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Why are feedback threads being locked??

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I realize that recently someone was a bit agressive starting 3 seperate threads about a particular vendor... but now i went to see how things ended up and they are all locked? 

Why are they locked?  It didn't seem to me that anything violated the terms of service.  This kind of thing happens in the business. Seemed like the vendor was doing his best to remedy the situation and the guy was being a bit unreasonable. 

At any rate, it is valuable information.  Just seems odd that any negative or potentiality negative press for a sponsor results in a lock.  

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Because it goes against the rules. The nature of the threads is for people to go on ithr defense and they would just spiral. This has been the rule for ten years now and was modeled after Reef2reef which has worked well. 
The current mods actually let the threads run more than they should have. 






Edited by Emerald525
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5 hours ago, Deuce00 said:

R2R plays vendor favorites when it comes to feedback it’s all about sponsors. Dustin

They can for sure as they are profit based.  We get most of our funds from the memberships and we are a nonprofit. These rules protect fellow members from also getting unfairly bashed. A lot of times in the past people would also chime in to defend their favorite vendors or it would start getting personal kinda like the threads referred to did. Life is stressful enough already without having lots of unnecessary negativity with what is supposed to be a fun hobby.

Edited by Emerald525
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