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Mr S

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Everything posted by Mr S

  1. I can supply you with aiptasia. I too, am a teacher with tanks in my classroom. Welcome aboard. pm me when you are ready for organisms. Also if you need anything. Roger
  2. I thought you people took pictures of my tanks when you were at my school??!!!!
  3. Frank shoot me a pm if you are still interested in buying the nudis. Be cool in the classroom to raise. I also have lots of food for them.
  4. I will bring frag plugs the kids made at school. Please pm me so I know how many you want.
  5. I wish I had glass for my school big tank. Yesterday I had another kid put a long scratch in it from the mag scraper. Can't get mad because she thought she was being helpful but did not notice gravel stuck between scraper and magnet. Definitely go glass. Only draw back I know of is weight and usually you only move your tank once..............or twice hopefully.
  6. Will probably be in a couple of weeks. Any idea how many you might want?
  7. Yes! Hopefully I can check it after school each day!
  8. If I put stems on them they are to brittle. I guarantee these are heavy enough that your powerheads won't move them. I have some sitting right in front of my Koralis and they don't even budge. Try a couple and see. I will be making deliveries some time soon to Portland. I will also bring a bunch to Mikes meeting for anyone interested. Thanks for the support.
  9. Hey, I got a password so I can log in at work. Now if the kids would stop bothering me I could have first dibs on some of the classifieds!
  10. No problem. Does not matter to me. I can meet you at Jason's some time or wait til the meeting at your place. Let me know.
  11. Grandpas love their grandsons. Common interests generate more discussion and time with each other. Like other things impulse buying might come back and bite you. I would suggest a nano with a clown and anemone, maybe some zoos and in 6 months re-evalute however smaller tanks are harder to keep care of. Not as forgiving as a larger tank. Just my 2 cents.
  12. Great meeting. Nice shot about the aptasia dsoz!!! To the rest of you, thanks for not showing any aptasia in the pictures. We can have meetings here any time in the future. Let me know. Andy, I was able to post the frag plugs in the classified thread. Thanks for the picture. I agree with everyone else. A great group of people. PS. Will be up to Portland next weekend March 7 so plan on me stopping by in the OC! (heh heh)
  13. In order to generate money for salt, chemical test kits, etc. my students are making frag plugs. The price is 5 for $1.00. They are not cured. Cure them like uncured LR or I can give you some tips on how to fast cure them if necessary. I hope the picture showed up on this. If not, hopefully Andy will see this thread and bail me outDOH! Support the schools. Roger
  14. Will it increase my rep points??? Will it increase my status? I want to be a fighting guppy, I mean a fighting ninja lawn mower blenny!
  15. Been trying to do this for years. The new one is to try and get a bypass code to access the site. Been waiting for that since September. (WHATEVER)
  16. Bring food if you want. I will buy some pop for the par tee!
  17. Micheal it is called an Mrs. degree and it is an international degree that many colleges offer. Maybe she could make U of O's competitive cheer team!
  18. Joel, I could not even open your wiki email to me at school today. Will open it tonight since I am at home.
  19. Miles, Phil can't buy a coach. But hold onto that winning thought. You guys still have competitive cheerleading. You are bound to place. I heard there are only 4 universities that compete. You gotta like those odds. LOL
  20. Step into the light my son. Two good things have happened here: 1. You are 2 blocks from my school so you can hang anytime 2. You have now entered Beaver country where going to a football game does not involve puking or obnoxious behavior!!! LOL
  21. ummm camera needed. Maybe I can talk Andy into doing a photo spread of my digs this Sunday. Miles are you showing up. Right now we are civil war tied so you might want to show up before the tie breaking baseball game that OSU will dominate!!! LOL
  22. You ain't been using the food coloring have you!! LOL
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