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Everything posted by andy

  1. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the clam (until it escapes and returns home, of course bwahahaha! (laugh))
  2. Required? It depends on the bankruptcy agreement, but in this case I'll bet the answer is a solid "no"
  3. Damned clam got out of the tank. Any ideas on how to get saltwater out of a keyboard?
  4. I izzz st00ppid annd fat and hatezz pritty koralz. U shuld hates mee.
  5. Jeez Eric, give it up. We know the dog *didn't* eat your homework...
  6. I warned you... it's back already, sucka!
  7. Thanks Jesse, it was good doing business with you. I hope you enjoy the coral.
  8. It's a crocea clam. When do I get my mastiff?
  9. The club bought a PAR meter right? Wouldn't we rather have the board working on a check-out system for that than telling people what they can do with their own stuff?
  10. I'm going to donate a For Sale sign to the next club raffle and watch everyones' head explode.
  11. How about adding something like this to the standard disclaimer presented when a user signs up for a login: "At PNWMAS, we value our community and strive to maintain a "family-like" atmosphere. Like all families, we sometimes disagree and even argue. At other times, we may get a little goofy and kid around a bit (okay, a lot ) -- however, our main reason for being here is education and discussion related to the marine aquarium hobby. We may stray, but we always come back around. If this doesn't sound like the community for you, that's fine... there are many other hobby-related boards with very strict posting guidelines that you might enjoy. If this does sound like a place you'd like to spend some time, WELCOME!"
  12. Definitely, but it'll be a while and when I do I'll do it right.
  13. Last chance! $50 for the micromussa $10 for the a. echinata The incoming Angel can eat the Armor of Gods (whistle)
  14. I stand corrected. I welcome the new person who's first post is telling us how we all suck. We need more of them types ;-)
  15. Don't be trolled. This is *obviously* a current member whinging and trying to stir up more drama. Mods, check the IP addy in the logs?
  16. Thanks for stopping by! Really!
  17. You'll never find the lockpicks. The last person who tried is missing fingers.
  18. The beauty of it is I keep selling THE SAME CLAM. It's trained to break out of the sucka's aquarium and come back home to daddy. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. Wow, sorry about the loss. A heater controller of some sort should come with every reef tank :-(
  20. One... Hundred... BILLION DOLLARS!
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