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sad story


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I got a beautiful clam from upscale fish and who knows what attacked it the other night and it was almost footed.. then they ate it from the bottom in.. there was nothing I could do... I was on clam night pest potrol for snails worms and crabs but I never saw a thing. Even shrimp patrol.. I'm mad cause my 60 buck clam died and that the evil thing still lives on.... urrggggg...

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But on the possitive note I do believe my sun coral tenacles are starting to come out.. finally... been trying to get it to feed... now if ican just beat my shrimp so he will stop trying to steal his food id have it made.. stupid coral banded...

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that sucks about your clam. :( as far as the sun coral goes i had the exact same problem.i ended up making a feeding shield out of the top half of a small plastic water bottle.this way you can put it over the coral the inject the foods in through the drinking cap area.let it feed then remove the bottle.

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Sorry to hear about that, it sucks. A while back, in a different tank, I had a clam that was killed by a fire shrimp of all things. The shrimp stood next to the clam and every time it would extend it's mantle, the fire shrimp would poke it and make it retract. It wouldn't leave the clam alone. After a day of that, the clam got stressed and died.


As much as I'd like a clam, I'm not sure I'm game to try one again.

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I'm sorry to hear that, clams are such cool critters :(


Any idea what might have eaten it. I have been told that the Melanurus Wrasse will eat most evil parisites that attack clams. At least pyrimid snails and one of the types of worm that are problems. Plus they are stunning fish.

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Ya I have a coris wrasse in there and none of my fish cared about the clam.. my shrimp hides on the other side of the tank. The wrasse goes nuts on flat worms.. haven't seen one in who knows how long or bristle worms for that matter.. never evven saw a tiny snail.... but its gone now.. almost overnight.... urgggg maybe he just thought it was his time to go... I was even filter feeding the clam so it urck me.... though my sun corals tenicals did come out a bit more for feeding today.... keeping my fishy fins crossed. Never tried one before. Always wanted one however

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