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Everything posted by drock59

  1. Im just kidding dude...I have some stories.
  2. Hes back in, at least, some capacity. Apparently he has had some folks close to him pass away and has taken it pretty hard mentally. Miles, I dont appreciate your D.E comment.
  3. drock59


    I just want to say this has been a really great thread. There are lots of people here that are passionate about improving our country, although different ideas about how to do so. Isnt that a great thing? I agree with some people here and totally disagree with others, but I am thankful that we are having this conversation. It gives me hope that we can move in a positive direction.
  4. drock59


    Ya go read some liberal blogs. I like that idea. Just my opinion as things have been going downhill since, oh I dont know, I was born. People have less money, less savings, more debt and more costs. Do you get tax breaks? How about the huge cooperation making plenty in profit? Who should have the larger tax burden? We have given the wealth far too easy of time with taxes. Its time the tax code was seriously reformed so we can have a middle class again. No they are my opinions. I did not hear someone tell me what to think. I tend to read a lot and made up my own mind. Our country will never be like Mexico my friend and certainly not because they all "immigrate" here. that is a pretty ridiculous statement. So you want to round up millions of people and send them back? Hmm, that sounds cheap, easy and effective. Are you serious? Honestly? Amazing. So people that go to jail get out of jail and easily find a well paying job that they can support themselves. oh and they were totally rehabilitated in prison. There were lots of programs to deal with their emotional and mental issues. They probably did not learn any new illegal behaviors in prison. Life must be really easy in prison with all the gangs, violence, rape, murder, etc. I wish I was living on easy street. Not sure about this, but I once read that it is cheaper to keep someone in jail for life than to execute them. Are you so naive that you think hardened criminals can plain stop doing all the activities they have known all their life? People do not get rehabilitated in jail and we wonder why the recidivist rates are so high. Have you ever been to prison? Visited? Doesnt seem like a real nice place. It would classify as pretty close to hell for me. Sounds like the Springfield PD has some issues. Also, sounds like you are making a broad statement about all police, which doesnt encompass how most cities or police departments are run....at least not the two i worked in. Lets discuss this more. I agree that we have an illegal problem and that they take American jobs. However, most Americans wont work the fields or other low paying jobs. Why? Because they are low paying. If we paid a decent wage for those jobs, people would work and the cost of those goods would have to rise.....oH NO! YOu talk about these lazy people and the depression. I agree, there are lazy people out there, but I bet if you gave them a good job, they would work. How did we get out of the depression? The government built a ton of stuff and gave people jobs....good jobs. At least we agree on something. Agreed. I am not saying you are evil it just sounds that way when you say certain people should have their medical needs met and certain other people shouldnt. I dont need to know how much you give away to make you a good person. You just explained it. I said we pay on average 4k per year. Others with national health care pay around 2K. 4K more than 2K. The reason we would pay less, is that our government would want to pay less and negotiate prices with the pharma and health care companies. This is what the VA does with pharma and they have DRASTICALLY lower prescription prices. Its really not funny math. I would assume that those countries with national health care pay for it through taxes. Ya I said the big no no word, taxes. Buuuuuuutttt, if we are paying around 4K, this would kind of offset. you would see better benefits and less costs for employers. They pay less in health care, make more money, everybody is happy. Those numbers are from the link I posted earlier in this thread, not the movie. Although the movie may have used some of those numbers, but I cannot remember. As I said earlier it is a blog but the information is from a bunch of different studies from all over the place. take a peak, its worth looking at once. I would encourage you to find a free copy somewhere and at least give it a chance. Again as I said previously, the movie is different than those he has produced in the past. Good. You vote for the most honest person regardless of party? Good for you. How do you determine which POLITICIAN is the most honest? Who you leaning toward this time 'round? We can hardly call Fox News a "news" station now can we? We have Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reily and Brit Hume....three henchmen. Not to mention they have covered the war 1/3 less than every other station. No wonder there is still some people in the country that think things are going well. Not to mention the mislabeling of politicians they dont like as Democrats. I love it. Are we done with this pissing match yet? (laugh)
  5. drock59


