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Everything posted by andy

  1. andy


    Can't play multi-touch Plants vs. Zombies on a laptop. That is all.
  2. Gonna have a cage match for the clam.
  3. The acans are purple-ish gray... or gray-ish purple. With some green.
  4. Sorry, clam is sold. Again.
  5. andy


    It won't take a USB keyboard, but the Apple Bluetooth keyboard works. There is also a keyboard dock.
  6. Seeing how I just cut the price, how does $100 sound?
  7. andy


    Mine's under the Christmas tree. In a box. All wrapped up. Sad and lonely. It's really messing up my Christmas spirit, but the wife won't let me rescue it. Such cruelty. I was skeptical of the iPad, then I borrowed one from work for a weekend. Instant fanboy. What do you want to know?
  8. Price drop! A few deals fell through: Micromussa - $60 Acan. echinata - $20 Acan. lord - $25 Crocea clam - $20 Armor of God colony on rock - $40
  9. Yes. The carbohydrates in the alcohol feed the nitrifying bacteria in the aquarium, allowing them to increase their population and convert more NO4 to nitrogen and oxygen. Note that it isn't a technique for everyone. It isn't something to be done casually, or quickly. It's risky, but can provide amazing results. And spectacular failures. Too dramatic? :-D
  10. No, that makes you a Republican. (Rim) I'm here all night folks try the veal and tip the waitress. (hidesbehindsofa)
  11. Best way to fix it is to buy another one, imo. I went down the same path a year or so ago. IF it works, the "fix" for RROD last a *very* short time. Measured in hours of gameplay. Yay, Microsoft!
  12. I could have done it if I wasn't in a hurry (and terminally lazy). Capitalism!!
  13. Hey, its helping Mick get new bulbs and that's not crazy. Is it? (nutty) (whistle) (laugh)
  14. It grows like a weed. You *want* a frag of this frogspawn. Srsly.
  15. It's a Tyree "From Andy's Tank" Frogspawn. Very rare nowdays :-D
  16. Sounds like you had a great afternoon, Mick!
  17. Well, still a hardcore reefnerd ;-)
  18. [language filter] man, you *just* left my house -- driving with one hand and checking the forums with the other is hardcore reefnerd ;-)
  19. Hey Mick, thanks for stopping by and grabbing that Frogspawn.
  20. To be perfectly clear: Ice goes in plastic bags, plastic bags go in water ;-) Temp is probably the problem, but I still don't believe nitrates are 0 -- I'd get water checked at LFS either way. EDIT: And keep a close eye on the temp as you bring it down. Better to do it slow, than fast and too low.
  21. Can you take a water sample to an LFS for testing? My first guess is nitrates are high.
  22. I rely on trochus snails. They do a good job keeping the tank clean, are pretty hardy and breed in captivity. I haven't bought snails in years. Nassarius are good sand-sifters, but dwindle over time (particularly if you keep hermits, who'll scoop out the inconvenient soft bits to try on the stylish shell). I think hermits are *way* over-rated as cleanup crew, often (usually?) doing more harm than good. I also suggest *not* going bonkers and adding 1 snail per gallon to a new tank, or whatever the online vendors suggest. There's no way a new tank can support that much CUC... you'll buy them, and 75% of them will be dead in a month. The remaining 25% will be really well fed though, cannibalistic little horrors
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