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Triton... Some food for thought...


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I keep meaning to post this and I always forget!


I have my own opinion and I'm going to allow everyone else to form their own as well but I think some of you might find this interesting.


It's quite a bit of reading but well worth it, I can guarantee everyone will learn something from it.



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I really like this article because it shows what triton is good at measuring, and not so good, in this image.  Helps a person understand their results better.




Now of course Triton has issues with this article, but all that debate can be found on the big forums.  


To Arsonmfg's point, this is data that will help one evaluate tools they use but go out and do the homework on anything before you buy in completely.  Let this be a catalyst for that homework...

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I figured you'd be the first one to catch this =)


There's some definite issues with this type of testing as well as what to actually do after you've got your results...


RC has a couple great discussions with some highly qualified people who work with this type of testing daily with some very valid points to be considered.


I'll add more links if anyone is interested.

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I certainly would be interested in another link if you have one.

Thank you very much for this read as well as it really gets you thinking about "how" the readings are taken and what could be done to fix some of the possible errors. It seems like some of the testing and displayed results need some revision. The more data available the better the end products will be and our choices on how to handle element saturation or depletion, it seems first we need to make sure the information presented is sufficient to make such changes and now I question some things. Was there a part of the article that mentioned an accessible alternative testing method for the large list of elements, I did not see one.


Love the statement on Accuracy and Precision then manganese values.

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Here's a good one that talks about the article I linked above  http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2483278&highlight=triton


As much as RC is known for being a lot of pretentious D Bags at times, there's also a lot of combined knowledge from some very smart professionals in different industries. 


One of my issues has always been that there is no correction for transit time and for how long it takes for a sample to be tested. A lot of changes can happen in a short amount of time.


I'd like to see a comparison to a sample tested directly out of the tank next to a sample of say 7 days transit time or however long it takes for a sample to arrive at their facility and be tested.

Edited by Arsonmfg
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Here's a good one that talks about the article I linked above  http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2483278&highlight=triton


As much as RC is known for being a lot of pretentious D Bags at times, there's also a lot of combined knowledge from some very smart professionals in different industries. 


One of my issues has always been that there is no correction for transit time and for how long it takes for a sample to be tested. A lot of changes can happen in a short amount of time.


I'd like to see a comparison to a sample tested directly out of the tank next to a sample of say 7 days transit time or however long it takes for a sample to arrive at their facility and be tested.


I agree, if the tests were like, 5 bucks, it would be fun to do many tests.


So many good ones to try to validate triton, as well as so many good tests to run to do what if scenarios (what if I put this hose clamp in saltwater for a week?  Does new pvc leach lead?  etc etc...).


Well, at least we have something new available to us.  For so long it was all a black hole.  I am encouraged by how many parameters tested out decently accurate and equally surprised by how far off some of the tests were.


Not a triton method user, but a big supporter of getting more data into reef keepers hands at reasonable costs.  Seems the more data we can track, the more trends can be discovered.  All good!

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I thought the article, while having a negative tone, actually showed the Triton results are quite accurate and precise. Most of the results for the 32 elements were spot-on. It was pointed out that most of the few that were off were also elements that were not certified for concentration in the standard sample. Hopefully, we'll learn more about reasons for the deviations, real or not, in the future, but that doesn't worry me much as a current Triton user. The Triton products themselves are at least as backed up by data as anything else in the reefing industry.


Bottom line for me---We now have a test for 32 elements for 50 bucks that has been shown to be very accurate for most elements, and precise for all of them. For elements, like manganese, which is mentioned in the article, the precision was still very good, so multiple tests could detect changes in a particular element over time in your tank. It's better than hobbiest tests and will undoubtably improve with time, while generating large amounts of data that will inform the reefkeeping hobby.


I've recently switched to the Triton Method for dosing, and am dosing the 4 Elementz. I am quite pleased with it so far. I will send my water in for tests every few months, but the results of this testing will probably not inform my day-to-day reefkeeping too much, unless I start running into mystery problems.

Edited by Lexinverts
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