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Everything posted by nu2reef-n

  1. I made my girlfriend get a second job. She was a little upset at first, but after I brought home some new frags she sees how things should be. You have to have your priorities right:P
  2. Put your rock back in your tank. Buy some peppermint shrimp or try some Joe's juice or pickling lime. Just my $.02 worth.
  3. Did you try a powerhead? You might get him to let loose with a constant blast of water. My linkia is a wussy, he lets go at the first sign of trouble.
  4. That's the great thing about this site. We can air our differences without getting a nasty e-mail from the mods.
  5. I found this on craigslist.http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/for/228713773.html Reply to: sale-228713773@craigslist.org Date: 2006-11-01, 10:34AM PST I have for sale the following mated, bonded clownfish pairs: 2 pair of maroon clowns - $90.00 each pair 2 pair Clarkii clowns - $80.00 each pair 4 pair Occellaris clowns - $75.00 each pair (Nemos!) 5 pair Percula clowns - $80.00 each pair 2 pair Saddleback clowns - $100.00 each pair 2 pair of tomato clowns - $85.00 each pair (very large female) Will not last long! Hurry and get yours today! These are established mated bonded pairs most already hosting anemones. Call Jeff at 360-887-0706 for directions.
  6. Our president is a puppet, not a robot. His handlers can't even keep him programmed for five minutes. He's an idiot, a moron at best. I don't mean to insult the mentally handicapped by calling king George the second a pinhead, but this guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had the best of the best, it just goes to show you that all the money in the world can't help stupidity. What a total embarassment for the american people.
  7. I guess the title says it all, Monday at 8:00 pm.
  8. Why bother. It's not that much of a hassle to mix saltwater. For $2150.00 I can buy a lot of RO filters and buckets of salt. Think about how many coral colonies you could buy for $2150.00.
  9. I have an Indo-Pacific Sailfin tang and a Pacific Blue tang in the same tank, they spar a lot but make for an interesting display. Hey Ron. Shouldn't you slow down a little with the adding of livestock to such a new reef tank. Don't forget the golden rule of reef keeping, the only things that happen fast in a reef tank are bad things.
  10. The Bob and Tom show rocks! If you haven't heard their show, you should. They are total crackups.
  11. When your nano tank costs more the the car you drive. When your wife says it's the aquarium or me, and you start to miss her after a couple of months.
  12. The dart has a 2" MPT intake. It's always best to use two bulkheads for the intake to the closed loop pump, so you don't suck an unsuspecting fish into it. Plus you don't want to starve the pump.
  13. I dumped an urchin in my 'fuge, and the darn thing scarfed up all my macro algae. It was a collector urchin, and it paraded around the 'fuge with a floating thermometer and clumps of macroalgae all over it.
  14. It's just a diatom bloom don't worry to much, reduce your photo period. Do a water change. You will more then likely have a hair algae outbreak also. Do you have a clean up crew in your tank?
  15. So what's happening with the plan to get a guest speaker on clams? Did we drop the idea, or is it still in discussion?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKRkP43R8pY
  17. Export nutrients, increase water flow,decrease nutrient import(reduce feeding), and syphon off cyano from sandbed.
  18. I thought that people were becoming smarter, not dumber. Or is this what happens when mommy and daddy buy their kid a car, instead of making them get a job and paying for it themselves?
  19. Those little floating thermometers with the suction cup thingy on it, that fits right on the probe just like it was made for it. I have one on my PH probe in my sump.
  20. Silcone grease. I've used it on sticky ball valves before never had a water issue with it. WD-40 is an petroleum product, any residual WD-40 would pollute your tank.
  21. That's cool. I like your living wall mural idea. I have two 55 gallon tanks that stack on a wrought iron stand that would made a nice addition to your collection.
  22. I'm interested in your little test, please keep us posted. I run 10 K's with three 48" actinics and one 48" 50/50. I run the fourth light as a 50/50, because it looks more like sunset and sunrise when the M.H.'s aren't on.
  23. Tank looks nice, Fly. Are you also running actinics, if so how many bulbs and what type?
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