    Same old folks with the same old story..... I dont think anyone is trying to compare what we should do to Russia. What years were you there? Just curious. Thanks for the reply. Also, I think most people think that we need immigration reform but what I dont understand is why this is such a huge issue now;twenty years ago would have been much more prudent. Illegal immigration has been happening for the entire existence of the U.S. Our economy needs these people, but I DO agree there needs to be major reforms, not including building a stupid fence. I am sorry but it is ridiculous to deny care to someone who needs it. To do so is not ethical or moral and doctors take a Hippocratic oath for a reason. SeanF, Im begging you put the conservative talk radio down. Repeat, turn off your radio. DOH! Yes, lets discuss taxes.....and no that is not what anyone is saying. I said that currently the average American Spends OVER 4000 dollars on health care per year. Secondly, all the other countries with health national health care pay far less per capita. Doesnt it make sense that the taxes for this health care would be under 4000 dollars....i can hear your argument now. Obviously, our awesome politicians would try to crank up the prices. That is why we are here. Who shares the biggest tax burden in our country???? Certainly not the rich folks.....lets define rich. People who make over say, 100+ million dollars. How can someone who makes millions and millions of dollars pay a smaller percentage of taxes than his or her secretary? That doesn't make sense. Or how about coorperations not paying any tax at all? What the hell? You might say that these people will stimulate our economy with this extra, non taxed money. I say Trickle Down Economics failed all Americans. We could spend a lot of time on the Iraq war, but we wont. Sadaam Hussein had national health care. Go read some more. Boy, I aggree. If someone wants to save their family from poverty and sickness by going somewhere with opportunity...screw them. Let them die if they get sick. I 100% agree with you that Immigration needs reform....bigtime, but I think it is subhuman, cruel and mean to make them prepare to "suffer." These are human beings. The topic of discussion is great word to describe you. This must be why we have millions of people locked up in prison and the largest penal system in the world...good call....lets be more tough on crime. nearly half the people in jail are black even though something around 20% of the population. You are really off your rocker if you think that the reason cops arent doing "their jobs" is because they dont care....You were just talking about changing the system from the top down, this area needs the same type of change. Moving on, how many of us that chimed in have actually taken the time to go see the movie and maybe do a little reading on the side to bolster your arguments?
  6. drock59


    Perfect. (rock2)
  7. drock59


    This just goes to show how ignorant you are reefgeek. You habitually state opinion and talking points. You are right, I linked to a blog, except the blog had actual data that you probably didnt look at or bother to read. Cuba has great health care...FYI I am comparing us to China! (wife) I would love them to elaborate. I bet if they needed heart surgery they would have gotten it. Or if they had cancer and needed an experimental treatment, they would have received it. No? Why are all three in "bad shape?" They aint gots no money. I bet that if we had class sizes of 20 instead of 36 or 40 our education would be better. Maybe we should privatize social security, the army, intelligence and national defense. Halliburton isnt robbing the american people six ways from Sunday.....errrrr. Dont you see that health care IS privatized and doing a terrible job at serving the patient? You have lost your marbles. Why do you think there are half as many police on the street as there should be? Because you and your awesome neo-conservative republican friends got measure five passed, not to mention the lack of common sense Oregonians have in not passing a sales tax...repeatedly. Its like sitting on stool with two legs. Maybe we should eliminate all taxes and give everyone a gun. Malpractice is not the problem. I guess the Harvard study was not good enough for you. It official...you are the devil. Human being dont need health care. If an illegal immigrant slices off a finger, we should let them bleed to death....good idea. Human beings dont have a right live better lives. You make me sick. I guess that is the difference between you and me. You have bourgeoisie, better than though attitude, like too many Americans. I care about all people, you rank them first, then care about the people you think deserve things. alas, you will only dig in your heals and stick to your talking points. No doubt you will attempt a rebuttal and claim I always attack you, i look forward to it. Bottom line, I want real health care reform and I want something that works for everyone. However you can make that happen, I am willing to listen. Obviously both sides of the isle will have to make some sacrifices, but for once I would love to see politicians do something that is good for EVERYONE. Go read
  8. drock59


    I forgot to link directly to the malpractice section. Dont drink the kool-aid http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/000654.htm#malpractice
  9. drock59


