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Everything posted by drock59

  1. Also, i take it the following is the Tamron lens that was mentioned earlier for macro photography? http://www.tamron.com/lenses/prod/90mm.asp
  2. I went with this: http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11243346&whse=BC&topnav=&browse=〈=en-US Nikon D40. Now lets talk accessories. What else will be good to have with a nice new camera. Do I need to have some sort of remote control for taking stable pics of the tank? What else, if anything?
  3. All terrific information, thanks so much. The camera is ordered and could be up to a couple weeks in transit. Ill post when I get it if I am not exhausted from taking photos. (scary)
  4. Could you provide more info on the speedlight? Perhaps a linky? I have never understood the terminology. Seems a bit wonky
  5. I have a decent tri-pod and I will have to look into the wireless remote. Oregon Camera...never heard of it. I suppose I will have to check it out. With my current camera, I have played around a lot with different settings... specifically f-stop and shutter speed. I plan to dabble and give the advanced features a try and will hopefully become more proficient. With the lenses listed in the link, will I be able to get some decent macro shots?
  6. Ya, I cannot beat the price, however, my wife can beat me for buying a 600 dollar camera(will take advise on how to convince wife too . I think the D40 with the two VR lenses that auto focus, unlike older lenses with the D40, will be perfect for me. I am a novice photographer and I will not be using/needing most of the advanced features that a professional photographer would use. It's all just a matter of time now.
  7. Here is the deal that inspired me. I figure I cannot really beat the price....ebay is not even close as far as I can tell. http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11243346&whse=BC&topnav=&browse=〈=en-US&s=1
  8. So Andy, I take that was a thumbs up? I especially like the picture about mid-way down the article of the pine tree 400 yards away.
  9. I am considering buying a real camera, but I still dont want to spend a grand on a decent camera. from my research the Nikon D40 will be good for fish tank photos as well as other stuff in my life. I know it is not top of the line but I do not think I need it. Any feedback on this camera or suggestions for a better, similar quality camera are welcomed. Thanks.
  10. Interesting thoughts. Nice to hear everyones conflicting reports. My parameters are fine but I will give some of those a try. Maybe I will try and feed directly as I never have in the past. I am by no means worried about the bubble, I just want it to look like it did the first year or two I had it.
  11. Actually, that is what I thought...that nobody really knows, so I guess I am actually looking for anecdotal info. Thanks for the info.
  12. Why is my bubble tip anemone no longer bubbly? It used to be so awesome but now it is very plane and distracting. if anyone has any links or thoughts on how to remedy this problem, I am all ears.
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7327393.stm
  14. Does anyone else demand some photos?
  15. Mike, I tried my best on the color. I would say its even a bit more "crisp" and a smidge less blue than the picture....in other words, pretty ideal.
  16. ask and ye shall receive Never mind the bleached green slimer, faded green cap, and dead efflo......(flame)
  17. An update for anyone interested. I really like the new bulbs. They are a bit on the blue side but they are 20K and my HQI ballast pushes them to a nice crisp blueish/white color.
  18. popeil, that is on record...ill swing up in a month or so for pickup. I think they will be fine but I guess we will find out tomorrow.
  19. That is what I have read but I figured I would give them a go and see what happens. Im kind of tired of the phoenix bulbs. As a matter of fact if this doesnt work out, I am considering going with XM 20K 400 watters over my tank and see how hot I can get things.
  20. Just ordered some 20K XM 250 watters and was curious if anyone out there was using them. I know they are blue but I like them blue.
  21. Ya, like I said earlier, I have been changing a lot of water but it is now time for the "SERIOUS" water change.
  22. Well popeil, as you well know, I can test my phosphates with my salifert test until I am blue in the face and it wont tell me anything, so I dont really know what my phosphate levels are. Ive also been reading about some Salifert Alk tests that were way off recently. this issue is mostly effecting Caps + 2 others corals, and I know Caps are especially susceptible to changes in Alk/low alk. My plan is to buy a new alk test, change my bulbs and do some massive water changes. If that doesnt work, I am at a total loss.
  23. another update: Ive stopped now for almost a week with no signs of things getting better. I have changed about 20 gallons of water and started running carbon to try and get any remnants of the Phosar out of my system. I dont think anything is getting worse, but my green slimer lost some tips along with an efflo.
  24. Ive owned the ER, the ASM G-2 and the Reef Octopus/Pacific Coast skimmer. Hands down the winner is the ER. If you are into modding and fussing with stuff, the Reef octopus CAN be a good skimmer. With the ER you will not have to mess with anything and it will do a great job. Last and least, the ASM....cheap, loud and didnt work well.
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