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Skimmer, Calcium Reactor (Eugene) - Make Offer! - sold!


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Clearing out the shed! There is lots more, but I am out of picture space on this post. Accepting offers!

Shipping is an option (Buyer pays shipping)

8Watt Aqua Ultraviolet, works great, with extra bulb $75 (sold)


Large Reef Octopus skimmer with pump, works fine. The only thing missing is the air tubing. 3/8 ID available on Amazon and various other places. $125 (sold)



Smaller generic skimmer with pump $15


AquaC Remora HOB skimmer, no pump (sold)


External overflow $40 (sold)



Calcium Reactors only large one in the middle left, needs pump ect. $20

Nitrate reactor on back, with sulphur inside and pump $20

These have been in my shed for years.




Edited by siskiou
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  • siskiou changed the title to Skimmers, Reactors, UV Sterilizer, External overflow (Eugene) - Make Offer!
7 hours ago, islandVib3s said:

location? and would the generic skimmer be available and good enough for a 40b w/20L sump?

In Eugene, and I would think so. I also have a HOB skimmer that I hung on the inside in the sump for my 60g tank plus 20g sump for the same price.

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  • siskiou changed the title to Skimmer, Calcium Reactor (Eugene) - Make Offer! - sold!
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