure (think the diatom bloom you had - that was small) comapred to chaeto is which is a macro algae - you can see it's structure.
  8. Patience. Just keep watching things and letting it all come to life before adding too much other life. I thought I read you've added a fair number of things already....some are fine but others probably should've been held off for a little while longer.
  9. I will be pending the results of Patrick's ingredient list Has anyone considered doing this order through a LFS? That way they can become distributors and make it easier for us to get in the long run.
  10. That's why I'd like to compare ingredients, I don't need a step by step recipe but would like to know what I'll be feeding the tank with.
  11. I'd likely be in for the Rods food - but won't commit to anything until I can see what Patrick's gumbo consists of - because if that's comparable, I'd rather go local
  12. Then an ingredient list would be nice to compare.
  13. Oh - you mean like this? http://www.rodsfood.com/info_ingredients.html
  14. Thanks for the Monti Cap frag Kuda! It's sitting pretty so far in the tank, and will help fill out my "monti cap/Foliosa rock" quite nicely.
  15. Can someone, maybe Patrick, list all the ingredients that are in his "gumbo"? And what's the price and for what amount?
  16. I was wearing shorts, a red tshirt written in Russian and had a big maple leaf tattooed on my calf
  17. I you haven't made it out to Seahorse Aquarium in a while - it's worth a trip. I hadn't been there since last summer and things are looking really good now! Lots of SPS colonies & Frags, and more snails than I could shake a stick at! Thanks for the Pokerstar Monti frag for $15(I left one there for someone else;))! It's already opened up and looking good! And the little Anthias immediately schooled together with my other female, and the male looked VERY happy to see two more lovely ladies enter his harem (whistle)(laugh)
  18. I love the dueling caps!
  19. Are you coming to the game on Sunday? I'll make sure to bring the cooler this time :-) I'll have no excuses this time either The sunset is gorgeous - mark me down for a frag when it's time. Wow! Did it ever grow! I'm hoping my rainbow monti will start to change polyp colors the base is growing well, but all the polyps are red. And my poker star is a red monti now too :( My baby blue polyp one is finally starting to grow new blue polyps, the old ones are a dull green/blue.
  20. Where'd you score that Kuda? And sorry about forgetting my cooler/about that other frag the other weekend! I left the house that morning at 8am and wasn't quite thinking right. Is it still kickin' around?
  21. [language filter] - thought you had some :( Had me all excited for a second.
  22. I'm not sure of the prices - but Marine Depot offers free shipping on non-sale items when the total is over 175.
  23. Bummer - thought I mentioned it in a pm. Oh well.
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