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Everything posted by ShaunMonahan

  1. Ok, Time to clean out my storage area. I have the following Glass aquariums that I need to find new homes for (all are in very good shape). Need a quarantine tank, here you go... Sorry, I don't have a camera right now (3) 10gal black rim $5.00 ea (3 Pending defigart) (1) 16gal bow front black rim $40 (1) 20gal black rim + flour hood & bulb $25 (Pending defigart) (1) 29gal black seal black rim + flour hood & bulb $45 (1) 80gal wood trim 36"x24x"24" custom (SOLD) (1) 20gal all stainless steel rim aquarium from the 60's (antique and getting rare) Excellent condition! $45 (these go for much more on EBAY, not including shipping) Not looking for trades at this time. Thx
  2. Screaming deal here! Wish I had the space...
  3. Totally agree and they spawn captively too. Worth 4-5x that of an Astrea, imo.
  4. I have no idea, and I have never been into zoanthids - BUT those ARE RIDICULES colored.... Very nice, but you only get (1) polyp in that auction.
  5. Hey Garrett- Pleased to meet you and you've got some stellar corals. I should have gotten more Trocus snails from you, next time for sure. Everything is doing very well - thanks again!
  6. What does the stand look like, and quanto questa por favor? For a 55 right?
  7. Nice video and tank too. Awesome polyp extension on those acro's.
  8. A sure way to tell is True Perc's have an orange iris w/ black pupil (as seen here), while Ocellaris have a blackish or dark iris w/ black pupil - regardless of the colors on the fish body. This will never fail you
  9. I have (4) 10 gallons, black - not drilled & (1) 20 gallon, black - not drilled
  10. Losing all your SPS - that's lame. You had some pretty amazing corals at one time. Hopefully you are getting most of what you had lost, back again. Tim has got a nice selection of SPS corals, that's for sure. Travis has some nice pieces in also.
  11. Hey Jim! Good to see you are still involved too (I like your avatar pic ) I had just missed you on Sunday at Tim's place Last I had heard, you had shut down your tank, yes/no? Love to catch up and talk old coral/clam stories...
  12. Nice tank, really nice. What is this clam you speak of, and was it draining your Ca too quickly?? Glad to see the dosing of Potassium in your repertoire; it seems anything with zooxanthellae really benefits from this supplementation, as seen in your tank. Very Beautiful man
  13. My GF lives in Salem so I am down there quite a bit. I'll have to check it out - thanks.
  14. I would be interested in your cycloseris orange plate coral! BTW's, nice acans. If Gumby backs out, put me down for 'em.
  15. I don't know Garret-yet... LFS owner? Can you point me in his direction pls? Thanks and sending pm for ricordea.
  16. In 2nd pic, is that a helfrichi firefish I see? (slobbering...)
  17. pls put me down for the sm red ricordea yuma
  18. YOU nailed it! Especially high $$ livestock Totally agree. I don't know where most people frequent as far as LFS, but I have visited at least 6 in the last week and they all have very reasonable prices. Mind you, you want a rare jicker-jacker-neon-poker-chalice-darth-oh-not-again coral, you will have to pay top dollar. (After some years out of the hobby, the naming of corals is out of control)
  19. I see this from both sides, I do. You may want to inquire locally and see if the fish you want are even available to your LFS. I ask about availability quite often of species of inverts/corals/fish I am looking for, and I find that I can get what I am looking for locally - in most cases & for less $$ than shipping livestock in.
  20. Yes and yes! Sorry for not being more descript here, but you've got it non the less.
  21. You can also use a section of buried 1/2-3/4" PVC to keep the fish where you'd like him - this will allow you to maintain it in a shallower sand bed. (Bury and place larger rubble around entrance to PVC burrow) As you know, they are jumpers and also can startle easily. If you have any carpet anemones, I would suggest against keeping one. These are stunning little fish... makes me want one also
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