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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Lots of clams that I get come in damp bags. They almost always do real well. I think it has a lot to do with how they are exposed. I am excited to see that more people are seeming to get back in to clams. They are perhaps one of the most beneficial an beautiful inverts that we can add to our reefs. I should have a bunch coming in on Monday and it will be interesting to see what colors and variations arrive. I get all giddy when a new clam order comes in lol.
  2. Being them over to the shop. I will snag them from you
  3. Looking good guys!! I just ordered a ton of clams that will hopefully be here monday. I am excited to see what shows up. I think I will have Maximas, Ultra Croceas, and Squamosas coming. Clams have always been a soft spot of mine.
  4. #323 lamp Good luck everyone! No worries, I am just playing around. Brad, you are more than generous. I personally hope that number 321 wins this thing. I may or may not have money on it.
  5. Looking good! That is pretty much exactly what I would have done Excited to see this build progress!
  6. It's a pretty easy going coral and requires medium to high light and medium to high flow. I tend to have good luck with it just about everywhere that it can get some light. It's a fun one to watch grow as it tends to grow pretty rapidly.
  7. Looks like one of two possibilites two things: Pocillopora damicornis(most likely this) Galaxia fascicularis
  8. I think I have a nice cube with built in filter chamber that Charles built at the shop. Can't remember the exact dems but if you call the shop, Roger will tell you. Also has a real nice price if I remember correctly.
  9. I know the many magical secrets of saltwater Glad you caught the culprit.
  10. To our lovely PNWMAS friends, We are shortly approaching busy season at TPA and the crew hear would like to thank everyone for their continued support during our move from the old shop to the new shop, the slow summer fish season, and the ongoing construction to the outside of the building. As a thank you and before the big rush of the busy season really hits, TPA would like to give you a little weekend special to show our appreciation. Please read all of the below to see all of the specials. Many can be combined for maximum savings. Use your frequent buyer stamp card for even more. Today only: All corals will be 10% off or Buy 4 get one FREE!!! Your choice! Today through Monday: ***All clean up crew invertebrates will be on a crazy UNADVERTISED in store only special!!! If you need clean up crew items critters to take care of a dirty tank, now would be a good time to head over to TPA! *** - Get a free filter sock with purchase of $50 or more in livestock! - Get a free filter sock and a free 4oz package of brine shrimp with purchase of $100 or more in livestock!! - Get a free filter sock, free 4oz package of brine shrimp and a free container of our dry food with purchase of $200 or more in livestock. - Get a free filter sock, free 4oz package of brine shrimp, a free container of our dry food, AND a FREE 50g mix bag of KENT SALT with purchase of $300 or more in livestock. - Get all of the above PLUS A 200g mix BOX of KENT SALT with purchase of $500 or more in livestock!!! To top this off, for PNWMAS forum and club members, I will be making the invert specials a bit sweeter by throwing in extras on top of the UNADVERTISED in store specials. The extras will depend on the critters purchase, quantity purchased, what else you are buying, and what kind of mood Roger and Josh will be in I will be in an awesome mood all day today (wink wink) Note: You must mention this post so that we know that we need to get our "homie hookup" gloves on in order to take advantage of the specials. BONUS: If you bring me a nice picture of your tank during this sale, I will give you 2 astrea snails. I might be working on a board to display customer tanks soon and would love to collect some pictures to add to it.
  11. I usually have spiders and fighting in. I have tigers in right now but am out of the spider and fighting at the moment. I have 4 types of nassarius snails, ceriths, astreas, ninja star astreas, white banded trochus, red banded trochus, margarita, zebra turbos, Mexican turbos, Hawaiian nerites, polished nerites, and bumblebee snails. Probably a few more. Or hermits I have Mexican red legs, Indian Ocean scarlets, Hawaiian zebra, dwarf blue legs, electric blue legs, a couple of halloweens, red and orange stripe cone shell, blue eye, and several other misc. hermits. I also have Mexican and Atlantic sand sifting cucumbers, tiger tail cucumbers, sand sifting stars, brittle and servant stars, blue linkia stars and mottled linkia stars. I have emerald crabs, Sally light foot crabs, porcelain crabs, anemone crabs, two kinds of fiddler crabs, and probably a couple other varieties. I have Halloween urchins, pencil urchins(not reef safe), Hawaiian short spine, Hawaiian green banded, pincushion and royal pincushion urchins. I have 2 or 3 sizes of skunk cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, gold coral banded, coral banded, and purple coral banded shrimp, anemone shrimp, pistol shrimp and goby combos, sexy shrimp, harlequin shrimp, etc. There are probably a bunch of other critters that I can't think of off the top of my head as well.
  12. I have just about every good clean up crew member in at TPA. Let me know if I can be of help.
  13. I have a brand new 75g with black trim at the shop. Sounds like what you are looking for but if not, I can order in whatever you like Let me know if I can help.
  14. Hi Brian! Just noticed this. I have a some corals on special this week and I think I will throw together and invert special later today. See you later today!
  15. I just got done with the Albany gunshot today! Firearms are needless to say my second favorite hobby. I guess you all know what to bring in for trades
  16. Mohaynow has an awesome tank at an awesome price!
  17. It depends in his work load but in general he can get it done within a couple of weeks. Charles built almost everything in the shop so beleive me when I say that we do a lot f business together and work well together. We will chat more about some sump options and designs the next time you are in
  18. Once the stand comes in, we will measure and adjust plans as needed. It may be that the 75g will be too tall. I have thought about it but I think there is a good possibility that we can make it work. If bit then we will probably have to go custom
  19. In terms of glass tanks, the starfire glass can indeed scratch easier but it doesn't scratch nearly as easily as acrylic. I think that's what Harold likes about it. Those that have had both acrylic and glass tanks will almost always prefer glass. The problem comes when one desires a larger, more custom tank. There are very few good glass builders out there and none real local that I know of.
  20. These threads are great. They will give you some nice ideas. I have a few ideas for you here as well. Aquascaping can be one of the most rewarding parts of this hobby. This is primarily why I wanted you guys to go with the DD tank so that you could really catch some demension with your rockwork. I sense a powerful drill, a masonry bit, and some acrylic rod in Ralph and Jenna's near future
  21. I figured I would give you a couple of days to think on furniture color. Haven't ordered it yet
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