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Mr S

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Everything posted by Mr S

  1. I would imaging having a moray eel probably gives them a good view of predator/prey relationships!!!
  2. Hey welcome aboard. I am a science teacher in Albany. The meeting is at my school next Sunday. Try to make it if you can. As far as aptasia is concerned, get a diabetic syringe and needle and inject the aiptasia with a pure vinegar solution. Don't do to much at a time because you might spike your tank. I agree you should get rid of the moray. See if you can swap it for something at a local LFS or post it on the classifieds. I would then lean towards small (not evil) fish. If you go with firefish I would suggest some chromis also because firefish have a tendency to be shy. Chromis give out peaceful vibes to other fish. (they also school which is kind of cool) Like all the other teachers and most members of the club I have a bunch of leathers and zoos I can give you. Also if you want teaching tips on tanks, etc. check the wiki ( I just joined this) or pm me. Once again welcome aboard and don't be embarrassed about asking for help or questions. Roger
  3. I know I probably don't need to say this but I am going to do it anyway. Since the meeting is in my classroom please respect our school rules as far as alcohol and tobacco are concerned. They are not allowed on the school grounds so please try to adhere to school policy. My school has been great about letting me host meetings and I certainly don't want to jeopardize the situation. I also have a new principal and vice principal. If you need to smoke, please drive off of the school grounds to do it. My school borders a very close net neighborhood so I would find out from gossip, etc. if this happened. Thanks in advance. I will bring pop (only Diet Pepsi, because everyone knows that Mt. Dew shrivels your 'nads')
  4. Hey Jess I thought you were going to bed. I know I am. All this work for a crappy angler.
  5. Angler. All that posting for a candy --- "angler" Come on Mike and Bob jack that thing up to something else. Even whale poop would be better then "angler"
  6. wait for it..........................bam I just hit 200. Any changes
  7. probably. However I would like to shoot for super magnomius whale just to show the rest of you poster/posers how the big boys do it!!! LOL
  8. 3 to go ..........................................
  9. 4 to go ...............................
  10. Hey Jesse I am going to be a shark before you "so props to me" But like a young Jedi you will now learn the way of the forums.. Lost track of posts Mike but will look at this one.
  11. wow I got more bars. from 1 to 3. If only other things could increase that fast.
  12. nice randomness mrgreenthumb. represent!
  13. I am so there. Whale here I come or shark
  14. bob????????????????????????? heard or herd?
  15. ouch joel.......................we are supposed to stick together!!
  16. I am bobs friend. that should give me rep points....................................................
  17. wow..................................................
  18. cool.......................................mike and bob
  19. How about rep power. Do I have to shout I HAVE THE POWER like He Man to get more green bars? Help a brother out.
  20. Man I don't think I can do 1000. But at this rate I should be a guppy or something. Mantis seems kind of wimpy Hey Mike
  21. cool posts. I like the avatar Jesse. you can't go wrong with zoo's. How do you like mine. Pretty fishy isn't it.
  22. props to you. I have been a member for like 5 years. How come I have enough for a whale but I am not. Hey Bob jack up my status
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