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Back at it... RSR 170 to 350 to WB 190.5


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18 hours ago, obrien.david.j said:

I plumbed my fish room and systems with true union ball valves from two sources.

Example of 1" are below.  But I used all the way from 1/2" -> 2" valves in my builds.



Thanks for the links!  There are a few where I am going to be using metric to imperial, and then the rest will all be standard.  Fortunately I have a couple in my plumbing box, but will definitely be grabbing some more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Was shooting some macro shots today inspecting polyp extension and color development after running some oxo.  Our newest community member decided cameras are totally interesting and wouldn’t stop with the photo bombing.  I am pretty sure he wore out the autofocus…  hello Geoffrey, I see you!


Hoping to complete the tank transfer in the next week or so, just waiting on a couple more parts to arrive.  This might be the last update from the 75 gallon display until everything is moved to the 135.


Thanks for looking!










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  • Krux changed the title to Back at it... RSR 170 to 350 to WB 190.5

Milestone for the day, got skimmer impeller swapped out for a new one (there was a humming noise that upon investigation was a snail that had taken off a few teeth) and cleaned it up good as new, and now have it running.  

I am super pleased with the skimmer acquisition after dreaming of owning a BK skimmer for years.  Thanks to my secret friend that let me twist their arm into selling it to me!  I really liked my old Nyos but after two tanks it just wasn’t big enough any more.


If anyone has the budget to look at a Bubble King, the reviews applauding the quality are not overstating how nice this thing is… it reminded me of getting my first piece of Deltec equipment and the fit and finish difference from my existing Precision Marine Beckett skimmer.

I also got the Clarisea filter roller removed from the old tank and cleaned up but am missing the right diameter pipe to get it connected tonight to the new system.  Project for another day.




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By the way, I am looking for an electrician to come and install another breaker into my panel and install a couple new outlets so I can actually do proper wire management on this tank and get away from the snake nests of my older systems.  If anyone has a lead on one please let me know.

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Glad I picked up that big generator a couple months back, it is pulling double duty circulating and keeping two tanks heated.  Best of luck to everyone in Snowpocalypse 2024!

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The house got down to 50 degrees after about 8 hours of power outage and the heaters started to struggle, tanks dropped to 72.  Phoned a friend who helped me wire up our furnace directly to our generator and now the house is back up to 62, tanks back up to 74.  

Siphoned gas out of the truck to keep the generator running another 6 hours.  Fingers crossed they get the tree off the line soon as we have already eclipsed 12 hours of outage with no updates.


on the plus side, wife has agreed to letting me finally get that generac installed that I have been wanting.

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Yeah, we’ve been without power for 8 hours. Got the generator going to power the tanks but the house is getting a bit cool now. Got a small electric space heater going now to warm the upstairs a bit before shutting things down. Would be nice to wake up to the power kicking back on lol. 

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9 hours ago, Krux said:

Hour 26 with no power and no time estimate.  Two colonies have started to STN, hopefully PGE decides to send a truck today.

Hope your power comes back soon.  My tank seems to have suffered minor impact.  Power has been on since 1am today, so at the 19hr-ish hour point with power now.

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Closing in on 60 hours.  The PGE truck told our neighbor they hope to have power to us by 10pm tomorrow unless the ice storm changes their priorities.  Until then my scavenging of gas cans from around the metro area has yielded great success!  Hopefully we will be able to keep running through when I get off work tomorrow night and need to venture out into the ice to find an open gas station


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Power was restored this morning right on the nose for a 70 hour blackout.  I rewired the furnace and brought up the rest of the equipment on the tanks so I now have monitoring and full water movement again.  Things looked ok today, but I left for work after about an hour of power running.  Hopefully when I get home I don't find myself with a sweet hydrogen sulfide bomb and floating fish!


It turns out there is zero alk consumption when there is no light, makes sense but I was afraid I had dipped dangerously low - when the trident came online it showed no change from the last sample three days ago.  Temp dropped to 68 when the sump emptied into the tank, but it is back up to 74 now.


Ice storm hitting in about 4 hours, I fully expect the power to go down again.  Anyone who can would be wise to go get fuel and firewood if they need it 😛

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Ok, progress!


After spending the morning replacing the plumbing under the kitchen sink to fix a slow leak that has been plaguing us for a decade, it was off to the hardware store.

My initial plan was to replace all of the WB plumbing right from the connectors and I ordered a complete set of metric to imperial unions.  On closer inspection, the return line did not leave any room to cut off the piping below the union so I left a small section of soft tubing creating an excuse for anti-vibration for myself, and plumbed it from there.  Ran 1/2” short on 1” pvc so bridged the gap with a spare union… thug life.  Also added the OEM dual manifold for any future connections for UV or my Paxbellum algae reactor if I ever decide to bring it online again.


The next challenge was that I needed the main drain to go all the way left, and needed the emergency overflow to run forward into the main sump.  There is a weir that the stock design runs both into that overflows into the filter sock chamber.  With a filter roller this path can not be used, so the plumbing gets rerouted.  IMG_6874.jpeg

The only real issue is that the drains are backwards - the main drain is in the middle and the overflow is on the left.  The solution was creative use of 45 degree elbows and ugly pipe runs.  At some point I will redo these in sch 80 pvc but I was tired of waiting.  These both required the metric to imperial unions.


The last piece was connecting the drain to the roller mat.  I found it helpful on the last tank to have this run be flexible as you need to take it out for thorough cleaning.  A short run of silicone tubing and it was as good to go.  Chose to use this section for the drip from 1.25” to 1” which is what the Clarisea prefers.


The rest of the night was reserved for moving over the rest of the coral and fish, but I am seeing a couple more pieces starting to slowly lose tissue, I want to give everything another week before stressing everyone out with a move.  Barring an emergency next weekend, I think I am one good workday away from consolidating back down to one tank.


Please enjoy Pepper.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, we can’t appreciate each others’ work without seeing how much worse things can look right?


finally moved everything into one tank today and it is a disaster zone!


All the fish are figuring out who is in charge and where they are going to sleep, and all the frags have been moved over.


i am curious what mortality I will experience over the next week, some of the corals in my collection do not want to be disturbed.


Tomorrow will be wire management, moving the dosing equipment and Trident, and there will be some more rock tweaking, I have a dozen pieces in the sump that I need to play with before 50+ frags and colonies get planted.  Also need to map my PAR around the tank.


Thanks for looking, and give me a week before you start laughing too hard!  Here is a full tank shot so y’all can be overwhelmed by the chaos and not look too close at any one thing!IMG_7125_jpg.jpeg

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