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Mr S

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Everything posted by Mr S

  1. Hey Mike maybe I should just drive over and pick it up LOL
  2. ps. Thanks to everyone who bought frag plugs from me.
  3. Hey Mike, thanks for hosting. A good time. Was I mistaken that you were going to give some of your rics to the teachers. I might have left early so I missed out on it. Can you just mail me some. Don't bother with the small ones, and you might as well give me the whole rock so that they will be less traumatized in the transition. heh heh heh
  4. Bob, hope you had a very special day
  5. Sweedish walmart (that cracks me up) You big city people really have funny sayings. We just call it Circle K down in Salem. LOL. Nobody can spell IKEA
  6. thanks for the info. I still think I am going with the free swimming upside down anemone. Ask Joel about this one!! YIKES
  7. If it is only the 3 of us I will only bring one frag sample. Checked this at 6:30 and I am driving to work to get it. Do not want to drive to work tomorrow so I hope this works out okay. Spectra, I think you need to quit using that house as an excuse. LOL
  8. Rey you cheeser I know how many you have!!! LOL
  9. That one is called "Mr S's property"
  10. So far just you and me. That will be easy!
  11. I was thinking that each person would bring the number of bags that equals the number of people involved. Everyone would get a sample. But...... we could also do it that way also. Magic numbers for magic zoos. Either way. Let me know.
  12. We have done this in the past and it is kind of fun! Anyone interested brings in 3-5 polyps of mystery zoos and they trade them for other peoples zoos. That means that if 5 people want in on this they would each bring 5 baggies of 3-5 zoos each, to trade with all the other people. I hope this makes sense. Someone help me out if it doesn't. You would come away with lots of different zoos. You would have to have reasonably good zoos. No brown ones or really drab looking ones. Lets Have a Zoo party!!!(rock2)
  13. Heard about the round tank before. That is what they keep them in at the Newport aquarium. I hate to buy something that is just going to die. Maybe I could just scrape an anemone off the rock and let it float around upside down for a minute or two??!!
  14. Studying animal phylums in class: 1. Is it possible to keep jellyfish alive in an aquarium for an extended period of time? 2. Any special conditions that need to be available? 3. Any one ever seen them sold in a LFS and if so how much were they? (although questions 3 was actually 2 questions I am counting it as one!)
  15. I will be there! See you Micheal
  16. I have had good luck with a sea hare if it is hair algae but I would agree with Joel, get a small rabbitfish. They are awesome for eating macro.
  17. Mr S


    I guess it must have been.
  18. I am still holding out for a Ninja guppy title!!! LOL
  19. Yeah that is me!!! (don't tell anyone) heh heh heh
  20. Mr S


    Thanks to whomever!!! Awesome surprise.
  21. I am still an Angler. How many do I need to go to something else. YIKES
  22. Yes, I want to be a ninja guppy!!!! I also am tired of being an angler!!!
  23. Hey, I just got called down to the school office and waiting for me was a 5 gal bucket of Kent salt. No return address or note of who sent it. Whoever sent this to me thanks a bunch. This is awesome!!!(rock2) Kids got pretty excited seeing me wheel the bucket into the classroom on a cart. They all know what it is for.
  24. Doran, you rock. Pretty excited about the offer.
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