    I hear a lot of people saying a lot of things about socialized health care but no facts one way or the other. I found a good website that lists a bunch of studies and numbers. http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/000654.htm One of the first things you will notice is that Americans pay over $4,000 dollars per capita for health care in 2000. The numbers have grown since 2000. The U.K was 1,400, France was 2000 and Canada was 2300. All three of these countries were profiled in the film. Its seems to me that if I had an extra 2K to spend on something else besides insurance....new skimmer, larger tank, kalk reactor, lots of corals......I would be happy. Not to mention that your employer would not have to pay the insurance cost and would have more money to pay you or perhaps reinstate some sort of pention...pention what is that? Dude, we are ranked 37th in the world in health care, our education is ranked something like 20th, and I am not sure about you, but Ford and Chevy are not exactly what they used to be. Not to mention that China owns a grip of this country. Take a peak at that link. No one is trying to make this a socialist country. I just want everyone to have healthcare. As MM says in the film, we have fire dept., police, education. All are "socialized," why not healthcare? Twitter, this is the point of the movie. It is those of us who have "good" healthcare that should be most worried. Curious what socialized health care system did you live under? I understand why people dont like Michael Moore, but honestly this film is different. I would encourage you to find a copy somewhere and at least give it a try. Curious what socialized health care system did you live under? Lastly, does anyone disagree that everyone should have access to treatment, when treatment is available? For profit companies will always be accountable to the bottom dollar and not the patient. Isnt health care supposed to put the patient first? Wouldnt you want your doctors to put you first if you were dieing?
  10. drock59


    I cant believe nobody else has any input on this? How about forget the movie, who has opinions/stories on the state of health care in our country?
  11. drock59


    Wow miles, that surprises me. I would highly encourage you to watch it on DVD or something...its pretty moving. The guy has made some really slanted and out there stuff in the past but this documentary is a bit different in my opinion.
  12. drock59


    Just wondering what other people thought about this movie. I personally thought it was well done and was much less politically oriented than anything else Michael Moore has done.
  13. Pimpin aint easy. That must be why we keep adding on to it?!?
  14. Its true about the 100 yards plus rushing, and as far as trophies go, we dont live in the past. We just look FORWARD to whooping a** in the future. (hungry) Im sure this picture was taken well North of Coburg......right???
  15. Rut Row George!!!! This is a pure admition of a struggling season next year and we have it on record. Sorry, but without a run defense you cant get the job done. If the opposing team rushes for over 100 yards, 9 times out of 10, you lose. Good luck. P.S. Ducks baseball? (wife)
  16. so are we saying these are ok or what? If not, how are we treating them? I definately have these also.
  17. I happened to find some at the local feed store. It is called Hydrated Lime. Anybody know about this stuff. Im a little bit leary of adding this to my tank. http://www.oda.state.or.us/dbs/heavy_metal/detail.lasso?-op=eq&product_id=3319
  18. I would get rid of Norton. That program is like a virus itself and hogs tons of system resources. All for what? I find that there are great programs out there like AVG and others that do a perfectly fine job for about 95% of the people out there. As long as you are not opening a bunch of stuff from people you dont know and not gong to sketchy websites and downloading all kinds of stuff, you SHOULD be fine. I am not a computer security expert, but it seems to me that the computer security business has scared most people into buying their software, when most really do not need the stuff. Not to mention you should be backing up all of the important items to another hard drive weekly anyway......right? My two cents.
  19. Thanks for the heads up. I may have to make a Salem run this week. I really like Corvallis but it is certainly limited in its selection of stores. Nearest Walmart is in Lebanon......and I just cannot bring myself to shop there anyway. I wish Costco would start selling this stuff.
  20. Not sure....i assume about ten gallons evaporated before the pump ran dry. I started adding water slowly as soon as I heard the problem. I would suspect it was up around 1.030 or so. Everything appears to be fine.....off to the store to find some pickling lime.
  21. I just got home and my sump was running dry. Main return pump cant be in good shape. No top off for 5 days. I made 30 gallons of top off water, filled the reservoir and neglected to turn the auto top off switch back on......so dumb. Temp down to 74 as I have the AC unit in the room...... The only thing i cant find is my anthias. I cant believe it, but everything else looks ok.
  22. Been there done that.....wish me luck. Home, home on the range, where the dear and the antelope play!!!!!
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