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Everything posted by Twitterbait

  1. sorry to hear about your loss. Thanks for trying to help them.
  2. let me know if you can't work something out. i may be able to take them off your hands.
  3. http://epw.senate.gov/speechitem.cfm...=rep&id=263759
  4. What science? you are totally ignoring all the scientists that are saying it is a load of crap. there are models that go both ways but it seems some people only hear what they want to hear. Have you read both sides or are you too busy listening to the media? H2o has it right. and i have to agree. this conversation will go nowhere. peace out.
  5. I agree. they are hard enough for an LFS to get.
  6. Drock, I am entitled to my opinion and i gave it. think what you want but pretty much everyone i know agrees with me that global warming is more fiction than fact. you have my thoughts, i assume that is what piero wanted (why else would he do this post?) if you don't want my opinion then don't start a thread about it. now, back to fish.
  7. um... Yawn... yup, that sums it up for me. these same idiots (sorry, "scientists/media") were proclaming a new ice age 30 years ago and now we are all going to burn up because their "science" proves it. Don't care... the gasses we produce in our cars don't even make it that high in the atmosphere because they weigh to friggin much. a little rain and they come down. big deal. so you have me up against multiple threats right now. personally, I know there are people out there in this world who have goals and plans to kill people in my country. this is something we know so i figure we should put our efforts into the current known threat. we could spend a ton of money on this retarded baseless crap or we can put a little more effort into homlessness, and hunger. something tells me these threats will kill me a he** of a lot faster that a few degrees that some "scientist" is running around screaming about. Piero, why don't you ever post reports on those problems???? Like the massive amount of homeless we have here in Oregon?
  8. They may not feel any pain but have you read the mortality rates of painted fish. they lose 90% before they even make it out of singapore. plus the dye they use fades out over a few months so it is pointless. this is the type of crap that pisses me off. totally unecessary and causes infection and death. the store owner is a money grubbing dumba** IMO... ok, enough venting. may be rare from me but this is something that i don't see the point in.
  9. also try enuinc.com they have a shop in hillsboro and portland too.
  10. finally put water in last night for a leak test!!!
  11. both used but i have cleaned them up. I need a bigger pump to circulate the 300 gallon. PCX 40 (used for a few years never had a single problem. $90 PCX 55 (bought from a guy on TRT then never used). $110 both pumps are rated for pressure applications like CLS. the PCX 55 should be able to run 1 or 2 penductors if needed.
  12. posted in General Discussion on TRT too. please help keep it bumped up.
  13. it is pure evil... blow torch is about the only thing i have found. you could try to remove the seperate polyps then toss the rock. good luck
  14. med... anything that is antibiotic is a start.
  15. find something penicillin based and then dose it normal, then increase if they keep going. TRT has a similar problem with one of the members zoos. pretty much the same advice across the boards.
  16. I would really have to look at one under a scope to see for sure. you are moving in the right direction for sure QT is the way to go for the whole crop. i would recommend adding a good antibiotic to the QT to hit any bacteria infection you may have. is there any way you can get me a shot of a partially infected colony so i can see what you are talking about? the lugols dip is good but the peroxide will probably kill them unless it is really dilluted. I would lugols and then qt with eurithomayacin first. because it is corals only you should not have to worry about cycling the qt first, just keep the tank clean if more die.
  17. the federal reserve may be hiring soon from what i hear.
  18. can you e-mail me a pic of what you see. I may be able to help or i have a few friends who can. twitterbait@gmail
  19. Sad when the stink so bad they have to give the tickets away...
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