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Official Reefcleaners Group Buy Thread

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A couple weeks back I started a thread to gauge interest in a reefcleaners group buy, now, I have officially started one. You may now place your order at reefcleaners for the group buy, select free group buy shipping, and note in comments that you are part of the pnwmas group buy. 

@Tiny Reef @Parzifal @Leonardomanzano @islandVib3s @wegotjs  @Shar_Zard Mentioning you lot because you showed interest. Anyone else is also welcome to join in. 

I'm also sending out pms regarding the bulk lots people showed interest in. If anyone else would like to potentially join in on a bulk lot, please vote here for what you'd want and let me know (bulk lots have to be ordered by one person, and divided up later): https://strawpoll.com/wx3sdfpr5


Instructions for group buy: add this https://www.reefcleaners.org/aquarium-store/add-to-order to your order and in comments type in "pnwmas." Do note your forum and/or real name so they can label the items you ordered to make splitting it up easier on arrival.

Edit: I'm pushing out the group buy by a week or maybe a couple weeks depending on how much time folks need. Please let me know. Current tentative date of shipment and arrival: Wednesday the 17th and Friday the 19th respectively. 

Edited by LadAShark
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On 11/7/2021 at 3:06 PM, Webfoot said:

Any idea when you plan on having it arrive? I'm down in Eugene so I'd have to make a trip up there.

I intended on having it arrive this Friday, I'm not really sure when it will actually arrive, as I'm waiting for a reply from reefcleaners. I will be able to hold the critters to some extent. I ordered them to ship on Wednesday (the latest they ship), and given two day shipping, they should arrive Friday. I will post further updates.

23 hours ago, Cobalt said:

Curious about the bulk pricing - surely its possible we order enough to qualify for the that tier pricing, but is that not an option for this order?

Bulk pricing is an option, see the strawpoll link and vote if you are interested in something. The only catch with bulk lots is that one person needs to purchase the whole bulk lot, so if a few people want one thing, they'll need to have one person order and pay for it, then split the animals and payment after (they don't allow bulk pricing if the animals are packed separately, one person must place the bulk lot order and have the package come as one item).

I'm not a huge fan of that policy as making it simpler to divide the bulk lots would be great, but that is how it is, unfortunately.

Edited by LadAShark
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18 minutes ago, islandVib3s said:

@LadASharksorry ill have to back out,I have found a better option that maybe better for everyone addictivereefkeeping.com check them out. They offer free shipping also on some of the clean up crews

That's fine by me. They seem comparable on select items. Shipping policies also seem identical to that of reefcleaners. I'll stick to reefcleaners as it has more variety and is more established; have always had a good experience at reefcleaners. Hope your purchase works out for you!

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I reached out to Reef Cleaners support because I didn't see the option for free group buy shipping.  I was told to add this to the cart https://www.reefcleaners.org/aquarium-store/add-to-order

They also said they don't have any orders for the group buy and it's supposed to ship tomorrow.  Might need to push this out a little to give everyone more time to place orders.

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7 hours ago, Tiny Reef said:

I reached out to Reef Cleaners support because I didn't see the option for free group buy shipping.  I was told to add this to the cart https://www.reefcleaners.org/aquarium-store/add-to-order

They also said they don't have any orders for the group buy and it's supposed to ship tomorrow.  Might need to push this out a little to give everyone more time to place orders.

I will check in with them and request it to be pushed out. Any idea how far out I should push it? A week? A couple weeks?

Edit: I've emailed John asking to push it out one week, and mentioned we might have to push it out further if order placing stalls further. I think that should make ample time for people to do or arrange whatever they need :)

Edit: now that I think of it, trouble with the group buy instructions may have been a big part of why people haven't joined it yet. Adding the item linked above was not part of their posted group buy instructions, so I can see how it would prevent people from partaking. Hopefully with updated instructions and additional time this will work out just fine.

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3 hours ago, Webfoot said:

I was interested in getting a handful of things in the group buy items but haven’t heard anything.

You, @Parzifal, and @wegotjsare interested in astraea snails. You cast your second vote later so my original email regarding astraea snails didn't reach you, however parzifal and wegotjs didn't reply regarding those either. I'm sure the three of you have enough interest to divide one bulk lot.

You were unfortunately the only person with interest in emerald/ruby mithrax crabs, so unless you're getting 10 or can find some folks who would want a few, it'd probably be better to get normal pricing.

Finally, you, @Tiny Reef, and I wanted trochus snails (I also sent a message about this). At this current time of my reply the trochus snails are not available by bulk, but are available for individual listing. I inquired why to John, and he told me it was because he payed a premium for these current trochus snails, and that the bulk pricing will once again be available in a "few weeks." If it comes available by next week or the week after, whenever people feel comfortable to place their orders, I will personally add it to my cart and divide the animals and the cost among us.

Side note: if you are at all interested in hermits, there is an excess of about 30 mexican red leg hermits compared (as minimum bulk lot for those is 100, but the interest in them is about 70,) so that would be worth taking up if that were the case.

Do let me know.

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28 minutes ago, LadAShark said:

You, @Parzifal, and @wegotjsare interested in astraea snails. You cast your second vote later so my original email regarding astraea snails didn't reach you, however parzifal and wegotjs didn't reply regarding those either. I'm sure the three of you have enough interest to divide one bulk lot.

You were unfortunately the only person with interest in emerald/ruby mithrax crabs, so unless you're getting 10 or can find some folks who would want a few, it'd probably be better to get normal pricing.

Finally, you, @Tiny Reef, and I wanted trochus snails (I also sent a message about this). At this current time of my reply the trochus snails are not available by bulk, but are available for individual listing. I inquired why to John, and he told me it was because he payed a premium for these current trochus snails, and that the bulk pricing will once again be available in a "few weeks." If it comes available by next week or the week after, whenever people feel comfortable to place their orders, I will personally add it to my cart and divide the animals and the cost among us.

Side note: if you are at all interested in hermits, there is an excess of about 30 mexican red leg hermits compared (as minimum bulk lot for those is 100, but the interest in them is about 70,) so that would be worth taking up if that were the case.

Do let me know.

FYI I'm just planning to stock a mix of astraeas and trochus for a 15 gallon that's getting set up soon, so I maybe only need 4 of each. I'll put in an order for the emerald crabs.

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On 11/10/2021 at 5:16 PM, wegotjs said:

If the item has a * it states No free Shipping- does this include the group buy. Looks like they are out of a lot of the inverts i was looking at.

John just got back to me about that. "We do not really do group buys anymore, but I can combine orders into one shipment and you can pool with another person basically. We don't have free UPS, but we have free Priority for orders over $65."

So apparently it will behave just like a regular order, pooled to one address. I, too, am interested in species marked *, and would be willing to still go through with this if people are interested in splitting the shipping costs. The shipping cost of UPS/Express mail is $44.50, split between us it would not be that significant. I personally would recommend chitons to everyone, they're exceptional rock cleaners.

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11 hours ago, Tiny Reef said:

I would still be interested if we could get a few more people to split the shipping cost.  Would the orders still be bagged separately and labeled?

Yes, nothing has changed, they just weren't clear on their policies. Orders you make will be bagged separately and labeled. Bulk lots are the only ones that need dividing up cause they can't be split across multiple orders.

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