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Cerk1985's 120 Gallon SPS Tank


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I had to take out all of the rocks, corals, inverts and fish in my 120 to catch an evil yellow coris wrasse that was killing fish. Figured it was a good oppurtunity to rescape my rock work. All the fish, corals, and most of the inverts are hanging out in temporary tanks. And since the tank is basicly being started over with the new scape, I might as well start a tank thread!


Tank specs;

Marineland 120 with dual corner overflows.

Demensions 60" long x 18" wide x 26" tall

Sump is 30 gallons

Running calcium reactor, Large skimmer, and fuge

mag 9.5 return pump split to both returns

Flow provided by Jabao RW15 and WP25

Lighting 48" 8 bulb t5

Bulbs currently 6 blue+ 2 coral plus


Tank before the break down:




And the new layout with only about half the amount of rocks it had in it. Much more open, and I epoxyed most of the rocks together to make everything more stable. The coraline in the upper half of the tank looks to be dying back since it was out of water most of the day monday. Ive got 9 urchins in there to try and clean that up currently.




Close ups of the three different sections from left to right:








I will try to keep this updated as I add things back in. Gonna try to go slow on reintroducing stuff to the tank.

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9 Urchins!!! May I ask what kinds? I just chatted with you fine gents yesterday and picked a couple up for myself, a Halloween and a tuxedo. A killer coris would be a hard one to capture, I have had to do my fair share of fish catching and wrasses are one of the hardest to catch so I feel your pain.It can take up a good portion of your day just getting one fish out of a large established system.


Tank looks great, before and after the rock work looks good. I suppose the new setup looks a little cleaner but the old one had a natural look to it, minus the frag racks. Going SPS dominant this go around? I can never just stick with one type. I have a problem though.

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Moved the first batch of fish into the tank on 9-8-15. Also moved all of the SPS back into this tank and put it all on frag racks temporarily until I can get them glued on the rocks. I had 5 frags bleach in the temporary tank, and a few that browned out. I think the tank just wasn't stable enough for them and the stress of moving them. Everything got dipped in bayer before going back in just as a precaution. If you have ever dipped an entire tank worth of corals in one night, you would understand how much of pain that was lol. Now for some pictures! All I have is a cell phone so the pics aren't the greatest. And the fish can't sit still if anyone is near the tank lol.


Tank with Frag racks all over:




Shark Nose Goby:




Royal Flasher Wrasse:




Neon Goby:




Randalls Goby:




Blue Star Leapord Wrasse and Randalls Goby:




My last surviving blue reef chromis:




Leapord wrasse (So hard to get a pic!)




And the first coral to get glued on the rocks!! Green Slimer :)



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