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Everything posted by andy

  1. I just rooted my Droid last week and put Cyanogen6 RC2 (Froyo) on it. That plus an overclockable kernel, Tasker and LauncherPro makes for pretty-much the ultimate smartphone.
  2. I'd cut/scrape it off with a brand-new x-acto blade.
  3. Smartphones are now full mobile computing platforms, with all the associated advantages and disadvantages. Users need to be careful what apps they install, just the same as they would in Windows, Mac, etc.
  4. I'd call and talk to James at Envision. Everyone has an opinion, best to get an informed one when the cost of being wrong is hundreds of gallons of saltwater on the floor
  5. Things that seem too good to be true usually are -- careful
  6. My wife just got hers and the results are AMAZING. Lifechanging. Run, don't walk to get yours.
  7. I just like dripping kalk in my ATO water, unrelated to vodka.
  8. Does Rod's food come in blisterpacks now? I bought some a long while ago and liked it, except for the fact that it was flatpacked.
  9. Vodka and kalk, cocktail of the reef gods...
  10. How'd I get on the list? I don't recall signing on....
  11. Same here, my MD refract. is still working great after about 5 years. Whatever one you get, make sure you calibrate it to a known specific gravity sample (read this article) and not to RO/DI or distilled water. "Slope error" isn't unusual, and can lead to significant differences between actual and measured values.
  12. The red macro algae looks like scinaia
  13. I'd just let it dry out completely, the cycle it. I can't believe people actually boil live rock -- that started out as a misinterpretation of "cooking" freshly harvested live rock, right?
  14. Have you tried swapping the dry side magnets between the two units? I've found that they aren't always interchangeable; some dry sides work better with certain wet sides than others.
  15. I hope you are going to run an ATO, your return section is going to drop pretty fast.
  16. I'd sell the livestock, clean up the tank and put it in the back of the garage and forget about it for a year or so. If, at that point you still want to get rid of it sell all the gear. Who knows, you might decide you really miss it and it'd be a shame to take a bath on all that nice gear... It's not like it'll depreciate any more.
  17. andy

    iPhone 4

    Don't sweat it, the problems are being blown WAY out of proportion. Enjoy your new phones
  18. Thanks Mike, interesting...
  19. Right, but so are lots of things -- what's the reason behind adding aloe-vera to fish food? Is it for nutritional reasons, or as a gel binder, or ?
  20. Gobies tendency to stir up and scatter substrate, which inevitably gets on top of the fungia... ticking it off. At least, that's been my experience.
  21. Rats, wish I didn't have that Pinkspot Goby :-( Bump for one of the most awesomest corals out there (a mobile stony coral!)
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