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A day of corals, clams, raffles, and gifts

Higher Thinking

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made Saturday possible. It started with my and BadXGillen meeting up in the morning and then heading to Douglas's house. Once there we were greeted by a smiling Douglas and a very wet Micah. Here he is:


He was actually snorkeling in the tank. By the time we left, he had been in there for over 3 hours and counting....yikes! Sad to see Douglas' tank coming down. It's nice that he has so generously sold off his stuff. Robert and I ended up each getting a clam and a bunch of corals.


The clams were of course huge, but I managed to get myself one that was small enough for my 75. The shell alone is about 7" and it's almost 9" with full mantle extension. I've never shopped for a clam by trying to find the smaller one :)



Here is Robert standing proudly over our newest acquisitions. Packed up and heading home from Douglas' house:IMAG1290_zpsqskaqyib.jpg



After this we headed back, started some acclimating, picked up the wives, and then headed to the Christmas party! It was a smaller group, I think 17 members and some significant others. But it was a great deal of fun. It was nice to see everyone's smiling faces :) Between the raffle prizes and white elephant gift exchange, so many people walked away with cool stuff. Stay tuned for some more pictures from Randy and a big thanks to Robert for already posting up some pictures!!


It is the people who are creating threads, adding advice, showing up to meetings, etc. that are helping to make this club strong. Thanks to everyone who has been contributing meaningful insight, asking questions, showing stuff off, and making it to the meetings. I've learned so much from members here and it was awesome to watch everyone interacting and having fun.


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It is the people who are creating threads, adding advice, showing up to meetings, etc. that are helping to make this club strong. Thanks to everyone who has been contributing meaningful insight, asking questions, showing stuff off, and making it to the meetings. I've learned so much from members here and it was awesome to watch everyone interacting and having fun.


Well said.I want to commend you for the time and effort put into this society.Your dedication really shined through at the party.I found your onstage raffle antics witty and entertaining.Thank you Higher Thinking!


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Don't forget this one.



Haha, that is insane. I love it!


It was definitely one of those "Coral Expeditions" that we will talk about for some time' date=' made a few stops, acquired some new things, and conversed with many seasoned reefers and all in a days time. Thanks for tolerating me for such a long car ride.[/quote']


Yeah for sure! We've had some good adventures and I'm sure there are many more to come.



Well said.I want to commend you for the time and effort put into this society.Your dedication really shined through at the party.I found your onstage raffle antics witty and entertaining.Thank you Higher Thinking!


Thanks. It was certainly my pleasure. We got a good president and secretary who are always trying to make things better so I'm glad everything came together decently.

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