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couple more rose anemones for sale


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How often does that thing split?? If there are some left by the time I can come up Im interested :)


I have had this anemone for 3-4 years.... It only grows to about 5-7 inches and then splits. I keep about 3 of them and they split about once every 2-3 months. I had 8 of them in my tank and now have about 5-6 of them. I am keeping 3 of them because that is how I get so many splits. Ryan you got my info just PM me when you're around clackamas and I'll let let you know if I have any.


I am way closer to Clackamas than Boring. About 10 minutes off 205.

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Sorry i don't mean to take over your thread however i did have a question.

I had one of these split and now they are both about 8" in diam. and I'm getting worried they are going to split again and i don't have room in my tank for 4 of these. How do you take them off the rocks without harming them?


thanks for any info you can provide and sorry again

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Ice cubes work well and chop sticks. Take the rock out and put the ice cube ont he foot of the nem and very carefully get under the foot with the chop stick and eventually the nem will drop off with out harming it. Use the ice cube long enough to get a good portion of the foot off and then just use chop stick and gravity. I have down it many times. Good luck. Mike

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Hammer and screwdriver. Just hack a piece of the rock off where the foot is. Done deal. A lot of times I'll wait till they roam to the glass and just scrap them off with an acrylic/glass scrapper.

I've done this many times and never had a problem.

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