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Everything posted by ShaunMonahan

  1. Nice, you got it! Will do. Normally, I do not get attached to stuff in my tanks, but clams, clams are just different and I cannot explain it. It's my reef weakness I guess.
  2. I think it's very fair Kim. So, you want it? I can bag it up for you...
  3. Solid green minty colored, perfectly healthy with great tentacle movement and bright hot pink/purple mouth. about 10" diameter. Came from Jordan - those in the know, know Jordan's anemone knowledge and care. This anem is in tip-top shape... The rays you see on the picture are from my window blinds, sorry. It is solid mint green. $45 I have limited space and I need this spot for something else planned. (plotting)
  4. It was more of a joke... heavy panting of gorgeous sps corals. Your system would take more that a few people to drop the pH.
  5. Agreed. I have the latter, now just need some quality rays...
  6. Man, that IS some reason right there! I'm I missing something?
  7. Yes you could! So, are you glass half empty... Or, glass half full kinda guy? (scratch) lol!
  8. Great talk, great venue! I enjoyed this - Thanks for putting it on!
  9. Need a lot of HQ fresh water? Here's your solution...
  10. I have witnessed this before and say that it is NO accident. I have seen green bar gobies end up the same way. Cynaria's have huge mouths, and when opportunity knocks, it's time to eat! Scolymia's are equally opportunists of fish too.
  11. When you where away, you are not breathing in your fish room - creating CO2, which is absorbed into your tank, thus dropping the pH. (Seriously, I have seen this many times at old reefer meetings at peoples homes when 10-12 people standing around a tank for an hour or two, the tank pH drops due to (often heavy) respiration) I would be breathing heavy too... If I was staring at your corals (drooler)
  12. Hello- I have (2) very nice "captive" four-color lotus fw plants (Nymphaea micrantha, care here) from my parent plant. These are very hard to come by and are easy to keep/maintain - they do no ship well, so local only please... #1 #2 I would like to trade for sps frags- acro's and monti's are my favs. (drooler)
  13. Not true. There are a few gorgs from both the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Atlantic that are photosynthetic (have zooxanthellae). They will also capture small plankton and other food stuff as mentioned, but it IS NOT necessary for their success. I keep this Caribbean species: Gorgonia ventalina Look for these species: Rumphella sp. Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae Gorgonia ventalina and... Briarium, mostly known as an encrusting "star polyp" which is actually a gorgonian. There are many more, but these are sometimes available in the hobby.
  14. This, to put it mildly, really blows!
  15. Lame. It seems as this (earthquakes) is worsening... We are long overdue here, according to national experts. We may want to opt for earthquake insurance as we are supposed to get a big one too.
  16. Welcome to the addiction John! Sounds like you've got a great start with that 65g - I saw that on CL and it's a great deal, or steal...
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